Can Democracy Safeguard the Future?. Graham Smith
Copyright © Graham Smith 2021
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This book has been a long time coming. Short-term demands have got in the way of its completion. The irony is not lost on me.
The ideas in this book emerged not only from academic conversations, but from political engagement. I am privileged to be the chair of the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development and have had the pleasure of working with and learning from fellow trustees over a number of years. It does feel as if the policy window is slightly ajar. Whether we are able to force it open is another question. I would like to thank past and present trustees and associates for the inspiring conversations that have helped to develop my ideas. I can also thank future trustees, whoever you are, because the organisation will be necessary in the years to come. Additionally, I have been fortunate enough to work closely with numerous impressive democratic practitioners and activists who, through their actions, have shaped my thinking about the potential for participation and deliberation. I am humbled also by fellow rebels in Extinction Rebellion, who inspire me with their courage and creativity in the face of the climate emergency.
I have presented ideas in this book at numerous academic conferences and workshops. Thanks to everyone who has offered critical reflections. I would like to single out Michael Mackenzie for particular appreciation. Some years back, I had the good fortune to be a visiting scholar at the Ash Center at Harvard University at the same time as Michael. He had recently finished his PhD on future publics – a much revised version of which is soon to be published. Our long and inspiring conversations made me realise that I might have something to say on this topic.
Finally, the greatest source of encouragement has been my family. Susan pushed me to work on the manuscript when other short-term commitments seemed more pressing. She is inspirational and my most supportive and loving critic. I dedicate this book to three wonderful representatives of the world to come: my niece Marianna and my nephews Alex and Matthew. It is their future and the future of those who follow them that is my most significant motivation.
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