Lectures on Quantum Field Theory. Ashok Das

Lectures on Quantum Field Theory - Ashok Das

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the order of Pµ and Mνλ are irrelevant in the definition of the Pauli-Lubanski operator. Furthermore, we note that

      which follows from the fact that the generators of translation commute. It follows from (4.83) that, in general, the vector Wµ is orthogonal to Pµ. (However, this is not true for massless theories as we will see shortly.) In general, therefore, (4.83) implies that the Pauli-Lubanski operator has only three independent components (both in the massive and massless cases). Let us define the dual of the generators of Lorentz transformation as


      With this, we can write (4.82) also as


      where the order of the operators is once again not important.

      Let us next calculate the commutators between Wµ and the ten generators of the Poincaré group. First, we have

      which follows from the the fact that momenta commute. Consequently, any function of Wµ and, in particular WµWµ, will also commute with the generators of translation. We also note that

      Here we have used the identity satisfied by the four dimensional Levi-Civita tensors,

      Equation (4.87) simply says that under a Lorentz transformation, the operator image behaves exactly like the generators of Lorentz transformation (see (4.30)). Namely, it behaves like a second rank anti-symmetric tensor under a Lorentz transformation. Using this, then, we can now evaluate (see (4.37) and (4.87))


      In other words, we see that the operator Wµ transforms precisely the same way as does the generator of translation or the Pµ operator under a Lorentz transformation. Namely, it transforms like a vector which we should expect since it has a free Lorentz index. Let us note here, for completeness as well as for later use, that

      It follows now from (4.89) that


      which is to be expected since WµWµ is a Lorentz scalar. Therefore, we conclude that if we define an operator


      then, this would also represent a Casimir operator of the Poincaré algebra since Wµ commutes with the generators of translation (see (4.86)). It can be shown that P2 and W2 represent the only Casimir operators of the algebra and, consequently, the representations can be labelled by the eigenvalues of these operators. In fact, let us note from this analysis that a Casimir operator for the Poincaré algebra must necessarily be a Lorentz scalar (since it has to commute with Mµν). There are other Lorentz scalars that can be constructed from Pµ and Mµν such as


      However, it is easy to check that these do not commute with the generators of translation and, therefore, cannot represent Casimir operators of the algebra.

      The irreducible representations of the Poincaré group can be classified into two distinct categories, which we treat separately.


      and in this basis, the eigenvalues of the operator P2 = PµPµ are obvious, namely,



      Here m denotes the rest mass of the single particle state and we assume the rest mass to be non-zero. However, the eigenvalues of W2 are not so obvious. Therefore, let us study this operator in some detail. We recall that


      Therefore, using (4.88), we have


      where we have simplified terms in the intermediate steps using the anti-symmetry of the Lorentz generators.

      To understand the meaning of this operator, let us go to the rest frame of the massive particle. In this frame,

      and the operator W2 acting on such a state, takes the form


      Recalling that (see (4.26))


      where Jk represents the total angular momentum of the particle, we obtain


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