Atlanta And Its Builders, Vol. 1 - A Comprehensive History Of The Gate City Of The South. Thomas H. Martin
appointment after 1849, once a month in the Methodist church until the First Presbyterian was built. The Baptists had services regularly from 1848, I think. Rev. D. G. Daniel was their first pastor. The Episcopalians came after this. The beautiful lot where St. Philip's cathedral stands was owned by Richard Peters. Mr. Mitchell, the owner of the land in the heart of the city, gave a lot to each of the four churches. Mr. Peters told me he took the lot Mr. Mitchell gave to the church and gave in exchange the beautiful square on which the cathedral now stands.
"We had one Sunday school in Atlanta then. It was held in the old schoolhouse near the First Methodist church. Mr. O. S. Houston was the superintendent. Mrs. Richard Peters, then Miss Mary Thompson, was one of the teachers, and my mother had the Bible class of young ladies. As soon as the Methodist and Baptist churches had pews in them, denominational schools were established. Our school was superintended by Lewis Lawshe, one of the best men I ever knew.
"Colonel C. R. Hanleiter, one of the pioneer journalists of Atlanta, was one of the interesting characters of this early period. As editor, publisher, councilman and citizen, he was always at the forefront. As long as he lived. Colonel Hanleiter was an enthusiastic friend of Atlanta, chivalrous and generous to a fault. In the early fifties, while a member of the city council, he introduced and had passed by that body the first ordinances prescribing the width of the streets and grades of crosswalks, the space to be occupied by signs, awnings, etc. He drafted the first comprehensive code of ordinances ever adopted for Atlanta. The first building and loan association ever organized in Atlanta was organized through his instrumentality. The first tent of Rechabites ever organized in Georgia was largely the work of Colonel Hanleiter, Rev. Lewis Lawshe and Major J. H. Linn. The Knights of Jericho were first introduced in Atlanta by him, assisted by A. B. and W. G. Forsyth, C. H. C. Willingham, and Dr. Bateman. The first large American flag ever floated to the breeze was displayed over his printing office. He was an active spirit in every move calculated to advance the material interests of the community.
"Major George Shaw, the second justice-of-the-peace ever in Atlanta, arrived in 1847. He was a Virginian, and a veteran of the war of 1812. He first settled in Jackson county, Ga., and was admitted to the bar in Jefferson. In 1828 he was a member of the Georgia legislature. Squire Shaw was a familiar figure on the streets of the new town, and he enjoyed in a remarkable degree the respect of his fellow-citizens. He was a model gentleman of the old school, genial and kindly. He was blessed with a good helpmeet, nee Miss Louisa Troutt, of Jefferson, Ga., and to them were born three sons — Augustus Shaw, the well-known Atlantan, and George and Samuel H., deceased.
"Dr. Chapman Powell came to Atlanta with the beginning of the fifties. He had recognized the inevitable supremacy of Atlanta and moved over from Decatur. In 1836 he was a member of the general assembly from DeKalb county and an active worker in behalf of the charter for the State road, then in its incipiency. Loving his profession better than politics, he refused a second nomination. His home near Decatur was General Sherman's headquarters while the destruction of Atlanta by the federals was going on in 1864. One of the houses in which Dr. Powell resided was remodeled and removed to East Cain street, where it is now used as a schoolhouse. Dr. Powell died in 1870, leaving behind him a highly creditable name as a man and physician."
In his history of Atlanta written a dozen years ago, Wallace P. Reed gives some reminiscences of Colonel D. N. Sloan, which will interestingly supplement those of Mr. Smith:
"Colonel Sloan came to the place in 1850. When he was young his ideas turned toward adventure. Accordingly, he left his home in South Carolina with the determination to see at least a part of the country. His money was stolen from him on his way to Macon, Ga., and when he arrived at his destination he was destitute of funds. Consequently he had to go to work. Through a friend in Macon he obtained letters of recommendation to Emerson Foote, superintendent of the Macon and Western railroad, and president at that time of the Macon and Western Telegraph Line. Thus Mr. Sloan obtained a position as telegraph operator at the station in Atlanta, and was the first telegraph operator Atlanta ever had. Mr. Sloan could not find words to describe the town at that time. Jonathan Norcross kept a general merchandise store at the corner of Marietta and Peachtree streets. He dealt in groceries and dry goods, and made a specialty of 'shingles and feathers,' and had a sign to that effect. I. O. McDaniel also kept a general merchandise store on Whitehall street. Clark & Grutt kept a grocery store on Whitehall street. Mr. Perryman kept a grocery store on what is now Alabama street, but it was not then called a street. R. Dulin kept a general merchandise store on Whitehall street, and Wash. Collier kept a general merchandise store at what is now the junction of Line, Peachtree and Decatur streets. Richard Kile also kept a general merchandise store on the corner of Marietta and Peachtree streets. J. T. Doane was a great cotton merchant here at that time. His place of business was on Whitehall street. Atlanta had several good doctors. Among them were Dr. Josh Gilbert, who used to carry a shrill whistle around with him, and occasionally stop and blow it to let the people know where to find him; Dr. J. F. Alexander, Dr. W. F. Westmoreland, and a French physician named D'Alvigney. Lawyers seemed to be scarce. Judge L. E. Bleckley was the principal lawyer at that time, and there was one by the name of John Wing.
"Atlanta being the only railroad center for miles around, had a very fair trade in country produce. The countrymen brought their chickens, eggs and butter into Atlanta from the country, and there was a very much larger range than there is now. The average farmer did not make much profit, for eggs sold at four or five cents a dozen; butter at seven, eight and ten cents a pound, and other country produce in proportion. After selling at these prices he bought his cloth and other necessities, at what would now be considered enormous prices. Calico that can now be bought for two or three cents a yard, was sold then for fifteen to twenty cents. Cotton was lower, though not much below the present market. One thing that lowered the price of country produce was the fact that Atlanta was a country town, and almost everyone had his or her garden of potatoes, onions and other vegetables. Very few melons were raised in the country at that time. Once in a while farmers would bring them in, but not very often. At the present time, however, the melon trade is one of our important industries. Nearly everybody kept their own cows, and so the farmers did not sell much milk. The cows were allowed perfect liberty to graze where they pleased, and so were the hogs, which were owned by many of the citizens. At the time Colonel Sloan lived here, Jonathan Norcross was mayor. There was a council, but it met when it pleased, and made laws at random.
"Mr. Sloan remembers a speech made by Robert Toombs, on the platform in front of his office. He does not remember the issue, but says that Mr. Toombs made a severe attack on South Carolina, for some reason or other. When he finished speaking, Walter Colquitt replied to him in a very able speech, and show r ed the state up in its true light.
"General Kossuth, the noted Hungarian patriot, was at that time visiting the United States, and with a large body of soldiery passed through Atlanta, on his way to Savannah. He went into Mr. Sloan's office for the purpose of sending a telegram to Savannah. Mr. Sloan asked him for the money for the telegram, whereupon he replied that he was not in the habit of paying for telegrams, and told him, in very emphatic terms, who he was. Mr. Sloan replied that he had no instructions not to charge the general, whereupon the Hungarian became very angry, but paid the bill.
"General Sam Houston, of Texas, while passing through Atlanta, stopped to look at the telegraph instrument. He said that he had never before seen one. He was at that time a congressman.
"Richard Peters was said to be the wealthiest man in the place. He owned the finest house in town, which was a weather-boarded house, on Peters street, near the corner of Forsyth, and just to the west of Sam Inman's residence. Clark Howell, the father of Evan P. Howell, was also a very wealthy and influential man. Mr. Howell owned and lived in the only brick residence in the city. His young son Evan was the first telegraph messenger in Atlanta, an associate of Colonel Sloan. The houses of the more fortunate citizens were weather-boarded cottages, but the poorer people lived in log cabins.
"About this time Atlanta was noted for its bad characters. There were several gamblers here who were known far and wide, but these were not looked upon as evil-doers, because there was no law against gambling. There was one gambler in town of special note, namely Jack Edmundson. He was looked upon rather as a benefactor. It was said that he would never take the advantage of any man, nor would he take money from a poor