Engaging the Doctrine of Marriage. Matthew Levering

Engaging the Doctrine of Marriage - Matthew Levering

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“the holy city, New Jerusalem, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (Rev 21:2). An angel calls to the Seer and tells him, “Come I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb” (Rev 21:9). The “Bride” is the Church, the New Jerusalem. God and Christ indwell the New Jerusalem so perfectly that the whole city—symbolic of the countless elect people of God—is the perfect temple of God.

      I will discuss these points further in the chapters that follow. Let me simply note here that by privileging marriage, I do not intend to detract from believers’ royal and priestly roles. Only if our intimacy with God is so profound as to be “marital” can we eschatologically “reign” and consecrate all reality to God. Otherwise, we could not be true sharers in Christ’s Sonship or in Christ’s royal priesthood. Instead we would have been created simply to stand to the side. It is only if we truly are the “bride” of Christ, intimately united with him and intimately sharing in his communion with the Father in the Spirit, that we can also be priests and kings with him, governing all things in justice and offering them in praise to the Father.

      Why Is There No Marriage in Eternal Life, and What about Single People?

      Is it a problem, however, that Jesus teaches that in eternal life people “neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven” (Matt 22:30)? On the contrary, this is what we should expect. Earthly marriage as a sacrament exists to build us up in the self-surrendering love that already fully characterizes the life of the blessed angels—the life of marriage with God. In the consummated kingdom, all will be intimately bound to all, and all God’s people will be present. Precisely because the eschatological marriage will be all-encompassing, sexual intercourse, with its one-to-one exclusivity and procreative power, will not be needed. By God’s power and presence, all the delight and pleasure of intimate interpersonal communion will be wondrously amplified, not negated or reduced. Simply put, eternal life will superabundantly fulfill human marriage, through the unimaginable fullness of the “marriage” of Christ and his Church.

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