A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband with Bettina's Best Recipes. Louise Bennett Weaver

A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband with Bettina's Best Recipes - Louise Bennett Weaver

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and work too," said Bettina, "but I'm glad we did it. Do you remember how much I saved by getting things in dozen and half dozen lots? And Mother showed me how much better it was to buy the larger sizes in bottled things, because in buying the smaller bottles you spend most of your money for the glass. Now that you have to pay my bills, Bob, you'll be glad that I know those things!"

      "I think you know a great deal," said Bob admiringly. "Lots of girls can cook, but mighty few know how to be economical at the same time! It's great to be your——"

      "Dinner is served," Bettina interrupted. "It's a 'pick-up meal,' but I'm hungry, aren't you? And after this, sir, no more canned things!"

      And Bob sat down to:

      Creamed Tuna on Toast Strips

       Canned Peas with Butter Sauce

       Rolls Butter

       Strawberry Preserves

       Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows


      (All measurements are level)

      Creamed Tuna on Toast Strips (Two portions)

      1 T-butter

       1 T-flour

       ¼ t-salt

       ½ slice pimento

       1 C-milk

       3 slices of bread

       ½ C-tuna


      Melt the butter, add the flour, salt and pimento. Mix well. Gradually pour in the milk. Allow the mixture to boil one minute. Stir constantly. Add the fish, cook one minute and pour over toasted strips of bread.

      Hot Chocolate (Three cups)

      1 square of chocolate

       3 T-sugar

       2/3 C-water 2 C-milk ¼ t-vanilla 3 marshmallows

      Cook chocolate, sugar and water until a thin custard is formed. Add milk gradually and bring to a boil. Whip with an egg beater, as this breaks up the albumin found in chocolate, and prevents the coating from forming over the top. Add vanilla and marshmallows. Allow to stand a moment and pour into the cups.

      Strawberry Preserves (Six one-half pt. glasses)

      4 lbs. berries

       3 lbs. sugar

       3 C-water

      Pick over, wash and hull the berries. Make a syrup by boiling the sugar and water fifteen minutes. Fill sterilized jars with the berries. Cover with syrup and let stand fifteen minutes to settle. Add more berries. Adjust rubbers and covers. Place on a folded cloth in a kettle of cold water. Heat water to boiling point and cook slowly one hour. Screw on covers securely.

      On Bettina's Emergency Shelf

      6 cans pimentos (small size)

       6 cans tuna (small size)

       6 cans salmon (small size)

       6 jars dried beef

       12 cans corn

       12 cans peas

       6 cans string beans

       6 cans lima beans

       6 cans devilled ham (small size)

       6 cans tomatoes

       6 pt. jars pickles

       6 pt. jars olives

       6 small cans condensed milk

       6 boxes sweet wafers

       1 pound box salted codfish

       3 pkg. marshmallows

       3 cans mushrooms

       2 pkg. macaroni

       Table of Contents


      "SAY, isn't it great to be alive!" exclaimed Bob, as he looked across the rose-decked table at the flushed but happy Bettina. "And a beefsteak dinner, too!"

      "Steak is expensive, dear, and you'll not get it often, but as this is our first real dinner in our own home, I had to celebrate. I bought enough for two meals, because buying steak for one meal for two people is beyond any modest purse! So you'll meet that steak again tomorrow, but I don't believe that you'll bow in recognition!"

      "So you marketed today, did you?"

      "Indeed I did! I bought a big basket, and went at it like a seasoned housekeeper. I had all the staples to get, you know, and lots of other things. After dinner I'll show you the labelled glass jars on my shelves; it was such fun putting things away! June is a wonderful month for housekeepers. I've planned the meals for days ahead, because I know that's best. Then I'll go to the market several times a week, and if I plan properly I won't have to order by telephone. It seems so extravagant to buy in that way unless you know exactly what you are getting. I like to plan for left-overs, too. For instance, the peas in this salad were left from yesterday's dinner, and the pimento is from that can I opened. Then, too, I cooked tomorrow's potatoes with these to save gas and bother. You'll have them served in a different way, of course. And—— Oh, yes, Bob," Bettina chattered on, "I saw Ruth down town, and have asked all five of my bridesmaids to luncheon day after tomorrow. Won't that be fun? But I promise you that the neglected groom shall have every one of the good things when he comes home at night!"

      "It makes me feel happy, I can tell you, to have a home like this. It's pleasant to be by ourselves, but at the same time I can't help wishing that some of the bachelors I know could see it all and taste your cooking!"

      "Well, Bob, I want you to feel free to have a guest at any time. If my dinners are good enough for you, I'm sure they're good enough for any guest whom you may bring. And it isn't very hard to make a meal for three out of a meal for two. Now, Bobby, if you're ready, will you please get the dessert?"

      "What? Strawberry shortcake? Well, this is living! I tell you what, Bettina, I call this a regular man-size meal!"

      It consisted of:

      Pan-Broiled Steak New Potatoes in Cream

       Baking-Powder Biscuits Butter

       Rhubarb Sauce Pea and Celery Salad

       Strawberry Shortcake Cream



      (All measurements are level)

      Pan-Broiled Steak (Two portions)

      1 lb. steak

       1 T-butter

       1 t-salt

       1/8 t-pepper 2 T-hot water 1 t-parsley chopped

      Wipe the meat carefully with a wet cloth. Remove superfluous fat and any gristle. Cut the edges to prevent them from curling up. When the broiling oven is very hot, place the meat, without any fat, upon a hot flat pan, directly under the blaze. Brown both sides very quickly. Turn often. Reduce heat and continue cooking about seven minutes, or longer if desired. Place on a warm platter; season with salt, pepper and bits of butter. Set in the oven a moment to melt the butter. If salt is added while cooking, the juices will be drawn out. A gravy may be made by adding hot water, butter, salt, pepper and parsley to the pan. Pour the gravy over the steak.


      New Potatoes in Cream (Two portions)

      4 new potatoes

       1 qt. water

       1 t-salt

      Scrape four medium sized new potatoes. Cook in boiling water (salted) until tender when pierced with

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