The Breaking of the Storm. Spielhagen Friedrich

The Breaking of the Storm - Spielhagen Friedrich

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coming here."

      "I only came to tell you that I will bear it no longer."

      "Have I nothing to bear?"

      "No, not in comparison with me."

      "I love you as you love me."

      "Prove it."


      "By deeds, and not words."

      "With my hands tied?"

      "Break the bonds that hold you!"

      "I cannot."


      She turned to the door through which she had come; he forgot all caution, and stood in her way. They confronted each other, their eyes meeting.


      "Let me go!"

      "You must hear me! for God's sake, Ferdinanda! Such an opportunity as this may not occur again for weeks!"

      She laughed scornfully. "We have plenty of time."

      Again she tried to pass him; he still stood in her way.


      "Once again let me go! You wish for an opportunity? You will perhaps never have so good a one of getting rid of me."

      He stood back with a bow; she could have gone if she pleased, but she did not go; the hot tears had started into her eyes, she did not dare to meet people so, and turned back to the picture, where he immediately took his original position.

      "Be kind, Ferdinanda! I have so looked forward to this hour. Why do you embitter the moments so precious to both of us? You know, you must know that I am prepared to go all lengths if it must be. But we cannot take the final step without considering everything."

      "We have been considering for the last six months."

      "With the garden wall between us, and in words which were only half understood, in letters where one cannot express what one wants. That is no use. You must meet me somewhere, as I have so often entreated. Am I never to take your hand in mine, never to press my lips against yours? and you ask for a proof of my love!"

      She went up to his side and gazed into the beautiful, restless hazel eyes. Still more beautiful and darker eyes had gazed at her like that a few hours ago, and with more passionate warmth. She had been able to withstand them, these she could not withstand. The eyelashes fell upon her burning cheeks.

      "I can not," she stammered.

      "Say I will not, I have made innumerable suggestions to you. Only the other day I got introduced to your brother at the Club. He was delighted to make my acquaintance, pressed me to visit him, to come and see his pictures. How easily we could meet there."

      "I dare not go and see my brother. I have not dared to go for a long time, and now after last night!"

      "Then your cousin! Of course he will come and see us? I shall return the visit. Your father cannot turn me away from the door!"

      "I have already thought of that and prepared him. But in that case it could only be for a very few minutes."

      "Then I will think of something else, if only I knew what you would like; I will find something and write to you, or I should prefer telling you whenever you give me the signal."

      "I dare not do it again."


      "There is some one who watches every step I take. I am not safe from him for one moment--Antonio--I have told you about him; I am afraid."

      "You are afraid of everything."

      He turned quickly and impatiently towards the window near which he stood. At the same moment a handsome, remarkably smartly-dressed young man disappeared from the door at the other end of the gallery, where he had stood for the last few minutes, so placed that by bending a little to the left he could easily see the couple in the window with his dark, eagle eyes, without much danger of being seen himself. If necessary he had only to withdraw into the crowd which filled the large neighbouring room. He had seen enough now, and mingled again with the throng.

      When Ottomar, after looking out of window for a few seconds, turned to speak to Ferdinanda the words of reconciliation which were on his lips and in his heart, her place was empty.

      Ferdinanda could not help it. The acquaintances with whom she had before spoken had passed the door of the next room, close to which she stood, and luckily without seeing her. But they were standing quite close to the door, the dress of one of them was still in sight. At any moment they might turn into the gallery if she did not go forward to meet them and keep them till Ottomar, who would of course understand it all, should himself leave the gallery by the other side. And if he did not understand--so much the worse for him. Then it would all be over--better to-day than to-morrow if it must be!

      But Ottomar had observed nothing, had not seen the two ladies, had not even seen Ferdinanda, who, to get out of the way of the people in the door, had been obliged to go a step or two into the room, and was now speaking to her friends. She had left him without a word of farewell or explanation.

      "By heaven, that is rather strong!" said he, biting his lips and pulling his small dark moustache. "Well, as she pleases!" And he rapidly left the gallery and went through the same door where the handsome young man had stood into the large room.


       Table of Contents

      Here, meanwhile, the crowd had, if possible increased. Besides the Princess Heinrich August, various other princely personages had appeared with their suites, for whom at all events room had to be made. The result was that in some places the curious sightseers were so crowded together that any movement was hardly possible. It was the same in the last of the set of rooms. Two ladies had placed themselves upon one of the few sofas of which the Exhibition could boast. Near them stood a gentleman whose absent and fatigued expression plainly showed how glad he would be to sit down also. He stood first on one leg, then on the other, and cast from time to time an irritable glance at the two ladies, one of whom, who seemed a few years older than the other, but, notwithstanding her being rather too large, was the handsomest, leaned languidly back in her corner, while the younger and slighter one incessantly turned her eye-glasses from side to side, never moving them from her eyes.

      "When you are enough rested, I think we will go," said the gentleman.

      "I see no possibility of getting out," replied the stout lady, without changing her comfortable attitude.

      "It really is intensely interesting," said the other, "quite too interesting. Who is that man, Edward?"

      The glasses had turned in another direction.

      "What man?"

      "There--by the Emperor's portrait, with the fair moustache and bright colour--a country gentleman, I am sure. I fancy I have seen him before."

      "By Jove, that is Golm!" exclaimed the gentleman, rousing from his indifference.

      "Count Golm! quite true!" said the lady. "This really is quite too interesting! Bring him here at once, Edward!"

      But the Count had already observed the party and came up to them eagerly, holding out both hands to the other gentleman, who went forward a few steps to meet him.

      "My dear Wallbach, I am delighted to see you!"

      "How long have you been here?"

      "Since yesterday evening; will you introduce me to the ladies?"

      "My wife--my sister Carla----"

      "I had the pleasure two winters ago; but----"

      "Oh, we have better memories in Berlin than you seem to give us credit for, Count Golm," cried Carla, "especially for gentlemen who make themselves so scarce.

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