story to tell. He stated that he had much difficulty finding Chihaysu in the desert. After travelling all day Jonas sat down as it was getting dark. As twilight came, he spotted a flickering light. He walked towards it and discovered a small campsite to the north. As he approached, he realized Chihaysu was there.
They greeted each other and Jonas shared the information about Chihaysu’s mother. Chihaysu was saddened. He and Jonas prayed for her. Since it was late, they lay down to rest. The next morning Chihaysu stated that he felt compelled to remain one more day in the desert as he became convinced, while praying, that an important revelation was coming. Chihaysu asked Jonas if he would like to take a walk and Jonas agreed. They grabbed a bottle of water each and walked, for some time east. Then Chihaysu pointed. “Do you see them . . . the mountains?” Jonas replied that he did and that he never knew that there were mountains on the other side of the desert.
“They are huge,” Chihaysu advised. “Someday I will travel this desert and visit them.” They sat down near some small rocks. The desert, at this place, had some yellow-like grass growing. It was a comfortable place to rest and, before Jonas knew it, he fell asleep
Jonas did not know how long he rested. He only remembers Chihaysu awakening him. “It’s getting late,” Chihaysu stated. When they got back to camp, Chihaysu and he had a quick meal. Chihaysu prayed for Jonas’ safe return and gave him a written message for his mother just before he left.
After walking for some time, Jonas sat down to rest. He checked his pack for Chihaysu’s message and could not find it. Since it was for his mother, Jonas returned to Chihaysu. When he came near, the sun was about to set. Chihaysu had started a small fire as it does get cold at night in the desert. Jonas stopped a short distance from the camp and noted that Chihaysu appeared to be meditating.
Off in the distance he saw an animal coming towards Chihaysu, an animal he had never seen. It was like a large goada, but with longer legs, a bushy tail, and a much longer nose. Seated on its back was a tall woman with long black hair that hung to her waist. The front of her black hair was colored gold, and she was able to ride this beast, which was running quite quickly towards Chihaysu. It ran faster than the fastest mobile in Caperston. Jonas told us that he hid behind a large rock to see what was happening. The woman slowed her beast as she approached Chihaysu, then stopped and stepped off the animal. In response Chihaysu rose from his seated position. Jonas stated that the desert was without noise so he could hear all the words of their conversation. The woman greeted Chihaysu by name and introduced herself as Cle-as. She stated that she was the Princess of the kingdom of Romas, which was further east at the other side of the desert. Cle-as stated that her spies had been following the events in Caperston and had told her of a wise and handsome man, who had motivated the people to end the inequality between the Valley People and the Mountain People. Cle-as stated that she was impressed. Chihaysu asked how she knew the language of Caperston so well and Cle-as responded, “It is not I who learned your language. Rather your people in Caperston are speaking the language of Romas.”
I am sending you a sketch by Jonas of Cle-as arriving, leading the large goada. I hope it arrives. The story will be continued in a day or two.
February 5th
Dear Alex and Laura,
Cle-as then told Chihaysu an amazing story. The Kingdom of Romas had existed for over 100 generations. About 25 generations ago a small group of Romasians asked their Ruler if they could journey across the desert to find a “New World.” They had been farmers working on the Ruler’s land for a salary and wanted a chance to own their own land. The Ruler, noting that the population of Romas was rapidly growing, agreed. These people journeyed across the desert, settled in the mountains and their descendants became the Mountain People of today.
Four generations passed and a group of Romasian scientists with a few wealthy allies attempted to overthrow the Ruler, whom Romasians now call a King. They were defeated and condemned to die. However, an appeal was made to spare their lives as there had never been an execution in Romas. The King agreed and sent them across the desert on their own. Upon crossing the desert, they observed there were already settlements in the mountains, so they continued, settling to the southwest of Lake Gael. These criminals are the ancestors of the Valley People. So, all of you, Mountain and Valley people, are ancestors of my kingdom, Romas.
Chihaysu asked her to sit. Jonas stated that he could see that Cle-as was muscular, yet slender, and very beautiful. She dressed modestly, not as you would imagine a Princess would dress. What stood out was her hair. It was long, down to her waist with steaks of gold above her forehead. In the back it was clasped with a silver clip on which was attached a red star. She told Chihaysu that her father was dying and, as his only child, she was the heir to his throne. Her father wants her to wed as she cannot become queen after his death without a husband. It is the law of Romas.
Cle-as could choose any man she wished, and it is a wise man that she was seeking. She stated, “Now I have found my wise man and he is handsome as well as being wise. Between your wisdom and the kingdom, I shall inherit, we can unite not only the Mountain People and the Valley People but all Romas. I shall be the queen and you shall be my king.”
Chihaysu was speechless It appeared that he was impressed with Cle-as. She continued, “I know you need time to think. Let us rest.” She looked at the blanket and the rock next to it on which his head rested the previous night. “Is this where you slept, my dear man?” Chihaysu responded affirmatively. Cle-as continued, “Come rest your head on my lap. It is more comfortable than this hard rock.” A few moments later he lay by her side, resting his head on her lap. She occasionally brushed her hand through his hair.
February 10th
Nothing more happened for several minutes, then Chihaysu sat up. He asked Cle-as, “My new friend, Cle-as, do you know of the God whom I serve?” Cle-as replied, “I have been waiting for you to tell me of him.”
Chihaysu then shared his story: the chest of visions he received, the prayer which led to Dawnling being healed, the prayer that caused the rain to cease during the contest with the scientist and the death of Mattpaul. Cle-as listened intently. She replied, “So you feel there is a Ruler named God over all of us, you and me, Caperston, Romas?”
“I do, Cle-as,” Chihaysu answered.
Cle-as paused for a few seconds, then replied, “Then your God will be my God as surely as you shall be my husband.”
Chihaysu moved a small distance away, then asked, “Cle-as, do you know what prayer is?”
“I have heard that it is powerful,” she answered. He then asked her to pray with him. He bowed his head as did she. Chihaysu asked God to hear his prayers and the prayers of “my new friend, Cle-as.” He continued with his head bowed in silent prayer. Cle-as remained silent, head slightly bowed, eyes closed but appeared restless. Jonas stated that he did not think she was actually praying. He also stated that the moment moved him, and he quickly sketched them.
When he finished, lifting his head, Cle-as spoke, “I like praying with you. Now I must return to my country. You have asked me to pray and I have done so. Here is what I ask of you. First, you need to return to your mother. Ask people to join you to observe what you will do. Look your mother in the eye and tell her that you will pray for her and that she must believe that God will make her better. We in Romas have discovered that AHT is a disease of both the body and of the mind. If a diseased person truly believes that he or she will get better, then the mind will convince the body to fight and defeat the disease. Let the people see you take these actions so that they will follow you.”
My second request is this: “believe in your heart that your God wishes you to be my king and our alliance to be