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       Asserting a belief in oneself is like following the precepts of your source unknowingly

       CHAPTER 7

       Acts of Terror by Religious People

       Terrorism comes in different shapes and forms because those who impose their ideas on others are guilty of ideological violence and intimidation

       CHAPTER 8

       Beliefs of Select Fraternal Organizations

       I know all the things I know, but I do not know all the things that know me

       CHAPTER 9

       Believing the Knowledgeable and Exploiting the Believers

       Most of what we perceive through our senses builds our belief

       CHAPTER 10

       Reasoning Behind Our Actions

       Shouldn’t those who believe they evolved from apes reach out to their ape-ancestors for help?

       CHAPTER 11

       Effective Teaching and Engaged Learning

       Competent teachers steer their minds to impart knowledge similarly as engaged students drive their minds to acquire knowledge

       CHAPTER 12

       Belief Literacy Steps

       What would you call someone who knows what to do to become a better person but refuses to do that?


       CHAPTER 13

       Botswana the Beautiful

       Bots is a quintessential country of opposites in Africa

       CHAPTER 14

       When Research Yields More

       Sometimes in life, we search for this but end up finding this, and that

       CHAPTER 15

       Finding Purpose in an Unlikely Place

       What we look at does not always determine what we see

       CHAPTER 16

       Humanity Created God and Religion

       Perhaps, by worshiping inanimate objects out of fear, men and women created God and religion, for which they deserve some commendation


       CHAPTER 17

       Skylife in the Minneapolis Skyway

       You can overcome the fear of death by living in one of the best places in the United States of America

       CHAPTER 18

       Wow. Someone Understands!

       Most times it does not look like it, but God understands everything about the world and the circumstances surrounding its inhabitants

       CHAPTER 19

       The Kingdom View of the Literacy of Belief

       In spite of our distance from God, we can reconnect with Him and lead a meaningful life from today

       CHAPTER 20

       Does Fear Fuel Every Belief?

       Most times we erroneously believe that fear fuels every human quest for

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