American Presidential Elections in a Comparative Perspective. Группа авторов
“Hillary’s Temperament: Wrong for President,” National Review, September 30, 2016,
32. “Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President,” New York Times, September 26, 2016,
33. David A. Farherenthold, “Trump Recorded Having Extremely Lewd Conversation about Women in 2005,” The Washington Post, October 8, 2016,
34. “Trump is Pushing U.S. Politics,” The Toronto Star.
35. Thomas Piketty, Economics of Inequality (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015).
36. Nicolas Fitz, “Economic Inequality: It’s Far Worse Than You Think,” Scientific American, March 31, 2015,
37. Larry M. Bartels, Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008), 1 and 3.
38. Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens,” Perspectives on Politics 12, no. 3 (2014): 577.
39. Bartels, Unequal Democracy, 275.
40. Markus Feldenkirchen, “America’s Oligarch Problem: How the Super-Rich Threaten US Democracy,” Spiegel Online, September 10, 2015,
41. “The Guardian View on the US Election: The Time is Right for a Female President,” The Guardian, October 21, 2016,
42. Serge Halimi, “La Primaire Des Milliardaires,” Le Mode Diplomatique, September 2015,
43. Timothy Garton Ash, “El Dinero y las Campanas Electorales,” El País, October 8, 2015,
44. Michel Onfray, “Benvenuti Nell’epoca del Cinismo Planetario,” L’Espresso, April 19, 2017,
45. Anu Narayanswamy, “Meet the Wealthy Donors who are Pouring Millions into the 2016 Election, The Washington Post, November 2, 2016,
46. Marian Currinder, “Campaign Finance. Where Big Money Mattered and Where It Didn’t,” The Elections of 2016, 159.
47. Walter Dean Burnham, “The Reagan Heritage,” in The Election of 1988: Reports and Interpretations, ed. Gerald M. Pomper (Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1988). Walter Dean Burnham, “Critical Elections: Dead or Alive?” in The End of Realignment? Interpreting American Electoral Eras, ed. Bayron E. Shafer (Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1991).
48. Sidney Blumenthal, The Permanent Campaign (New York: Touchstone, 1982).
49. Marion R. Just, “Candidate Strategies and Media Campaign,” in The Election of 1996, ed. Gerald M. Pomper (Chatham, NJ: Chatham House Publishing, 1997), 100.
50. Joe Keohane, “The Cry-Bully: The Sad Mind and Evil Media Genius Behind @realDonaldTrump,” Politico, May/June 2016,
51. Rosario G. Gómez, “Las Mentiras de Trump: Cuatro al Día,” El País, February 24, 2017,
52. Jeffrey Gottfried, Michael Barthel and Amy Mitchell, “Trump, Clinton Voters Divided in Their Main Source for Election News,” Pew Research Center, January 18, 2017,
53. Thomas E. Patterson, “New Coverage of the 2016 General Election: How the Press Failed the Voters,” Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School, December 7, 2016,