Life History and Ecology of the Five-Lined Skink, Eumeces fasciatus. Henry S. Fitch

Life History and Ecology of the Five-Lined Skink, Eumeces fasciatus - Henry S. Fitch

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E. latiscutatus okadae (and sometimes oshimensis and elegans) differ in reduced number of scale rows; all but tunganus differ in having a lateral postanal scale differentiated, and usually keeled; tunganus, xanthi and elegans differ in having a patch of enlarged scales on the posterior side of the thigh; and in all, the primary temporals and upper and lower secondary temporals differ in size and proportions. Although some of the Asiatic forms seem to be directly derived from others, fasciatus is somewhat intermediate between the more divergent forms, and fulfills most of the conditions to be looked for in an ancestral type.

       Table 1. Distribution, Pattern, Size, and Lepidosis of the “Five-lined” Skinks (Fasciatus Group of the Genus Eumeces)

fasciatus laticeps inexpectatus tunganus xanthi elegans tamadoensis oshimensis stimsonii barbouri marginatus latiscutatus
Distribution E U. S., except Fla. and N New England Most of E U. S., except N tier of states SE U. S. W Szechwan (in N China) SE China SW China, Formosa, Pesca- dores I. Indo- China Amami- gunto I. Ishigaki- jima, Riu Kiu I. Amami- shima Okinawa Japan, (main I.)
Juvenal Pattern 5 lined 5 or 7 lined 5 or 7 lined 5 lined 5 lined 5 lined 5 lined 5 lined 7 lined … … 5 lined 5 lined
Max. snout-vent length in mm. 80 130 89 81 76 96 … … 99 63 66 93 80
Postnasal present present present present present absent present absent absent present absent present
Postmental 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
No. scale rows 28–30 30–32 30–32 28 22–24 26–28 … … 26–28 26 22 26 26 (or 24)
Lateral postanal scales undiffer- entiated undiffer- entiated undiffer- entiated undiffer- entiated differ- entiated keeled … … keeled
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