Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda. Swami Paramananda
join its little stream with Thine uncompassed waters,
To find its wholeness in Thy Being.
A person cannot begin to think and unfold his inner faculties without transforming everything. His speech, his thought, his action will all manifest it. His life of itself will be consecrated and steadfast in purpose. Egotism and aggressiveness often blind our vision and make us miss higher opportunities. Only as we learn to draw from within are we able to make the best use of the opportunities.
O thou Supreme Mother of the universe,
Reveal Thyself unto me that my mind be freed from all lethargy and doubt.
Lift my thoughts and prayers that I may have access to Thy Infinite Being.
Make my heart harmonious and peaceful
That I may be ready for Thy holy Spirit to come within me.
Salient Thought for the Day.
To convey our Ideal, it must first mingle with the life.
Lines to Memorize.
Alas, thy mortal mind holds thee captive by blinding thy sight
Break its distorting spell, and wake!
Awake and seek!
Look within and move within.
There thou shalt find thy true estate.
The outer life is an exact reproduction of the inner. The spiritual life plays a tremendous part in the world. We may be attracted by a flower and long to keep it always; but we cannot possess it if we sever it from its root. In the same way, we cannot be truly living, if our consciousness is cut off from its Source.
Let me offer up my heart with feeling of sacred consecration.
Let me give my life with humility and selfless devotion.
May all my thoughts, words and actions be dedicated unto Him from whom we are descended.
Sail thy vessel on,—
Steady, friend, steadily sail along.
Water may be rough
Or water may be smooth,
But ever hold fast to thy compass.
The sky may smile
Or the sky may frown—
Hold fast to thy compass.
Wind may roar
Or wind may be still—
Hold fast, hold fast to thy compass and sail thy vessel on.
Steady, friend, steadily sail along.
He who is established and unshaken; he who is alike in pleasure and pain, who is the same in pleasant and unpleasant, in praise and blame, and steady; he who is alike in honor and dishonor, the same to friend and foe, giving up all selfish undertakings, he is said to have crossed beyond the qualities of Nature. And He who, crossing over these qualities, serves Me with unwavering devotion, becomes fit to attain oneness with the Supreme.
Salient Thought for the Day.
Be like a rock, unshakable.
Lines to Memorize.
Hold fast to the end.
Goal can ne’er be far
If thy heart clings to Him with love,
With love hold fast to the end.
Discipline should not throw you down. When you take up spiritual life without any ulterior motive, not seeking ease or comfort, you seek tests and difficulties to prove your strength and endurance. You do not shrink from trial. Never pray to minimize your burden, but that you may be given wisdom to meet it. There are moments when we feel thwarted and when our spiritual vision seems blocked. These are the moments of greatest growth.
O Thou All-beneficent Spirit,
Make me firm and undaunted in my spiritual life.
May my mind rise above the ever changing objects of this world.
And be fixed always on Thee.
May my heart be unfaltering.
May it never turn away from Thee.
Make me strong in Thy strength.
May I never fall back or waver in my devotion to Thee.
Salient Thought for the Day.
Steadfastness is one of the basic virtues in life.
Lines to Memorize.
Be thou a lamp unto thy fellow-men, unfailing. Let thy light of love burn at all hours without ceasing.
Be not downcast or depress thy heart if, perchance, it burneth dim.
Let it burn bright or let it be dim,
But be thou ever an unfailing lamp.
Be steadfast. When we hold steadfastly, then there comes a certain ripening within us. How long a man can hold, that is the measure of his merit. What is an hour or two when you are standing faithfully at your post? Realization comes when we endure. The spiritual life requires great steadiness and endurance. Hold to your faith and devotion. Never let them waver or grow weak.
May that Infinite One, who knows all my thoughts or feelings,
May He fill me with strength and wisdom.
May He remove from my heart all that is unworthy and alien.
May He make it free from all blemish
That in all my actions and in my words I may express His power and glory
And bring blessings to all His children.
Salient Thought for the Day.
Steadfastness is a quality of the soul. It is something which we unfold.
Lines to Memorize.
The light of the soul knoweth no boundary lines;
If hath no east nor west, north nor south.
Yea, the light of the soul shineth everywhere, Save when we keep our doors shut—
Alas, when we keep our doors shut!
We must acquire steady wisdom. We must not be fluctuating