The Greatest Adventure Books for Children. Люси Мод Монтгомери

The Greatest Adventure Books for Children - Люси Мод Монтгомери

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were sent to carry a gingerbread man and a fair-haired child away from this island," said one of the birds, in a squeaky voice.

      "I am the gingerbread man," replied John, speaking as the flamingoes did; "and here is the fair-haired child. But we also wish you to carry our friend Para Bruin with us. One of you can carry me, and two can carry Chick. That will leave the fourth to fly with Para Bruin, if you will kindly consent."

      "What, that monstrous bear!" exclaimed one of the birds, indignantly.

      "He's large, it is true," replied John; "but he's made of rubber, and is hollow inside; so he really doesn't weigh much more than I do."

      "Well," said the flamingo, "if that is the case I do not object to carrying him."

      "NICE RIDE, ISN'T IT?"

      John related this conversation to the bear, who was overjoyed at the thought of getting away from the island.

      A stout cord had been tied to the feet of each of the flamingoes, and John now proceeded to fasten the loose end of one of the cords around his own body, tying it in a firm knot, so it would not come undone and let him drop. The cords hanging from the two birds that were to carry the Cherub were tied together in a hard knot, and thus formed a swing in which the child sat quite comfortably. Para Bruin now tied himself to the fourth flamingo, and the preparations were complete.

      "Are you ready?" asked the leader of the flamingoes.

      "Yes," said John.

      "Where do you wish to be taken?"

      "We don't much care," replied the gingerbread man. "Let us get to some island where there are no Mifkets. As for Ali Dubh, he will be obliged to stay here with his friend Black Ooboo, and once I am away from these shores I shall be sure he can never eat me."

      So the big birds flew into the air, carrying with them the gingerbread man and the fair-haired child and the rubber bear, and so swift was their flight that in a few moments the island of the Mifkets had vanished from their view.

      "Nice ride, isn't it?" Chick called to John.

      "Rather nice," answered the gingerbread man. "But this cord is so tight it's wearing a crease in my body."

      "What a pity you are not made of rubber, as I am!" said the bear, cheerfully. "Nothing ever injures me in the least. I'm practically indestructible."

      "How are you getting on, Chick?" asked John.

      "Fine!" answered the Cherub. "This knocks Imar's flying-machine into a cocked hat."

      Then for a time they sailed on in silence, dangling from the ends of their cords, while the strong wings of the flamingoes beat the air with regular strokes just above their heads.


       Table of Contents

Sport of Pirate Island

      The birds flew close together and made great speed, and in about three hours from the time they started an island appeared just ahead of them. Whereupon John said to the bird that bore him:

      "Let us stop here, so we can examine the island and see how we like it. This cord is cutting into my gingerbread body, and I'd like to stop for a time, anyway."

      "Very well," answered the bird; and when they were over the center of the island the flamingoes gradually descended and alighted upon the ground. John untied the cord from his waist, and also assisted Chick and Para Bruin to free themselves. The bear was not injured at all, but the cord had worn a straight line around John's body, although not very deep; and in some way the gingerbread man had lost another of his lozenge buttons.

      The place where they had alighted was covered by grass and surrounded by groves of trees.

      "This looks like a fine country," said Chick, gazing around.

      "It's better than our old island, anyway," remarked Para Bruin.

      But just as he spoke the flamingoes uttered shrill screams and flew quickly into the air, and our friends turned in time to see a most curious creature come from the grove and approach them.

It had somewhat the likeness of a man

      It had somewhat the likeness of a man, yet was too queer ever to be mistaken for a human being, although it was certainly alive. Its body was a huge punching-bag, and its head was a foot-ball. For legs it had two of those golf-clubs called "putters," and one of its arms was a tennis-racket and the other a base-ball club. This was curious enough, in all conscience; but the face was more curious yet. For the eyes were golf balls, and the nose a square of billiard-chalk, and its mouth a mere slit in the foot-ball where the lacing had come undone. Taken altogether, this odd creature presented a most surprising appearance, and while John Dough and Para Bruin stared at it in amazement Chick boldly asked:

      "Who are you?"

      "Sport is my name, and sport my nature," answered the creature, winking one eye frightfully, and grinning until its queer mouth curled up at both corners of the slit.

      "Sport," remarked the rubber bear, gravely, "is something amusing; so I am sure you are misnamed."

      "Oh! you're a balloon," returned Sport, kicking at the bear with one of his golf-club feet; "the kid's a chucklehead and the other's a bun."

      "I'm not a bun!" exclaimed John, indignantly.

      "Yes, you are! Cross bun, too. Hot cross bun. Cool off, old chap, and look pleasant."

      John was too angry to reply to this speech, but Chick said to the creature:

      "If you're going to be so disagreeable, you'd better leave us. We don't care to associate with people of your sort."

      "Ho, ho! ha, ha!" laughed Sport; "don't care to associate, eh? Do you know where you are?"

      "No," said Chick, "and I don't care."


      "Well, this island is inhabited by retired pirates and bandits, who make every one that lands here pay a heavy ransom, or else—"

      "Or else what?" asked John, as Sport stopped short and gave another horrid wink.

      "Or else they boil 'em in oil for three days," was the reply.

      "Well," said the bear, "we can't pay a ransom, that's certain; but I'm not afraid of being boiled in oil. I'm practically indestructible."

      "But I'm not!" cried John, much alarmed. "It would ruin my gingerbread to be boiled in oil, and Chick would certainly get overheated. I'm afraid it would melt your rubber, too, my dear Para."

      "Would it?" asked the bear, with a start. "Then let us get away from this island at once!"

      "By all means!" agreed John Dough.

      "And the sooner the better," declared Chick.

      But as they turned to look for the flamingoes, the creature who called himself Sport began pounding his punching-bag body with his tennis-racket arm, and at the sound a crowd of men ran out of groves of trees and quickly surrounded the rubber bear and Chick and the gingerbread man.

      These men had heavy beards, hooked noses, and piercing black eyes; and they wore red sashes tied around their waists; and laced leggings, and blue flannel shirts open at the throats; and in their belts were stuck many

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