The Two Antonias: Two Sassy and Sexy Short Stories From the Wonderfully Wicked Women Series. T. Goodman

The Two Antonias: Two Sassy and Sexy Short Stories From the Wonderfully Wicked Women Series - T. Goodman

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was highly impressed and feeling very proud. Stix had made his presentation flawless. He could use someone like her in his corner. After the room cleared, Jamie thanked Stix profusely.

      “What can I do to repay you?” he said.

      Stix already had something in mind. “You can take me to dinner,” she said enthusiastically.

      “Done!” said Jamie.

      They made arrangements to go to dinner the next evening. On a first date, Stix liked to meet her date at their destination. Just in case it didn’t go well, she could drive herself home. She would meet him at the new restaurant that opened downtown at 7:00 p.m.

      Mission accomplished, Stix thought.

      Chapter 6

      Stix was excited. Jamie intrigued her. He was the kind of man that she liked. He was big, muscular, and very manly. Now she had to decide what role she wanted to play. Should she be the vulnerable little girl, or should she be a sexy vixen? Either way, she just wanted to tease him a little. She didn’t want to sleep with him just yet. She made preparations to meet with the handsome marine the next evening.

      Sexy vixen won out. She decided to wear the red dress that had been custom-made for her. It was simple but superhot! She would wear her hair wild and wavy, very animalistic. When Stix wore her hair like that, it reminded men of the lion’s mane. That seemed to turn them on. Maybe she should wear an animal print. No, she wanted to have an air of sophistication about her. The red dress would do. She would wear her red stilettos to match her dress. That outfit should stay on his mind for a while.

      Jamie was still excited about how well his presentation went. His best friend, Sergeant Juan Catalina (Cat for short), had been there for his presentation. “You really nailed it, Jay,” he said. Cat had watched the faces of the officers. They really didn’t want to admit it. Jamie had surpassed their expectations. Jamie was looking forward to dinner with Stix. She was very sharp, and he wanted to pick her brain. Dinner was the least he could do for her. She had been fantastic! Jamie wanted to look especially nice for his date with Stix. He wore his dress uniform.

      Stix got to the restaurant at exactly 7:00 p.m. Jamie was there waiting for her. Wow! Jamie looked so handsome in his dress uniform. He stood so erect, and his green eyes sparkled when he smiled. “Hello, young lady,” he said as he gave Stix his arm to accompany him into the dining area. Damn! Jamie thought. I might have to think this over. She looks good in that red dress. A sexual relationship with her would not be impossible. After all, Jamie knew a few big men who had tiny women. They must not have had any problems in getting some nooky. Most of them were still together, Jamie thought.

      The evening went very well. Stix found out why Jamie spoke with a Hispanic accent and had blond hair and green eyes. Jamie’s father was Cuban, but he looked like his mother. His mother was only half Cuban. Jamie’s mother never knew her father. And Jamie’s grandmother never talked about him. Jamie’s grandmother took his identity to her grave. It was rumored that she had been raped by a white man. Jamie always assumed that his grandfather had been blond.

      Jamie also found out a lot about Stix. For one thing, he found out why they called her Stix. Stix told him that when she was younger, she looked like a stick. She had no curves. She was just straight up and down. Her father thought she would never have any curves, so he called her Stix. The name just caught on, and everyone started calling her that. Another thing Jamie found out was that she had a passion for music.

      She said she loved to write music and had written several songs. Jamie got the impression that Stix was financially comfortable, but nothing like what he needed. He needed a woman that had deep pockets, a woman that would set him up for the rest of his life. Jamie had been in the marines for seventeen years now. He wanted to retire soon. He liked Stix, but she wasn’t the one he would spend the rest of his life with. She might be okay to play with, though. Jamie’s thoughts reverted to the difference in their sizes. Jamie knew that he was a big man in every sense of the word. He was afraid that he might split her in two with his erection.

      Stix could hardly contain herself. She got a chance to check Jamie out. He must be wearing boxers because she could see the imprint of his package through his pants. He was well endowed. What a treat he was going to be! Be cool, girl, Stix thought to herself. You don’t want him to think you are a slut. Be cool. This is just your first date.

      Stix was far from being shy. At the end of the evening, she invited him to find a day when he could come over and have dinner at her place. She would fix a home-cooked meal for him. Stix was a very good cook. Her specialty was Italian food. Her dad had taught her how to cook. Jamie accepted her invitation. It wasn’t often he got a home-cooked meal. If she could cook, that would be another plus in her favor.

      Chapter 7

      Stix hadn’t been this excited over a date in a long time. She and Jamie had really connected on their first date. She couldn’t wait to tell Lee, her cousin, about Jamie. Lee had always been her best friend also. They told each other everything. Lee lived in New York. Stix’s father and Lee’s father were brothers, so they really were cousins. Lee was more like a sister though. Stix and Lee had grown up together. After the death of Stix’s father, she went to live with Lee and her parents. Lee and Stix were both only children so they relied on each other a lot.

      Lee was a little taller than Stix. She was about five feet two inches with long blond hair. She had these extraordinary big blue eyes. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she was generally carefree and felt entitled to the best of everything. Stix had always considered herself a sexually free woman, but Lee took it to another level. In the old days, Lee would have been considered a nymphomaniac and would probably have been burned at the stake. She loved all kinds of sex. She loved all kinds of men. She had chosen the right profession. Lee was a sex therapist. She had a radio show in New York, and it was number one. She also wrote for several magazines. And her practice was booming.

      Stix would tell Lee about Jamie, but before she did, she had to issue Lee a caveat. “Lee,” she would say, “Jamie and his buddies are off limits.” Lee would comply. Lee had never broken their trust. Lee wouldn’t try to seduce any man that Stix said was off limits. And it didn’t bother Lee because there were so many men out there. It was like being in a candy store as far as Lee was concerned.

      Lee always drew a crowd of men around her. One reason was she never wore panties unless it was that time of the month. She let that be known wherever she went. That would start the men salivating. They acted like wild dogs. Lee loved it. She was definitely no angel. It was nothing for Lee to meet a man, and if she liked him, thirty minutes later, she would know him in the biblical sense. Lee was something else. Stix decided to get to know Jamie a little better before she introduced him to Lee. Right now, she wanted some tips from Lee on how to seduce him.

      “Hey, girl,” Lee said.

      Stix told Lee about Jamie. “I’ve got a question for Miss Sex Therapist. How do I get this man in bed? I have a feeling he thinks I’m not his type. This will be our second date, and I’m fixing dinner.”

      Lee said, “Girl, you know how to seduce a man. He must be something special if you’re asking me.”

      Stix laughed. “I really want him.”

      Lee thought for a minute. “Okay, do you still have some of that wine we picked up in Portofino last year? Most American men have never heard of nor tasted that wine.”

      “Yes, I do,” Stix replied.

      “It has a good taste. It seems like your average harmless wine. It sneaks up on you and packs quite a punch. Make sure you give him some of that wine,” said Lee.

      “Okay, I’ll pull out the good wine,” said Stix. “I must want him badly. I’m rich, and even I thought that wine was very expensive.”

      Lee laughed and said, “From what you said about the size of his fingers, I think it will be worth it.”

      Stix smirked and said, “It better be.”


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