Basic Benchwork for Home Machinists. Les Oldridge
much easier, but more about that later.
The vise jaws are serrated to prevent the work slipping when roughing down. Clamps, sometimes called clams, to fit over the jaws are needed to prevent these serrations from damaging finished surfaces. They may be made of lead, copper, aluminum, or fiber or any other soft material (see Fig. 1.1).
Various special clamps can be made to hold round, or odd, shaped work securely in the vise. Fig. 1.2. shows an easily made and useful device for holding round bar or pipe. Holes of a size to suit the bars in common use are drilled, as shown, in a piece of mild steel 25mm × 12mm (½ in. × 1 in.) and of a length to accommodate the number of holes required. A saw cut is made through the center of all the holes, except the end one. A similar gadget for holding threaded material can be made in a like fashion, except that the holes are threaded before the gadget is split with the type of thread generally used. These two projects form a useful exercise after reading the chapters on hacksawing, drilling, and cutting screw threads!
Fig. 1.2 Vise clamp for holding round bars.
Chapter 2
Before looking at the various tasks which are performed at the bench, the materials on which we shall be working and their properties must be discussed. It is important that the most suitable material for the job in hand is chosen. Often this will be specified in the drawing from which we are working, but sometimes we have to decide what to use.
The following properties then have to be considered:
STRENGTH. The strength of a material is its ability to withstand stress without breaking. The load, or stress, may tend to stretch, compress, twist, or cut the material. These are termed tensile, compressive, torsional, or shear forces. See Fig. 2.1. The strength of a material varies with the type of stress to which it is subject. For example, cast iron has good compressive strength but relatively poor tensile strength; it is about four times stronger when it is squeezed than when it is stretched.
ELASTICITY is the ability of a stressed material to return to its original shape when the load is removed. Spring steel has a high elasticity factor. Plasticine has practically no elasticity. Most materials are elastic below a certain limit, known as their elastic limit. If the stress applied exceeds this limit, the material is permanently deformed.
PLASTICITY is the reverse of elasticity and is the property of a material to retain any deformation produced by loads after the load has been removed. Steel is plastic at red heat and can be forged to shape.
DUCTILITY is the ability in a material to be drawn out by tensile forces beyond its elastic limit without breaking. This property is important in the production of wire, the wire being produced by drawing metal through dies that get progressively smaller.
MALLEABILITY is a similar property to ductility, except that the material is deformed beyond the elastic limit by compressive forces, such as rolling or hammering, instead of by a tensile force. Lead is a malleable material but lacks ductility because of low tensile strength.
BRITTLENESS. A material is brittle where fractures occur with little or no deformation. Glass is a classic example of a material with this property.
TOUGHNESS is the ability to withstand shock loads.
HARDNESS is the ability of a material to resist penetration, scratching, abrasion, indentation, and wear. In the laboratory, it is measured by applying a load to a small area of material by a hard steel ball or pointed diamond, and measuring the depression made into the material under a given load. Chisels, lathe tools, and center punches, for example, must have this quality to do the job for which they are intended. Unfortunately, the harder carbon steel tools are made the more brittle they become, so some hardness must be sacrificed for toughness in the tempering process. This will be discussed more fully in the chapter on hardening and tempering.
Fig. 2.1 Compressive, tensile, shear, and torsional stresses.
SOFTNESS, obviously, is the opposite property to hardness. Soft materials may be easily shaped by filing, drilling, or machining in a lathe, milling machine, or shaper. In many cases the component is hardened by one means or another, to be discussed later, after the shaping process is completed.
Materials can be divided into a number of groups, such as:
1. Metals, which can be subdivided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This is the group with which we are most concerned but the others will be met from time to time.
2. Plastics, are now widely used in industry and which the model engineer will occasionally use them.
3. Timber.
4. Ceramics—the name originally given to materials made from clay but now used to cover a wide range of materials.
These are the metals containing iron. Metals are rarely used in their pure state but are combined with other metals to form an ALLOY. In the case of iron, carbon is the most important addition. Although it is only present in small amounts, it causes big changes in the property of the metal.
CAST IRON this form the iron has been melted and poured into a mold, usually made of sand, in which it is allowed to solidify. This is a simple, convenient, and relatively cheap process to manufacture components of a complicated shape. Cast iron is an alloy of iron and carbon with small amounts of manganese, silicon, sulfur, and phosphorus. It contains about 3% of carbon.
There are two types, gray and white. Both get their names from the appearance of the metal when fractured. In white cast iron, all the carbon present is cementite; in gray cast iron, most of the carbon is present as flakes of graphite, and there is usually a remainder which is in the form of pearlite. Because cementite is intensely hard, white cast iron is hard and durable, though very brittle. Graphite is soft and is a good lubricant, so gray cast iron is readily machinable, less brittle, and suitable for sliding surfaces. Being hard and brittle white cast iron is rarely used alone but it is the material used for the production of malleable iron.
GRAY CAST IRON, then, is the type in common use; it is cheap and easy to cast and machine. As a typical example, a motor car cylinder block contains 93.32% iron, 3.3% carbon, 1.9% silicon, 0.8% manganese, 0.14% sulfur, and 0.18% each of phosphorus, molybdenum, and chromium. The carbon content of approximately 3.3% consists of about 0.7% of combined carbon and about 2.6% of free carbon.
Because of the free carbon content, cast iron is easy to machine and file; the carbon flakes act as a lubricant, enabling the cast iron to be machined dry. Drilling or tapping of cast iron components is fairly easy, no lubricant being required. There is, however, a hard skin in which some of the molding sand may still be present. This is particularly hard on lathe tools, and when it has to be filed, an old file should be used; a new one would probably be ruined.
Cast iron is used for model engine flywheels, internal combustion engine cylinders, model locomotive wheels, and a host of other parts. Because of its self-lubricating properties, it is an ideal material for plummer block bearings. The spindle of the Model Engineer sensitive drilling machine runs directly in cast iron bearings and shows little signs of wear after years of use.
Cast iron has low tensile strength and poor shock resistance.