A Manual of Pronunciation. Otis Ashmore
The authorities quoted and the abbreviations representing them are as follows:
Wb. Webster's International Dictionary, 1890, with Supplement. Wr. Worcester, 1859, with Supplement, 1882. St. The Standard Dictionary. C. The Century Dictionary. M. The New English Dictionary, by Murray, now in preparation. Of the ten volumes proposed for this great work six have been issued up to date. E. The Encyclopædic Dictionary, by Hunter, 1879–1888. I. The Imperial Dictionary, 1883. S. Stormonth's Dictionary. Sm. Smart, edition of 1874. Wk. Walker, edition of 1809.
A star * placed opposite a word signifies that all authorities agree on the one pronunciation given, or that any difference of opinion is so slight as not to deserve attention.
The figures opposite the words signify the preferences of the authorities under which they stand. The figure 1 indicates the preferred pronunciation, or first choice; 2 indicates the second choice; 3, the third choice, etc. In all the authorities quoted the order of preference of the author is assumed to be indicated by the order in which the different forms of pronunciation are given by that author.
0 signifies that the form of pronunciation given opposite it is not given at all by the author under which the 0 occurs.
n. indicates noun; v. verb; adj. adjective; part. participle; adv. adverb; intj. interjection.
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