The Song of the Nibelungs. Anonymous
While that they both were living, / Siegmund and Siegelind,
No crown their son desired, /—thereto he had no mind.
Yet would he fain be master / o'er all the hostile might
That in the lands around him / opposed the keen and fiery knight.
How Siegfried came to Worms
Seldom in sooth, if ever, / the hero's heart was sad.
He heard them tell the story, / how that a winsome maid
There lived afar in Burgundy, / surpassing fair to see:
Great joy she brought him later, / but eke she brought him misery.
Of her exceeding beauty / the fame spread far and near,
And of the thing, moreover, / were knights oft-times aware
How the maid's high spirit / no mortal could command:
The thing lured many a stranger / from far unto King Gunther's land.
Although to win her favor / were many wooers bent,
In her own heart would never / Kriemhild thereto consent
That any one amongst them / for lover she would have:
Still to her was he a stranger / to whom anon her troth she gave.
To true love turned his fancy / the son of Siegelind.
'Gainst his, all others' wooing / was like an idle wind:
Full well did he merit / a lady fair to woo,
And soon the noble Kriemhild / to Siegfried bold was wedded true.
By friends he oft was counselled, / and many a faithful man,
Since to think of wooing / in earnest he began,
That he a wife should find him / of fitting high degree.
Then spoke the noble Siegfried: / "In sooth fair Kriemhild shall it be,
"The noble royal maiden / in Burgundy that dwells,
For sake of all her beauty. / Of her the story tells,
Ne'er monarch was so mighty / that, if for spouse he sighed,
'Twere not for him befitting / to take the princess for his bride."
Unto King Siegmund also / the thing was soon made known.
His people talked about it, / whereby to him was shown
The Prince's fixéd purpose. / It grieved him sorely, too,
That his son intent was / the full stately maid to woo.
Siegelind asked and learned it, / the noble monarch's wife.
For her loved son she sorrowed / lest he should lose his life,
For well she knew the humor / of Gunther and his men.
Then gan they from the wooing / strive to turn the noble thane.
Then said the doughty Siegfried: / "O father dear to me,
Without the love of woman / would I ever be,
Could I not woo in freedom / where'er my heart is set.
Whate'er be said by any, / I'll keep the selfsame purpose yet."
"Since thou wilt not give over," / the king in answer said,
"Am I of this thy purpose / inwardly full glad,
And straightway to fulfil it / I'll help as best I can,
Yet in King Gunther's service / is many a haughty-minded man.
"And were there yet none other / than Hagen, warrior-knight,
He with such haughty bearing / is wont to show his might,
That I do fear right sorely / that sad our end may be,
If we set out with purpose / to win the stately maid for thee."
"Shall we by that be hindered?" / outspake Siegfried then;
"Whate'er in friendly fashion / I cannot obtain
I'll yet in other manner / take that, with sword in hand.
I trow from them I'll further / wrest both their vassals and their land."
"I grieve to hear thy purpose," / said Siegmund the king;
"If any one this story / unto the Rhine should bring,
Then durst thou never after / within that land be seen.
Gunther and Gernot, /—well known to me they long have been.
"By force, however mighty, / no man can win the maid,"
Spake King Siegmund further, / "to me hath oft been said.
But if with knightly escort / thither thou wilt ride,
Good friends—an have we any—/ shall soon be summoned to thy side."
"No wish," then answered Siegfried, / "it ever was of mine,
That warrior knights should follow / with me unto the Rhine
As if arrayed for battle: / 'twould make my heart full sad,
To force in hostile manner / to yield to me the stately maid.
"By my own hand—thus only—/ trust I to win my bride;
With none but twelve in company / to Gunther's land I'll ride.
In this, O royal father, / thy present help I pray."
Gray and white fur raiment / had his companions for the way.
Siegelind his mother / then heard the story too,
And grieved she was on hearing / what her dear son would do,
For she did fear to lose him / at hands of Gunther's men.
Thereat with heart full heavy / began to weep the noble queen.
Then came forth Sir Siegfried / where the queen he sought,
And to his weeping mother / thus gently spake his thought:
"No tear of grief thou shouldest / ever shed for me,
For I care not a tittle / for all the warriors that be.
"So help me on my journey / to the land of Burgundy,
And furnish such apparel / for all my knights and me,
As warriors of our station / might well with honor wear.
Then I in turn right truly / to thee my gratitude will swear."
"Since thou wilt not give over," / Siegelind then replied,
"My only son, I'll help thee / as fits thee forth to ride,
With the best apparel / that riders ever wore,
Thee and thy companions: / ye shall of all have