Now lIving The Dream. Daksha Trivedi
Now Living the Dream
A tale of surviving cancer
The book is a testament to Daksha Trivedi’s brave journey through an aggressive cancer which brings to light the power of hope as she learns to accept uncertainty. Her road less travelled takes us through an unexpected diagnosis, the challenges of treatment decisions and recovery from a life- threatening surgery. Her deeply moving story, whilst that of survival embraces the reality of her condition and conveys profound themes of relentless determination and a commitment to positive strategies at a time of pain and suffering. She discovers the true meaning of faith, love and courage that overcomes all fears. In her honest and inspiring account, she shares her learnings to live a life full of gratitude and purpose.
This book was completed during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and subesequent lock down changing our lives forever. ‘Now Living the Dream’ brings a beacon of hope at a time when we are facing the greatest of uncertainties.
As an academic researcher and an epidemiologist, her work aims to provide access to evidence-based health care for patient benefit. She has witnessed many cancer patients going through their individual journeys and acknowledges the dearth of evidence on what works to improve patient outcomes in many cancers particularly gastrointestinal cancers. Complimentary and holistic approaches have a significant supportive role in patient well-being. Daksha explores the use of various tools that do enhance well-being, quality of life and recovery, with a view that our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health are interconnected.
All that she believed in was challenged on 28 December 2017, when Daksha was given a shocking diagnosis of an aggressive cancer in lower oesophagus, soon after her twin brother passed away with a similar primary diagnosis which had advanced to his stomach and was inoperable. Daksha, together with her husband and her aging mother, charted the course of her illness, treatment and recovery with great courage and hope overcoming all fears including the fear of death. This poignant and human tale of surviving cancer is blended with the flavor of light- hearted humour. ‘Now living the dream’ draws together everything Daksha and her family have learnt about living well in the moment being grateful for the gift of time.
“These noble souls almost spent, having journeyed through the tunnel of aloneness and uncertainty; through valleys of despair and confusion: they overcome the corrosive acidity of fear and other challenges too numerous to mention. Eventually they get over the wall, returning to their communities with messages of hope, passing on the baton called inspiration to all of us within our unique situations. Such a one is Daksha Trivedi. Regardless of our individual profile, Daksha’s chronicles of her journey “Now living the Dream” is her gift to us. She is truly a champion of hope.”
-George Harris, Renowned British actor in Theatre, TV & Radio, featuring in great films including Raiders of the Lost Ark, Frankeinstein, Harry Potter. George is an inspiration to many, both on and off screen, even when faced with extreme health issues. His smile and determination in pursuit of harmony encourages others to be champions of hope.
First published by Dr Daksha Trivedi 2020
Copyright© 2020 Dr Daksha Trivedi
Book cover and other designs - by Jill Bransby
The quotes used in this book are relevant to the essence of my personal journey. Although every judicious effort has been made to authenticate the source and/or author, in some cases, it was not possible to ascertain the origin. In the case of uncertainty, I have attributed it as unknown. I have selected the version that seemed most appropriate to the narrative. Where possible, permissions have been granted from the appropriate authorities and individuals for the use of quotes/poems/figures.
The authors assert the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the authors of this work.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the authors, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover, other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
ISBN: 978-1-911412-91-5
Published by Dolman Scott Ltd
The intention of the author is to offer information of a general nature which may help you. She does not prescribe the use of any particular approach to improve well-being without medical or a qualified practitioner’s advice.
The author intends to donate proceeds from the sale of this book to appropriate charities.
My soul honours your soul
I honour the place in you where
the entire universe resides.
I honour the light, love, truth,
beauty and peace within you,
because it is also within me.
In sharing these things
we are united, we are the same,
we are one.
This book is dedicated to all those who gave me hope and courage during my darkest hours.
To my great mother whose love, boundless faith and prayers carried me through the storms into the safe harbour of life.
To my beloved husband whose love, strength and confidence sustained us through our most difficult times. I am deeply grateful for his insightful contribution in making this book possible.
Above all, to my spiritual master Sri Sathya Sai Baba whose Divine inspiration helped me to walk this arduous journey with faith, trust and forbearance. To Him I am eternally grateful for this second chance of life.
I have been very fortunate to have wonderful people around me whose love has encouraged me to write this book. A special note of thanks goes to a few friends for their help and contribution. Judith Berry, Sheila Leavy and Sue Chapman for their valuable feedback, constructive suggestions and patient proof reading on the final draft; Jill Bransby for her intuitive and artistic sketches that brought my story to life.
I am grateful to Macmillan Cancer Support and the members of the Mid Bedfordshire Cancer Support Group whose shared experiences have made a meaningful contribution. A special mention to the team at ‘Together Against Cancer’, Leicester for allowing me to conduct a healing workshop and share my story for encouraging others. My special thanks to Dr K Narasimhan (Director, Sri Sathya Sai Mobile Hospital SSSMH, Puttaparthi, South India), Dr D K V Prasad (Surgical Gastroenterologist, Lucknow and SSSMH) and Dr Rashmi Mehta (UK) for their insightful direction and encouraging advice.
A thankful appreciation to the Cross-Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for granting me the permission to use ‘Tiles’ created by patients, families, volunteers and health care professionals.
My heartfelt gratitude to my General Practitioner, Dr Helen Collins and to the dedicated medical teams at Lister Hospital, Stevenage and the Watford General Hospital, in particular, Mr Ahmed Al- Bahrani, (lead clinician of the Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Centre for Hertfordshire and South Bedfordshire) for their timely intervention without which this book would not be a message of hope.
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