Stirred Eggs on Toast
Strawberry Cream
Strawberry Custard
Stuffed Eggs
Stuffed Potatoes (1)
Stuffed Potatoes (2)
Stuffed Potatoes (3)
Stuffed Potatoes (4)
Stuffed Spanish Onions and Brown Sauce
Stuffed Sweet Rolls
Substantial Bread Puddings
Summer Salads
Summer Soup
Sweet Batter
Sweet Corn Fritters
Sweet Creamed Eggs
Sweet Omelet (1)
Sweet Omelet (2)
Sweet Omelet (3)
Swiss Cream
Swiss Eggs
Syrup, Orange
Tarts— Apple (Open) Blancmange Tartlets Cheesecakes, Almond Chocolate Lemon Lemon Cream Onion Treacle
Tartlets, Mushroom
Tartlets, Savoury
Tapioca & Tomato Soup
Tapioca Ice
Tapioca Pudding
Tarragon Egg
Tartare Sauce
Tea, Black Currant
Tea, Bran
Tipsy Cake
Toasted Potatoes
Tomato aux Artichokes
Tomato and Egg Sandwiches
Tomato & Onion Pie
Tomato & Potato Pie
Tomato and Tapioca Soup
Tomato Eggs
Tomato Omelet (1)
Tomato Omelet (2)
Tomato Pie
Tomato Sauce (1)
Tomato Sauce (2)
Tomato Sauce and Egg