Behavior Solutions. John Hannigan

Behavior Solutions - John Hannigan

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the four integration criteria for integrating PLC and RTI in each tier. The four criteria are available at the end of chapters 35 and ultimately make up what we refer to as the behavior integration assessment (BIA). The “Behavior Integration Assessment” reproducible appears in full at This tool helps schools assess mastery of the integration criteria necessary for preventing and avoiding the systemic behavior gap.

      2. Complete the designated sections of the RTI at Work pyramid with a focus on behavior for Tier 1 (chapter 3), Tier 2 (chapter 4), and Tier 3 (chapter 5), with a focus on essential academic and social behaviors while learning how to apply the roles and responsibilities of each of the teams (chapter 2) and develop certain access points within and between each tier.

      W. Edwards Deming’s (1993) Plan–Do–Study–Act framework is a longstanding learning and improvement model applicable across a wide body of structures, organizations, and fields interested in ongoing improvement. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 follow those stages to help your school’s continuous improvement in each tier–specifically, helping you identify what you are trying to accomplish, how you will know that it’s working, and what changes you can make that will result in improvement. In addition to the cycle in each tier, each tier’s chapter ends with critical actions to consider and evidence indicators for successful implementation.

      Understand it is the process we emphasize here. Once your leadership team understands the process, it can include any of the essential academic and social behavior standards within any behavior initiative. The point is that your leadership team knows to identify the behavior standards to teach, and it understands your school’s RTI needs. Our examples of this process utilize the essential academic and social behavior standards because our findings have indicated that they capture both the academic and social behavior needs of students and they are inclusive of other initiatives and programs.

      We provide doable processes and user-friendly tools and forms to answer commonly asked questions about and prevent schoolwide and classroom-level challenges. These tools help the leadership team use data to determine what will best work for its school, students, and staff, no matter what the school has identified as its essential behavior standards.

      These sections help you answer the following questions for each tier using the Plan–Do–Study–Act (Deming, 1993) framework.

      ▶ “How do we identify essential academic and social behavior standards?”

      ▶ “What does function as a PLC with a focus on behavior mean?”

      ▶ “What are everyone’s roles and responsibilities when implementing Tiers 1, 2, and 3 academic and social behavior prevention, intervention, and remediation?”

      ▶ “What is the behavior connection between PLCs and RTI?”

      ▶ “What does implementation look like in each RTI tier?”

      ▶ “How will implementation help address the systemic behavior gap?”

      ▶ “Where do we start with implementation?”

      In appendices A–C, we focus on how to take all the information provided in the previous chapters and create a sustainable, continuous system of supports for this work. We help you identify how to move your teams forward during implementation. We also provide action plans and additional tools and resources to help move your teams from buy-in to ownership.

      These chapters add up to a book that helps you build a comprehensive RTI system in each tier that can improve academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.

      This book serves two purposes: (1) help as you audit your current RTI pyramid in each tier for behavior and (2) help as you learn how to function as a PLC with the focus on behavior to assign RTI in each tier (Tier 1 prevention, Tier 2 intervention, and Tier 3 remediation). Too often we hear from educators the comments stated in the beginning of this introduction, so we want to provide a toolkit to implement effective systems in schools that are as intentional for behavior as they are for academics.

      We highly recommend initially reading this book in its entirety to develop a comprehensive RTI at Work structure for behavior. Then, utilize its design as a workbook to revisit any part of the Plan–Do–Study–Act cycles within each tier to continuously improve your system.

      This book will give you the tools to find solutions to any behavior problems you are seeing on your campus and identify methods to address them in each tier; hence our title—Behavior Solutions!

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