Love Has No Time or Place with Lola and Friends. VL Walters

Love Has No Time or Place with Lola and Friends - VL Walters

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his table, Lola saw Toni roll her eyes in his direction. It was obvious that she was not too happy to see him. Oh, well, Lola thought to herself, another drama is about to unfold.

      Chapter 4

      The twelve o’clock show was hotter than the previous one. Sandy’s was packed like a can of sardines. Roy Ayers & Friends had to keep playing two extra tunes. Sterling and Lola were up on their feet like everyone else. What a show! It would forever remain in their memories.

      It was now 1:15 a.m. Roy was saying it was time to go, but for his last song, he would play a tune that fit the mood. It was “Sweet Tears.” The crowd went wild. Once he finished, the crowd listened to the jazz mastery of Chris which always kept everyone happy. Roy Ayers & Friends were hanging out with some of the patrons. He then made his way to Lola’s table, and said, “Thank you so much for this awesome night. If ever we are in town, it would be our pleasure to perform for you for free.”

      “Thank you,” she replied, “but please at least let me feed you all.”

      “It’s a deal,” he said, and then gave her a nice hug. Lola then introduced him to Sterling. Roy shook his hand and told him that he was a lucky man.

      Sterling replied, smiling, and said, “Don’t I know it.”

      Roy then asked for Uncle Russell. Lola excused herself from the table, and led him over to the kitchen where Lola’s mom and dad were standing with Uncle Russell. Uncle Russell made the introductions, and Roy’s compliments followed. Lola’s father said, “Any time.”

      Lola’s mom added, “Leave your address, I will send you one.” Roy was all smiles. Lola had glanced at Toni who was not looking all too happy being with Unique. They were and headed her way.

      “Toni, I need you for a second, will you excuse us for a second?” she asked Unique.

      “Not a problem,” he said.

      “Lead the way,” she said.

      Once inside the office, Toni blew up. She was annoyed that Unique had the audacity to show up. He had screwed up her weekend and thought by showing up tonight, she would have cooled down. This, of course, was so far from the truth. She said that she had Rob coming to get her, and needed to rid herself of Unique. Rob was one of her co-managers for her boutique. They had become friends, and an interest was blooming. They called it a business/whatever relationship. Unique, on the other hand, was becoming a problem. “What am I going to do, Lola?” Toni asked in a disgusted tone.

      Without a thought, Lola said, “Let me and Sasha handle it.” Lola picked up her radio and asked Sasha to come to the office. Once she arrived, they filled her in. They instantly went to “Plan #5. You Must Leave.”

      Sasha was to take the door, Toni was to speed up her dinner, and Lola was to call an impromptu meeting. They all agreed as Melinda listened on the radio with Misha.

      “Operation Get Rid of Unique” was now in play.

      Sterling was enjoying talking to Uncle Russell and Lola’s dad. It was now 2:00 a.m., the crowd was filtering out, and Unique was having a time with Toni. When Lola made an announcement about the meeting, Unique stood up immediately and made his way to the door with Toni on his heels. As Mason said, “Goodnight, man,” Toni said goodbye, and headed to the bar where Sasha and Rob were sitting. They then returned to their own tasks in closing.

      Lola’s father, Sterling, and Uncle Russell were still talking. So she passed them and winked at Sterling as she headed to the bar to help Bella. She was in the process of doing her count when she said, “Girl, this night was off the hook. Look at all of my tips. It must have been the outfit.”

      Lola agreed.

      “Somebody has lost their mind.”

      “Why is that,” she asked.

      “Because they dropped a twenty in here. Is there a number on it?” Bella asked.

      They looked at each other and just laughed. Toni and Rob were in a close conversation as she straightened the table cloths that had been replaced for the next night. Fresh flowers would be placed by then. The flowers from tonight would be taken to the neighboring hospital.

      Misha was walking from the kitchen with Melinda, carrying plates. Lola looked at them with a raised eyebrow. They both laughed. “We both like food, so whatever.”

      “So what did you take?” Lola asked.

      “Ribs, macaroni, white turnips,” she said. “Don’t worry, Mommy made yours, it’s on the side of the stove with Sasha’s and Toni’s.” They all laughed.

      Lola’s father appeared and whispered, “I like him, very nice indeed.”

      “You do?” Lola asked.

      “Yes,” he replied. “Why you sound so surprised? Oh, could it be because you do not like anyone?

      “That is not true, uh, I did like that boy, uh, what was his name? Claybourne. We were in kindergarten. See, I liked him, and I am sure Uncle Russell has the same sentiments as well.” Just then, Uncle Russell appeared.

      “Oh, Lola, please do not leave our buddy waiting too long,” he said with a wink as he strode off to the kitchen with her dad. Lola watched them, looking like sated cats—more like conspirators on a covert operation. Sterling was sitting with a peaceful look on his face. Bliss came to mind.

      So she said, “It is my turn again.”

      “So it is,” he said. “I am yours for the rest of the evening. Your dad and your uncle are some great guys. We talked about everything. What a refreshing conversation! And talk about being real. I will be going to the Knicks game with them, and they will be going to the Jets game at the Meadowlands with me.”

      “Wow,” Lola said, “and all in one night. Who are you? You have accomplished a task that would take weeks or even months to happen.”

      “My name is Sterling, right?”


      Just then, Sasha, Melinda, and Misha appeared.

      “Well, this has been a night! The bar was over the top! Bella even received exuberant tip with a phone number on it.”

      “Wow!” Sasha said. She had four business cards with pen marks to tell which had the best attributes. Melinda displayed her cards. She too had four. Pocahontas was on a roll.

      Misha held out six, and said, “Whatever. When the right person comes along, I’ll be ready.”

      Toni and Rob appeared, and introductions were made by him and Sterling. Mason arrived and stated the obvious that the door was off the hook. Roy had brought the house down, and all were happy. Uncle Russell was thrilled at the turnout. Sandy’s was in the black, and it was only the beginning of December. Even Darlene and Trent made a killing on tips in the coatroom. Yes, Sandy’s tonight was the place to be, and standing this close to Sterling felt like the place Lola should be.

      Closing was done with the greatest of ease. Melinda and Sasha rode home with Misha. Toni and Rob departed, and Lola’s parents and Uncle Russell departed for home together as did the rest of the staff. As Sterling held open the car door, Lola looked back at the perfect ending to a hectic day. Sandy’s was glistening like a star. It looked like it had a good time as well.

      As Sterling closed the door, Lola sat back into the comfort of his ride. As he entered, he said, “Now this was a really nice night. Awesome would be the best way to express tonight. All of it right from the entering of Sandy’s to the leaving. I enjoyed every aspect your family, friends, and coworkers were all off the hook.”

      Lola was in awe by all that happened that evening.

      “Hell, this could be all the Christmas I need.”

      “Yes, but it is not here yet,” she said.

      “That would depend on who

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