Old Boston Days & Ways. Mary Caroline Crawford

Old Boston Days & Ways - Mary Caroline Crawford

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is very much chagrined at being superseded, as its only last Thursday when he gave orders for repairs to his houses in town and country, and upon the workman's suggestions that he would be succeeded soon, he said it was like many other reports that prevailed, for that he had all the satisfaction he could wish for or expect from home and every part of his conduct was entirely approved of, and left to his option whether to enjoy the Government or go to England."

      This spectacle of a workman hinting to a royal governor that he has come about to the end of his rope is delicious, I think. It shows that the day of democracy had very nearly dawned in America.

      They that dance must pay the piper, however, and Boston was to be charged a very high price for her late contumacy in the matter of the tea.

      John Andrews records gloomily on June 12, 1774: "They intend to deprive us of all trade in the future. . . . Our wharfs are entirely deserted; not a topsail vessel to be seen either there or in the harbor, save the ships of war and transport, the latter of which land their passengers in this town tomorrow. Four regiments are already arrived and four more expected. How they are to be disposed of can't say. Its gave out that if the General Court don't provide barracks for 'em they are to be quartered on the inhabitants in the fall: if so I am determined not to stay."

      A few months after this Andrews describes categorically what has come to be known as the Erskine incident, — the shocking conduct of fifteen officers "at a house towards New Boston improved by one of the Miss Erskines (a family noted for their hospitality and kindness to strangers, in admitting all corners to their b—d and board)," — an offence against decency which was promptly reported to Earl Percy, "who expressed himself much displeased with the officers' conduct, and said he would take effectual means to prevent the like behavior in future."

      Quite a Sewall touch may be found, later in this same letter (of August 1, 1774), wherein a wedding is described at which Andrews and his wife "Ruthy" were present. "We were entertained with a very pretty collation, consisting of cold ham, cold roast beef, cake cheese &c." Then without any break Andrews continues: "Among the innumerable hardships we suffer, that of not being suffered to convey any sort of merchandize across the ferry is not the least; whereby we are necessitated to receive every kind of goods from Marblehead or Salem via Cambridge, which adds one third to the length of the way, which is attended with the expence of eight dollars a load for about 28 or 30 miles, or 40 ' lawful money at ye lowest rate it is done for. It is no uncommon thing to hear the carriers and waggoners, when they pass a difficult place in y8 road, to whip their horses and damn Lord North alternately: — ... I think myself well off to take cash enough to supply the necessary demands of my family and you may as well ask a man for the teeth out of his head as to request the payment of money which he owes you. . . . Notwithstanding which there seems to be ease contentment and perfect composure in the countenance of almost every person you meet in the streets, which conduct very much perplexes the Governor and others, our lords and masters, that they are greatly puzzled and know not what to do or how to act, as they expected very different behavior from us. I hope we shall have resolution and virtue enough to observe a steady course and not give them the least advantage by any misconduct of our own, much more to quiet any dissensions among ourselves that may tend to disturb that harmony so necessary to the welfare of us all.

      "August 11. . . . The ultimate wish and desire of the high Government party is to get Samuel Adams out of the way, when they think they may accomplish every of their plans: but however some may despise him he has certainly very many friends. For not long since some persons (their names unknown) sent and asked his permission to build him a new barn, the old one being decayed, which was executed in a few days. A second sent to ask leave to repair his house, which was thoroughly effected soon. A third sent to beg the favor of him to call at a taylor's shop and be measured for a suit of cloathes and chuse his cloth, which were finished and sent home for his acceptance. A fourth presented him with a new whig, a fifth with a new Hatt, a sixth with six pair of the best silk hose, a seventh with six pair of fine thread ditto, a eighth with six pair shoes, and a ninth modestly enquired of him whether his finances want rather low than otherwise. He replyed it was true that was the case but he was very indifferent about these matters so that his poor abilities was of any service to the Publick; upon which the Gentlemen obliged him to accept of a purse containing about 15 or 20 Johannes. I mention this to show you how much he is esteemed here. They value him for his good sense, great abilities, amazing fortitude, noble resolution, and undaunted courage; being firm and unmoved at all the various reports which were propagated in regard to his being taken up and sent home notwithstanding he had repeated letters from his friends, both in England as well as here, to keep out of the way."

      The gift of clothes to which Andrews here refers was for the purpose of making Adams decent for his journey to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia.

      "Like the African habituated to slavery, I begin now to be a little reconciled to a loss of business and an inactive state of life," writes Andrews humorously under date of August 16, 1774. This letter is further interesting by reason of its account of an important meeting of " the Cadet company at Faneuil Hall. Col. Hancock communicated to them a letter he had received from the Secretary, by order of the Governor, dismissing him from any further service as Captain of that Company: when they passed a vote to return their Colors to his Excellency, and acquaint him that they should not in future esteem themselves as his body guard; as also to deliver their Equipage, Musical instruments &c into Colonel Hancock's keeping till some future time, being determined not to appear under any other leader while he lives, as by the establishment of the Company they have a right to choose their own officers."

      Even the rather reluctant John Andrews is beginning now to see that a clash of more or less seriousness is inevitable. On August 20 he writes: "When I reflect on the unhappy situation we are in I can't but be uneasy less the trade of the town should never be reinstated again: but, on the other hand, when I consider that our future welfare depends altogether upon a steady and firm adherence to the common cause, I console myself with the thoughts that, if, after using every effort in our power, we are finally obliged to submit, we shall leave this testimony behind us, that, not being able to stem the stream, we were of necessity borne down by the torrent. You can have no just conception," he naively continues, "how sensibly I am affected in my business.

      If you'll believe me (though I have got near two thousand sterling out in debts and about as much more in stock) I have not received above eighty or ninety pounds Lawful money from both resources for above two months past; though, previous to the port's being shut, I thought it an ordinary day's work if I did not carry home from 20 to 40 dollars every evening!"

      An interesting glimpse of the military display in which the British then in Boston indulged is afforded by this passage in the letters.

      "At sunset last evening I amused myself with a walk in the Mall, and could not but admire at the subservient honors paid his Excellency, being attended by five or six field officers and two or three aid de camps with eight orderly sergents at an awful distance in the rear: parading up the street from Sheriff Greenleaf's he met with 'Squire Edson (a mere plowjogger to look at) one of the new-fangled refugee councellors, whose townsmen at Bridgewater, after some exhortation, thought proper to send him to Coventry, nor would they even deign to sing ye psalm after his reading it, being a deacon of the parish, such is the detestation in which they are all held that refuse to resign. His Excellency, after about ten minutes earnest conversation with him, proceeded to Earl Percy's, who occupies a house at the head of Winter street, belonging to Inspector Williams. While he went in his attendants of high and low rank stood waiting at the gate like so many menial slaves. . . .

      "September the 1st. Yesterday in the afternoon two hundred and eighty men were draughted from the severall regiments in the common and furnished with a day's provision each, to be in readiness to march early in the morning. Various were the conjectures respecting their destination, but this morning the mystery is unravelled for a sufficient number of boats from the Men of War and transports took 'em on board between 4 and 5 o'clock this morning, and proceeding up Mistick river landed them at the back of Bob Temple's house, from whence they proceeded to the magazine [The Old Powder House], situated between that town and Cambridge, conducted by Judge Oliver, Sheriff Phips and Joseph Goldthwait, and are now at this time (8 o'clock) taking away the powder from thence,

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