The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic (Vol. 1-3). William Hickling Prescott

The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic (Vol. 1-3) - William Hickling Prescott

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83; part. 3, fol. 54.—Oviedo, Quincuagenas, MS., bat. 1, quinc. 2, dial. 1.—The sovereigns gave great offence to the jealous grandees who were competitors for the mastership of St. James, by conferring that dignity on Alonso de Cardenas, with their usual policy of making merit rather than birth the standard of preferment.

      [42] Caro de Torres, Ordenes Militares, fol. 84.—Riol has given a full account of the constitution of this council, Informe, apud Semanario Erudito, tom. iii. pp. 164 et seq.

      [43] The reader will find a view of the condition and general resources of the military orders as existing in the present century in Spain, in Laborde, Itinéraire Descriptif de l'Espagne, (2d edition, Paris, 1827–30,) tom. v. pp. 102–117.

      [44] Most readers are acquainted with the curious story, related by Robertson, of the ordeal to which the Romish and Muzarabic rituals were subjected, in the reign of Alfonso VI., and the ascendency which the combination of king-craft and priest-craft succeeded in securing to the former in opposition to the will of the nation. Cardinal Ximenes afterwards established a magnificent chapel in the cathedral church of Toledo for the performance of the Muzarabic services, which have continued to be retained there to the present time. Fléchier, Histoire du Cardinal Ximinès, (Paris, 1693,) p. 142.—Bourgoanne, Travels in Spain, Eng. trans., vol. iii. chap. 1.

      [45] Marina, Ensayo Histórico-Crítico, nos. 322, 334, 341.—Riol, Informe, apud Semanario Erudito, pp. 92 et seq.

      [46] Marina, Ensayo Histórico-Crítico, nos. 335–337.—Ordenanças Reales, lib. 1, tit. 3, leyes 19, 20; lib. 2, tit. 7, ley 2; lib. 3, tit. 1, ley 6.—Riol, Informe, apud Semanario Erudito, loc. cit.—In the latter part of Henry IV.'s reign, a papal bull had been granted against the provision of foreigners to benefices. Mariana, Hist. de España, tom. vii. p. 196, ed Valencia.

      [47] Riol, in his account of this celebrated concordat, refers to the original instrument, as existing in his time in the archives of Simancas, Semanario Erudito, tom. iii. p. 95.

      [48] "Lo que es público hoy en España é notorio," says Gonzalo de Oviedo, "nunca los Reyes Cathólicos desearon ni procuraron sino que proveer é presentar para las dignidades de la Iglesia hombres capazes é idoneos para la buena administracion del servicio del culto divino, é á la buena enseñanza é utilidad de los Christianos sus vasallos; y entre todos los varones de sus Reynos así por largo conoscimiento como per larga é secreta informacion acordaron encojer é elegir," etc. Quincuagenas, MS., dial. de Talavera.

      [49] Salazar de Mendoza, Crón. del Gran Cardenal, lib. 1, cap. 52.—Idem, Dignidades de Castilla, p. 374.—Pulgar, Reyes Católicos, part. 2, cap. 104.—See also the similar independent conduct pursued by Ferdinand, three years previous, with reference to the see of Taraçona, related by Zurita, Anales, tom. iv. fol. 304.

      [50] Bernaldez, Reyes Católicos, MS., cap. 44.—See a letter from one of Henry's subjects, cited by Saez, Monedas de Enrique IV., p. 3.—Also the coarse satire (composed in Henry's reign) of Mingo Revulgo, especially coplas 24–27.

      [51] Pragmáticas del Reyno, fol. 64.—Ordenanças Reales, lib. 4, tit. 4, ley 22; lib. 5, tit. 8, ley 2; lib. 6, tit. 9, ley 49; lib. 6, tit. 10, ley 13.—See also other wholesome laws for the encouragement of commerce and general security of property, as that respecting contracts, (lib. 5, tit. 8, ley 5,)—fraudulent tradesmen, (lib. 5, tit. 8, ley 5,)—purveyance, (lib. 6, tit. 11, ley 2 et al.—Recopilacion de las Leyes, lib. 5, tit. 20, 21, 22; lib. 6, tit. 18, ley 1.—Pulgar, Reyes Católicos, part. 2, cap. 99.—Zurita, Anales, tom. iv. fol. 312.—Mem. de la Acad. de Hist., tom. vi. Ilust. 11.)—The revenue, it appears, in 1477, amounted to 27,415,228 maravedies; and in the year 1482, we find it increased to 150,695,288 maravedies. (Ibid., Ilust. 5.)—A survey of the kingdom was made between the years 1477 and 1479, for the purpose of ascertaining the value of the royal rents, which formed the basis of the economical regulations adopted by the cortes of Toledo. Although this survey was conducted on no uniform plan, yet, according to Señor Clemencin, it exhibits such a variety of important details respecting the resources and population of the country, that it must materially contribute towards an exact history of this period. The compilation, which consists of twelve folio volumes in manuscript, is deposited in the archives of Simancas.

      [52] One of the statutes passed at Toledo expressly provides for the erection of spacious and handsome edifices (casas grandes y bien fechas) for the transaction of municipal affairs, in all the principal towns and cities in the kingdom. Ordenanças Reales, lib. 7, tit. 1, ley 1.—See also L. Marineo, Cosas Memorables, passim—et al. auct.

      [53] "Cosa fue por cierto maravillosa," exclaims Pulgar, in his Glosa on the Mingo Revulgo, "que lo que muchos hombres, y grandes senores no se acordaron á hacer en muchos años, sola una muger, con su trabajo, y gobernacion lo hizo en poco tiempo." Copla 21.

      [54] The beautiful lines of Virgil, so often misapplied,

      "Jam redit et Virgo; redeunt Saturnia regna;

       Jam nova progenies," etc.

      seem to admit here of a pertinent application.

      [55] Carro de las Doñas, apud Mem. de la Acad. de Hist., tom. vi. Ilust. 21.—As one example of the moral discipline introduced by Isabella in her court, we may cite the enactments against gaming, which had been carried to great excess under the preceding reigns. (See Ordenanças Reales, lib. 2, tit. 14, ley 31; lib. 8, tit. 10, ley 7.) L. Marineo, according to whom "hell is full of gamblers," highly commends the sovereigns for their efforts to discountenance this vice. Cosas Memorables, fol. 165.

      [56] See, for example, the splendid ceremony of Prince John's baptism, to which the gossipping Curate of Los Palacios devotes the 32d and 33d chapters of his History.

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