Cabinets, Bookcases and Wall Shelves - Hot to Build All Types of Cabinets, Shelving and Storage Facilities for the Modern Home - 77 Designs with Compl. Milton Gunerman
href="#u6a2c8f62-2085-5089-a3fa-704e1bf4c4c3"> Odd-Size Volumes Fit Modern Bookcase
Pine Book Shelf Provides Space for 300 Volumes
Lyre Design Ornaments Jigsawed Magazine Basket
Contemporary Bookcase and Desk Combination
Bookcase Any Beginner Can Build
Window-Sill Shelf Holds Plants, Books and Magazines
Double-Duty Bookcase Holds Curios, Knickknacks
New Bookcase-Radio for Housing an Old Set
Two Wall Shelves Cut Out on Jig Saw
Graceful Lotus-Flower Wall Bracket
Colonial Dish Shelf Accents Room
Bric-a-Brac Shelf Built in Wall
Candlestick Pattern Enriches Hanging Shelves
Simple Carving Decorates Wall Bracket
Wall Bracket Handy for Shaving Bowl
Vanity Shelf and Bench Fit Limited Space
Wall Bracket Holds Test Tubes for Flowers
Making Colonial Corner Shelves
Gardeners Need This Seed Cabinet
Dancing Dutch Girl Corner Bracket
Open Shelves Utilize Blank Wall Space in Kitchen
CONVENTIONAL chests of drawers for the bedroom do not always fulfill modern needs. Chest drawers, for instance, do not accommodate laundered shirts efficiently for the obvious reason that the style of such chests has changed little down through the years. This and other minor annoyances have been considered in the design of this group of up-to-date chests. Three units compose the entire ensemble shown here. Two of them are identical with drawers; the other has a series of shelves.
Aside from the unique advantage of varied arrangement afforded by the group—they may be placed in several different positions along the wall—the group meets the requirements of the amateur craftsman inasmuch as all panels are cut from large sheets of plywood, and joints have been simplified to come within the means of the small workshop.
The construction of this chest may be handled as two separate units. Unit (B) is the center section of which only one is required, while two units of (A) will be needed for the side sections. Since the (A) units require more work, these should be started first. Four pieces of stock