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a mix of public and private funding. In 2007, the city committed $350 million to plant 750,000 trees. In 2008, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and David Rockefeller contributed $10 million, and other large donors, from Home Depot to TD Bank to Toyota, contributed more than $1 million. 3. Having committed leadership. Local NYC government and the NYRP, a non-governmental organization, committed to seeing the project through, and New York residents supported it. Inspired by the success of Million Trees NYC, Milan, Italy, utilizing its partnership with Michael Bloomberg’s not-for-profit consultancy Bloomberg Associates, launched a plan in June 2019 to plant three million trees by 2030.

      1 “Cultural Heritage Policy Documents: Charter of Athens (1933),” The Getty Conservation Institute, https://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/research_resources/charters/charter04.html.

      2 World Commission on Environment and Development, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future, 1987, http://www.un-documents.net/our-common-future.pdf.

      3 William McDonough and Michael Braun gart, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (New York: North Point Press, 2002), 139.

      4 Ibid.

      5 Palo Alto Parks, Trails, Natural Open Space and Recreation Master Plan Adopted September 2017, https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/civicax/filebank/documents/64161.

      6 Ibid.

      7 “2019 ParkScore Rankings,” The Trust for Public Land, https://www.tpl.org/parkscore.

      8 Will Rogers in email interview with author, November 17, 2017.

      9 “Bayou Greenways 2020,” Houston Parks Board, https://houstonparksboard.org/­about/bayou-greenways-2020.

      10 “Visit Mount Auburn,” Mount Auburn Cemetery, https://mountauburn.org/visit/.

      11 James Krieger and Donna L. Higgins, “Housing and Health: Time Again for Public Housing,” Am J Public Health 92, no. 5 (2002): 758–768. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1447157/.

      12 Mary Corcoran, “Rags to Rags: Poverty and Mobility in the United States,” Annual Review of Sociology 21 (1995): 237–267.

      13 Dennis Lynch, “LOOP City in Copenhagen / Bjarke Ingels Group,” eVolo, January 25, 2011, http://www.evolo.us/loop-city-in-copenhagen-bjarke -ingels-group/.

      14 “Loop,” Loop City, Projects, BIG Bjarke Ingels Group, https://big.dk/#projects-loop.

      15 Lynch, “Loop City in Copenhagen.”

      16 Jenny Green, “Effects of Car Pollutants on the Environment,” Sciencing, updated March 13, 2018, https://sciencing.com/effects-car-pollutants-environment-23581.html.

      17 Gary Gardner, “Power to the Pedals,” World Watch Magazine 23, no. 4 (July–August 2010), http://www.worldwatch.org/node/6456.

      18 “The Environmental Impact of Cars, Explained,” Reference, National Geographic, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/green-guide/buying-guides/car/environmental-impact/.

      19 Ibid.

      20 “Safety,” Ped Bike Info, Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/factsfigures/facts_safety.cfm.

      21 City of Vancouver, Greenest City: 2020 Action Plan, https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/Greenest-city-action-plan.pdf.

      22 “The High Line: The High Line Basics: Know Before You Go,” NYC Parks, https://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/the-high-line/highlights/19650.

      23 Adam Ganser, “Highline Magazine: B1g Data and Parks,” January 18, 2017, https://www.thehighline.org/blog/2017/01/18/high-line-magazine-b1g-daa -and-parks/.

      24 “MX3D Bridge,” MX3D, https://mx3d.com/projects/bridge/.

      25 Christina Gough, “Cycling – Statistics & Facts,” Statista, September 11, 2018, https://www.statista.com/topics/1686/cycling/.

      26 Sarah Goodyear, “The Bike-Share Boom,” CityLab, https://www.citylab.com/city-makers-connections/bike-share/.

      27 Felix Richter, “Bike-Sharing Clicks into Higher Gear,” Statista, July 3, 2018, https://www.statista.com/chart/14542/bike-sharing-programs-worldwide/.

      28 “Bike Share in U. S.: 2017,” National Association of City Transportation Officials, updated April 17, 2019, https://nacto.org/bike-share-statistics-2017/.

      29 “Lists: 15 of the World’s Most Bike-Friendly Cities,” Mental Floss, http://mentalfloss.com/article/76848/15-worlds-most-bike-friendly-cities.

      30 League of American Bicyclists, Bicycle Friendly America: The Blueprint, 2011, https://www.bikeleague.org/sites/default/files/bfa_blueprint_0.pdf.

      31 Chicago Department of Transportation, Chicago Streets for Cycling Plan 2020, 2012, https://www.chicago.gov/content/dam/city/depts/cdot/bike/general/ChicagoStreetsforCycling2020.pdf.

      32 “84 Million Trips Taken on Shared Bikes and Scooters Across the U. S. in 2018,” National Association of City Transportation Officials, April 17, 2019, https://nacto.org/2019/04/17/84-million-trips-on-shared-bikes-and-scooters/.

      33 Susan Shaheen, PhD, Apaar Bansal, and Nelson Chan, “Mobility and the Sharing Economy: Industry Developments and Early Understanding of Impacts” (paper, University of California Berkeley, 2017), https://cloudfront.escholarship.org/dist/prd/content/qt96j5r729/qt96j5r729.pdf.

      34 Richard Florida, “Parking Has Eaten American Cities,” CityLab, July 24, 2018, https://www.citylab.com/transportation/2018/07/parking-has-eaten-american -cities/565715/

      35 5 Ibid.

      36 Donald Shoup, Parking in the City (New York, Routledge, 2018) https://www.routledge.com/Parking-and-the-City/Shoup/p/book/9781138497122.

      37 Eric Scharnhorst, Quantified Parking: Comprehensive Parking Inventories for Five U.S. Cities (Washington, D.C.: Research Institute for Housing America, May 2018).

      38 Jason Torchinsky, Robot, Take the Wheel: The Road to Autonomous Cars and the Lost Art of Driving (New York: Apollo Publishers, 2019).

      39 “Top 22 Benefits of Trees,” TreePeople, https://www.treepeople.org/tree-benefits.

      40 Brion O’Connor, “The Bay Circuit: Boston’s Outer Emerald Necklace,” The Trustees, http://www.thetrustees.org/what-we-care-about/community/the-bay-circuit.html.

      41 Ministries of Housing, Communities & Local Government, 2012 National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012), https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20180608213715/https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-planning-policy-framework.

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