rel="nofollow" href="#u4add594a-9d13-5c4b-8e4c-33856606e239">Just Before Sunset
I dedicate this book to my wonderful
To my son, Kashife, whose fortitude and willingness to try has inspired me. Your honesty is astounding, for never in your life have I ever found you in the position where you found it necessary to compromise your integrity. To me, that means much more than my feeble words can ever express. Neither can I, with any degree of sincerity, remember having that experience before. I love you dearly.
To my daughter, Yanese, with ambition as high as the sky and a sense of independence that matches. Those, and the other qualities you possess, I admire greatly. With the hope that I may one day acquire some of your characteristics, for they are indeed admirable, and I love you dearly.
To Travis, your meekness is an uncommon quality, and your love for music makes me think of you as King David with his harp, and I hope you will inherit the world of goodness. Allow no one to persuade you from the qualities you possess. Those unique qualities make you who you are. I love you dearly.
With all that the universe has to offer, there is no telling how much longer its generosity will hold out. From one generation to another, the wondrous resilience of this seemingly indestructible earth is diminishing. The evidence is all around us and even more prevalent in mankind’s behavior toward the growing changes of the planet Earth.
It is very compelling when one’s approach is not to save the world but to share the way countries, societies, communities, neighborhoods, families, and individuals existed before the destruction of this universe. There is no guarantee that there will be a survivor to tell of what the world was like. So, it’s here, The Time Capsule.
A volume of life-spelling words that could offer a guide for rebuilding. A special collection, rich with the operations and functions of existence, of life and time. Lifetime. The Time Capsule spanning generations and touching on evolution. Showing the brilliance and resourceful nature of both man and the universe.
The Time Capsule will stimulate one’s imagination and could encourage investigation at various scholastic levels. The Time Capsule.
A special thanks to Eva Hinds, who dedicated her time and continued to give endless encouragement to the preparation and distribution of this book.
The Time Capsule
Exposed to the finer things of life
Developed a passion for botany
That consumed most of his time
In his cellar, he grows a garden
With orchids and exotic plants.
There in command of his pen
As the next passion of his life
The one he holds as his dearest
Frequently he spends an entire day
Writes from morning until night.
Never left his beloved sanctuary
Of his garden and his favored pen
One day at noon, he heard a blast
He peeped through the window
Only to notice that it was dark.
Perhaps the blast of a thunderstorm
Like the others this, too, will pass
Engulfed by his writing he heeded not
But continued until the morning
Again, he peeped through his window.
It seemed to have grown much darker
With that, he laid aside his pen
To ponder what it might have been
Yes, the fear had reached him now
Perplexed, he scratched his weary head.
Once again but now in fear he peeped
Through the dampened cellar window
To notice the absent of life outside
When many days had passed and gone
He went upstairs and exited his home.
There, the first to greet his eyes
A book he wrote, the time capsule
Speechless, he stood alone and scared
Embarking upon the only obvious quest
To see what has become of man.
The Strides of Man
If by creation
From the paradise of Eden’s garden,
Where we were
First introduced to this our world
To the land of Sodom,
Where we were almost extinct,
Our journey thus far
I have embraced as the strides of man.