Now lIving The Dream. Daksha Trivedi
- Judith Berry, Retired Primary School Headteacher, T.C. Alexander Teachers’ College Sydney Australia; Member of the Findhorn Foundation Community Scotland; Actively involved in the Care Sector of the Community and Conservation Charities.
“As a Barrister and a Professor of Law, I rarely find myself struggling to find the right words to pen or to say. This, however, is one such occasion. Having known Dr Trivedi not only through her dedicated work in promoting health and wellbeing including the activities of Sathya Sai International Organisation, UK, but also personally, I was somewhat shocked to learn of her ‘health’ condition as conveyed to me by her husband. Based on my spiritual beliefs, I was inspired to pray for her or as one would say send her ‘mantra induced vibrational energy’. What Daksha has accomplished through this book is nothing short of offering solace and hope for the multitude who are in a similar position by recounting her trials and tribulations as well as her experiences. The wonderful and sincere accounts speak volumes of her, and I can only say that even in this state, she is living the expression: ‘Service to Man is Service to God’. I hope that all who read ‘Now Living the Dream’ will learn to empower themselves when faced with dilemmas just as Daksha has conveyed in her courageous journey of survival.”
- Dr Vickneswaren Krishnan, Barrister (Middle Temple) & Visiting Professor of International Law (Botswana), Hindu Chaplain, University of Cambridge
“Dr Daksha Trivedi writes a passionate and meticulous description of her personal journey with cancer. She has captured the role of body, mind, spirit and emotions that play an integral part in recovery and healing. Daksha has acknowledged and honored spirituality, culture, family, friends and health care providers as key elements to her victory over cancer. Her acceptance of the diagnosis, treatment and support helps her to survive cancer and results in “Now Living the Dream”, a great message that inspires us all. “
- Dr Ranee Thayala Richards, MBBS, MPM, FRANZCP; Consultant Psychiatrist, Dandenong Hospital, Monash Health, Victoria, Australia
“As someone who went through the same Oesophageal cancer as Daksha did, albeit eleven years ago, I found this to be an inspirational story. The way that she and her family went through the ordeal supported by each other’s love and unwavering faith will be a source of hope and inspiration to all who read this book.”
- Dave Simpson, former Oesophageal cancer patient
“Sometimes we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, this is because there are always twists and turns in life. Daksha’s book teaches us to keep walking and eventually despite the many deviations we must not give up, and we will see the light again. This book will be useful to support people who have cancer and are beginning that journey, down that long tunnel. She covers the shock of diagnosis, the fear, the hope of recovery, the many trials and tribulations, and eventual cure. She clearly describes her journey providing numerous ideas that people will find helpful in overcoming their own anxieties and fears. She provides practical advice and a touching honesty about her own experiences. Reading it was a privilege.
- Professor Mike Kirby, MBBS, LRCP, MRCS, FRCP; Clinician & Academic; Prostate Cancer Charity Research Advisory Group, The Prostate Centre, London. Member of UK Department of Health Prostate Cancer Risk Management Working Party & several National Health Service advisory boards.
“Daksha is an epidemiologist and a scientist; a woman of great faith who is supported by family and friends who share faiths; and someone who is able to tell the story of her journey through oesophageal cancer from beginning to recovery, sparing no detail and with no emotional holds barred. This book is her story interwoven with interesting science and discussions of aspects of faith and emotional support (helping those of ‘no faith’ to appreciate positive mindset and self- empowerment); accompanied by quotations from classical and modern literature and personal photographs; but also containing much practical advice. We all think we know what ‘holistic care’ means, but most do not fully understand what it is unless we have experienced it or read this book.”
- Dr Paul Siklos, MA (Cantab), BSc, MBBS, FRCP; Consultant Physician (retired), West Suffolk Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, UK;Associate Clinical Dean (retired),University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine; Life Fellow, Hughes Hall, Cambridge;Winner of the Pilkington Prize 2005 award in recognition of teaching excellence.
“Dr Daksha Trivedi has written a profoundly inspiring account of her unforeseen but an aggressive cancer diagnosis. She narrates openly her vulnerability laced with deep anxieties, emotions, trials and tribulations in the face of great uncertainty. The disease is one which requires a number of diagnostic modalities, some of them done repeatedly. She went through all of them with grit and determination, factors which greatly help the treating doctors and aid the healing process. Throughout her treatment journey, I monitored her closely and her understanding of the problem, which she was able to face with courage and determination. Her book gifts us with practical ways to overcome adversity and to embrace such a journey with courage and faith. A professional and a patient, Daksha speaks of hope, love and gratitude, reminding us of what really matters in life. She delicately brings together science, medicine and spirituality, understanding the difficulties. Dr Trivedi brings remarkable insight and wisdom which will no doubt touch the hearts of many. It is my wish that every medical professional and every patient going through this journey reads the book and I am sure it will help them greatly surmount the steep challenges. This book deserves a wide circulation for all.”
- Dr K Narasimhan, MBBS, MNAMS (Medicine) Director of Sri Sathya Sai (SSS) Mobile Hospital, Medical Superintendent of SSS General Hospital, Puttaparthi, South India; Winner of the CNBC-TV 18 Healthcare Award, India
Foreword by David Chuter, Chairman, Oesophageal Patients Association; Supported by David Kirby, OBE
Introduction: The greatest gift
One: Life will never be the same
Three: Coping with uncertainty
Ten: Preparing to meet my fate
Twelve: My life in their hands
Thirteen: In the cradle of care
Fifteen: Everybody needs somebody