Selected Letters of Saint Jane Frances de Chantal. Saint Jeanne-Françoise de Chantal
XLIV. To M. de Palierne, Treasurer of France at Moulins.
XLVI. To Madame de la Fléchère.
XLVII. To the Countess de Toulonjon.
XLVIII. To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Montferrand.
L. To Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of Paris.
LI. To Mother Marie Jacqueline Favre, Superior at Dijon.
LII. To Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of Paris.
LIII. To Mother Marie Hélène de Chastellux, Superior at Moulins.
LIV. To Sister Marie Marguerite Milletot at Dijon.
LV. To Sister Françoise Gasparde de la Grave, [A] Assistant to the Superior at Belley.
LVI. To Mgr. the Bishop of Autun.
LVII. To Sister Anne Marie Rosset, Assistant and Mistress of Novices at Dijon.
LVIII. To the Rev. Father Dom John de Saint François, General of the Order of Feuillants.
LIX. To a Religious of the First Monastery of the Visitation at Paris.
LX. To the Countess de Toulonjon.
LXI. To Sister Anne Catherine de Sautereau, Mistress of Novices at Grenoble.
LXII. To Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of Paris.
LXIV. Mother Marie Adrienne Fichet, Superior at Rumilly.
LXV. To the Sisters of the Visitation. [A]
LXVI. To Sister Anne Marie de Lage de Puylaurens, Assistant and Mistress of Novices at Bourges.
LXVII. To the Baron de Chantal, the Saint's Son.
LXIX. To M. de Coulanges, Junior, at Paris.
LXX. To the Countess de Toulonjon.
LXXII. To Mother Marie-Adrienne Fichet, Superior at Rumilly.
LXXIII. To Mother Anne Catherine de Beaumont, Superior of the First Monastery of Paris.
LXXIV. To a Visitation Superior.
LXXV. To Mother Jeanne Hélène de Gérard, Superior at Embrun.
LXXVI. To Sister Françoise-Angélique de la Croix de Fésigney, Mistress of Novices at Riom. [A]
LXXVII. To St. Vincent de Paul. [A]
LXXVIII. To the Countess de Toulonjon.
LXXIX. Extract from a letter to Mother Favre.
LXXX. To Sister Anne Marguerite Clément at Orleans.
LXXXI. To Mother Catherine-Charlotte de Crémaux de la Grange.
LXXXII. To M. Poiton, [A] at Chambery.
LXXXIII. To Dom Galice, Barnabite Father at Montargis.
LXXXV. To Mother Anne Marguerite Clément, Superior at Montargis.
LXXXVI. To Sister Marie Denise Goubert, of the First Monastery of Lyons.
LXXXVII. To Dom Galice, Barnabite Father at Montargis.
LXXXVIII. To Sister Marie Aimée de Morville, at Moulins.
LXXXIX. To M. de Coysia, Counsellor to the Royal Senate of Savoy.
XC. To the Countess de Toulonjon, at Pignerol.
XCI. To Mgr. André Frémyot, formerly Archbishop of Bourges (the Saint's brother) .