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Zeppelin raid on the east coast of England (17 killed).

      Sept. 8 (Wed.)

      The Battle of Tarnopol on the Sereth ends in a Russian victory.

      A Zeppelin raid on the east coast of England and on London (20 killed).

      Sept. 9 (Thur.)

      Further Russian successes on the Sereth.

      Sept. 12 (Sun.)

      The Germans storm Meiszagola and cut the Vilna-Dvinsk railway.

      Sept. 16 (Thur.)

      The Germans occupy Pinsk.

      Sept. 18 (Sat.)

      Vilna capitulates to the Germans.

      British and French warships bombard the Belgian coast.

      Sept. 19 (Sun.)

      The British transport Ramazan is torpedoed and sunk in the Ægean with heavy loss of life in Indian troops.

      Sept. 20 (Mon.)

      The Russians retake Vidzy.

      Sept. 22 (Wed.)

      A French air-raid on Stuttgart.

      Sept. 23 (Thur.)

      The Russians retake Lutsk and Dubno (see Sept. 1 and 28).

      Bulgaria mobilises (see Oct. 11).

      Sept. 24 (Fri.)

      A German attack on Dvinsk fails.

      Sept. 25 (Sat.)

      The Battle of Loos begins: the British capture Loos and make a considerable advance in its neighbourhood (see Oct. 15).

      The French attack at the Vimy Ridge and in Champagne (the Battle of Champagne).

      Mesopotamia:—General Townshend reaches Kut-el-Amara.

      Sept. 26 (Sun.)

      Fierce fighting round Loos and Hulluch; the British lose ground.

      The French capture Souchez.

      Sept. 28 (Tues.)

      The Russians abandon Lutsk (see Sept. 1 and 23).

      Mesopotamia:—The First Battle of Kut-el-Amara begins.

      The Italian battleship Benedetto Brin is destroyed by an accidental explosion.

      Sept. 29 (Wed.)

      Heavy fighting for the Hohenzollern Redoubt (near Loos).

      Heavy fighting on the French front in Champagne and on the Vimy Ridge.

      Mesopotamia:—The British capture Kut-el-Amara and 2000 prisoners.

      Oct. 3 (Sun.)

      The Germans counter-attack near Loos and retake most of the Hohenzollern Redoubt.

      A great battle for Dvinsk begins (see Oct. 10).

      Oct. 4 (Mon.)

      Russian ultimatum to Bulgaria.

      The Caucasus:—The Turks are defeated by the Russians near Van.

      Oct. 5 (Tues.)

      Lord Derby is appointed Director of Recruiting in Great Britain.

      M. Venizelos resigns and M. Zaimis becomes Greek Premier (see Nov. 4).

      Allied troops land at Salonika.

      Oct. 6 (Wed.)

      Crossings of the Save and the Danube are forced by the Austro-Germans; Serbia is thus invaded for the fourth time.

      Oct. 8 (Fri.)

      German counter-attacks in Champagne and near Loos are repulsed with heavy loss.

      The Austro-Germans capture Belgrade.

      Oct. 9 (Sat.)

      Austria invades Montenegro.

      The Cameroons:—Wum Biagas is captured by the British.

      Oct. 10 (Sun.)

      The German attack on Dvinsk fails (see Oct. 3).

      Semendria is taken by the Austrians.

      Oct. 11 (Mon.)

      Bulgaria invades Serbia (see Oct. 14). Serbia appeals to Greece for aid.

      Oct. 12 (Tues.)

      Edith Cavell is executed at Brussels.

      Greece refuses Serbia's appeal.

      The Russians attack near Dvinsk.

      A Zeppelin raid on London (many casualties).

      Oct. 13 (Wed.)

      M. Delcassé, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, resigns.

      The British attack near Loos with partial success.

      A Zeppelin raid on London (59 killed).

      Oct. 14 (Thur.)

      Bulgaria declares war on Serbia (see Oct. 11).

      A Russian success near Dvinsk.

      Oct. 15 (Fri.)

      Great Britain declares war on Bulgaria.

      The end of the Battle of Loos (see Sept. 25).

      The Bulgarians take Vranja.

      Oct. 16 (Sat.)

      France declares war on Bulgaria.

      Alsace:—The French recover the Hartmannsweilerkopf (lost after much previous fighting).

      Sir Ian Hamilton is recalled from Gallipoli, Sir Charles Monro being appointed to succeed him.

      Oct. 17 (Sun.)

      The Italians capture Pregasina.

      A French air-raid on Trèves.

      Oct. 18 (Mon.)

      Sir Edward Carson resigns his seat in the British Cabinet.

      The Germans advance on Riga.

      Oct. 19 (Tues.)

      Italy declares war on Bulgaria.

      A French force drives the Bulgarians from Strumnitza.

      Oct. 21 (Thur.) Trafalgar, 1805.

      The Bulgarians capture Veles (see Oct. 25 and 29).

      An Allied squadron bombards the harbour of Dedeagatch and other points of military importance on the Bulgarian coast.

      Oct. 22 (Fri.)

      The 'Group' system of enlistment comes into operation in Great Britain.

      The Bulgarians capture Uskub and Rumanovo.

      The Italians advance on the Isonzo front.

      Oct. 23 (Sat.)

      The Austro-Germans force the passage of the Danube at Orsova.

      Mesopotamia:—The British reach Azizie in their advance on Baghdad.

      A British submarine sinks the German cruiser Prinz Adalbert in the Baltic.

      Oct. 24 (Sun.)

      The Germans are within ten miles of Riga.

      The Danube route to Constantinople is opened to the Germans by their victories in Serbia.

      Oct. 25 (Mon.)

      The Austro-German and Bulgarian forces effect a junction in the Kraina district. The Serbians recapture Veles (see Oct. 21 and 29).

      The Cameroons:—Sende is occupied by the French.

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