Invariants And Pictures: Low-dimensional Topology And Combinatorial Group Theory. Vassily Olegovich Manturov
Proof. Actually, let us calculate the values f(σ1σ2ζ1) and f(ζ2σ1σ2). In the first case we have:
In the second case we have:
As we see, the final results are not the same (i.e., they represent different virtual n-systems); thus, the forbidden move changes the virtual braid.
Remark 2.4. If we put t = 1, the results f(X) and f(Y) become the same. Thus that is the variable t that “feels” the forbidden move. 2n-variable generalisation of the invariant
In the present section we define a stronger version of the f invariant described in the previous section. This generalised invariant was invented by V. O. Manturov soon after the paper [Chterental, 2015] was published; however, the definition remained unpublished since the invariant of (n + 1) variables itself was conjecturally complete.
We begin with the group
Definition 2.18. An extended virtual n-system is a set of elements
Now we construct an invariant
To be precise, consider a crossing corresponding to an i-th generator or its inverse: either σi, ζi or
Then if the letter is σi, then ep stays the same, and eq becomes
Obviously, the function
Along the same lines as in the previous section the following theorem is verified:
Theorem 2.8. The function
Unlike the case of invariant f, though, the following conjecture remains open.
Conjecture 2.1. The invariant
1In fact, there are other braid groups called Brieskorn braid groups. For more details see [Brieskorn, 1971; Brieskorn, 1973].
Chapter 3
Curves on Surfaces. Knots and Virtual Knots
3.1Basic notions of knot theory
We start with basic definitions of knot theory [Manturov, 2018].
A classical knot (a classical link) is a smooth embedding of the circle S1 (a disjoint union of circles
The natural orientation of the circle S1 induces an orientation of the knot (link).
A conventional way to present knots and links is based on their plane generic projections — link diagrams.
A classical link diagram is a 4-valent plane graph, each vertex of which is endowed with undercrossing-overcrossing structure, see Fig. 3.1. The graph can have also circle components without crossings.
Fig. 3.1Knot crossing
Isotopic links may give different diagrams after projection, but this freedom is controlled by Reidemeister’s theorem [Reidemeister, 1948].
Theorem 3.1. Two link diagrams D1 and D2 correspond to the same link isotopy class if and only if the diagram D2 can be obtained from D1 by a sequence of diagram transformations, called Reidemeister moves, see Fig. 3.2, and diagram isotopies.
Fig. 3.2Reidemeister moves
Thus, one can define links (and knots) as equivalence classes of link diagrams modulo Reidemeister moves and diagram isotopies.
Link diagrams do not carry natural orientations so their equivalence classes determine nonoriented links. In order to define an oriented link, one should orient all the edges of a link diagram so that opposite edges of any crossing of the diagram have the same orientation. Such an orientation is compatible with Reidemeister moves and the corresponding equivalence class of oriented diagrams determines an oriented link.
Diagrams of the simplest knots and links are given in Fig. 3.3