The Genesis Cataclysm. W. Joseph Stallings

The Genesis Cataclysm - W. Joseph Stallings

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will [then] be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Rom 8:19, 21). For now, however, we must be content to live in this still-broken age amidst the tensioned surety of the not (quite) yet.

      As such, this process of renewal has been and remains continually painful for the totality of fallen creation. All of creation—whether organic or inorganic—truly groans, cries, struggles, and grieves in its own way as it waits for the new glory to finally appear (Rom 8:22–24). Despite the ongoing renewing work of God (see John 5:17)—indeed, in accordance with that work—the fall has its inundative consequences. Persevering through these consequences requires our trust in the Christ of our salvation and our ongoing patient endurance.

      While the very notion of divine judgment is never a comfortable matter among compassionate people—and quite frankly unwelcome in many circles—it is strongly presented as a reality in the Bible. Therefore, all thoughtful seekers and followers of Christ must deal with it straight up. It cannot be avoided without negating a significant part of the scriptural revelation. According to Scripture, God has punctuated chronological history with three great purging judgments: the Fall Judgment (Gen 3), the Flood Judgment (Gen 6–8), and the Final Judgment (Rev 1–22). Within the scarlet thread that runs throughout the holy text, all three are inseparably intertwined. In the light of God’s complete omniscience and perfect holiness, all three have been deemed to be necessary.

      While this book focuses specifically on the reality of the Noahic Flood, it will be apparent that all three judgments are in play throughout the narrative. If it wasn’t for the Adamic Fall, there would be no Flood nor Eschaton. Yet, the Fall leads to the Flood, which points to the Eschaton.

      Note also that this book can be read as a stand-alone entity. It is, however, highly suggested that one first read The Genesis Column prior to reading The Genesis Cataclysm. The former sets the stage for the latter; and the latter is an extension from and a derivative appendage of the former. Moreover, there are a number of concepts discussed in The Genesis Column (including, of course, the Inundative Corruption Hypothesis, and then perhaps most importantly, the model’s overall meta-narrative presentation) of which being familiar with would be quite helpful in understanding The Genesis Cataclysm. The Flood fits into the total picture of God’s redemptive program and serves to magnify the extreme seriousness in chronos by which the Almighty, in his holiness, takes our creaturely sin and rebellion. In fact, in all honesty, within the total purview of the Genesis Column Model, one cannot seriously hold to a view of anything less than a global Noahic Flood.

      In reading this book, may our thinking be seriously provoked and may we enjoy—yet mostly, benefit—from the provocation.

      W. Joseph Stallings

      Wilson, North Carolina

      Eastertide 2020

      1. Balsiger and Sellier, Jr., In Search of Noah’s Ark. As a young teenager, I remember reading this book and then watching the television documentary of the same name with a bunch of my friends. We were all enthralled by the mystique and captivated by the notion that perhaps someone had actually found the Ark.

      2. More specifically, Old-Earth Progressive Creationism. See The Genesis Column, 1–6. We believe that both the scriptural and natural revelations proclaim in unison that “These are the generations [Hebrew toledot] of the heavens and the earth when they were created” (Gen 2:4a)—viz., these are the successive and lengthy periods of creation and ongoing existence.

      3. For instance, think Meredith Kline and Bruce Waltke.

      4. For instance, see The Genesis Column, 2. In reference to Genesis 1–2, I write: “I have come to believe that those two chapters tie the whole biblical revelation together. I have also come to believe that those two chapters provide a special intersection with the truth of natural revelation and present a composite picture of the whole of created reality.”


      The Issue Proper

      Just what one believes about the Noahic Flood has tremendous implications across a vast array of scientific and historical arenas. Furthermore, from an integrationist perspective, we believe that these scientific and historical implications are all tied together by the Flood’s importance within the realm of orthodox-evangelical Christian theology. As such, Whitcomb and Morris add this:

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