[email protected]
Baked Sweet Potatoes.
Relish for Cold Boiled Ham.
Rice With Raisins.
Spaghetti With Tomato Sauce.
Broiled Tomatoes.
Turkish Pilaff.
Chicken Salad.
Chinese Salad.
Cream Dressing for Salad.
Cream Salad Dressing.
Salad Dressing.
Egg Slaw.
Grape Fruit Salad.
Potato Salad.
Salad Dressing for Potatoes.
Salade de Salmon.
Salmon Salad.
Tomato Jelly.
Tongue Salad.
Oiled Cucumbers.
Oil Pickles.
Little Cucumber Pickles.
Oiled Cucumber Pickle.
Chopped Pickle.
Green Tomato Pickles.
Spiced Currants.
Chili Sauce.
Horse-Radish Sauce for Roast Beef.
Cucumber Catsup.
Sauce Royal.
Plum Pudding.
Apple Dumplings.
Brown Pudding.
Fig Pudding.
Fruit Sponge Pudding.
Snow Pudding.
Chocolate Pies.
Date Pies.
French Cream Pie.
Squash Pie.
Secess or Southern Pie.
Transparent Pie.
Amherst Pudding.
Anna’s Pudding.
Apple Pudding.
Banana Pudding.
Baked Batter Pudding.
Baked Rhubarb.
Cottage Pudding.
Rice Pudding.
Duchess Pudding.
Date Pudding.
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