Alex and the Monsters: Together at Home! Coronavirus Days. Salvador Macip

Alex and the Monsters: Together at Home! Coronavirus Days - Salvador Macip

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      Lidia said she would never forget the look on my face when I

      found out that being in lockdown didn’t mean staying at home

      just for two or three hours. I thought she was exaggerating.




      Until when?

      But what’s going


      How annoying!

      Calm down,


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      We were locked up athome because ofthe darned coronavirus.

      I was longing to go to the park with Lidia and the monsters,

      and I also wanted to go and visit my grandpa. I wanted to go

      to school and I wanted... I wanted to go anywhere! But the

      reality was that I was locked up at home with ten monsters...

      Ten monsters and my parents!

      Yes, yes... a video call at three, I’ll

      send you an email now. Let’s chat

      at five... And I’ll call you by phone

      tonight, if necessary. And more


      I think you’re working

      twice as hard when you

      work from home!

      You’re right, Alex,

      it’s crazy!

      In ten minutes, let’s set the table,

      have dinner and then we can play

      cards. In the meantime, finish your

      schoolwork please and send it using

      the app.

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      What a life! And I also felt bad for my friends, the monsters,

      because they couldn’t go to the park. The truth is though that

      they understood better than anyone that we had to stayat home.

      It was them who had to remind me every few days.

      I’m so sorry we can’t go

      to the park! If it was up

      to me, we would be going

      right now!

      What are you

      on about?

      You’re starting


      It seems that we have to

      remind you about what’s

      going on!

      Come on, let’s

      do it!

      Alex, Alex! How

      are you doing?

      Wait, Lidia, he was thinking

      of going out!

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      The monsters had no choice but to remind me.Ziro took out

      his whiteboard and they all explained it very clearly.

      First of all, Alex, you have to

      understand that there are many

      types of viruses. In fact, every

      time we catch a cold or have the

      flu it’s because of a virus…

      Although viruses don’t just

      give us colds and flu. They

      cause other diseases too.

      This virus is

      disgusting! I hate the


      Calm down, Emmo,

      that won’t help us

      get rid of the virus!

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      Ziro’s explanations were interesting. It turns out that viruses are

      microbes thatcan only be seen under a powerful microscope.

      There are many microbes that aren’t harmful to us, such as the

      bacteria used to produce yogurt and the fungus we use to make

      Roquefort cheese. But microbes also include viruses, and some

      of them cause colds and flu.

      The viruses reach our body...

      They often travel in the

      droplets we expel when we

      cough, sneeze, or even when

      we talk!

      And then they infect us. That’s

      what makes us sick. And we

      don’t recover until our body

      reacts and zaps the virus!

      So what’s the

      problem then?

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      We don’t have one

      problem. We have


      The coronavirus that’s

      affecting us now, which we

      call SARS-CoV-2, is new and

      we don’t know much

      about it.

      We know it spreads

      quickly, which means it

      can infect many people.





      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

      Текст предоставлен ООО «ЛитРес».


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