Fauxhawk. Ben Doller

Fauxhawk - Ben Doller

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breaks into flame then, a zillion

      Times told shinier, more mushroomy, O my musketeer!

      No wonder in it: vaped bods make Cloud-cowed civilian

      Ka-Ching, kids disremembered, ah my dear,

      the report cannot be independently verified.

      my stooges shirt

      my stooge

      popular iggy peanut butter

      I wear my stooges under work shirts

      to stage rage to play

      a little ditty to raw power

      to passenge alive in

      sweatwater bathtops

      in heroin hats

      the white rats

      covered up

      half shaved


      curing a common




      The word is a verb

      but the word

      is a noun

      I noun you

      I noun pronounce you

      now pronoun you I do—

      I am my wife’s wife.

      I wive. I wave the news at a beetle

      who must die.

      It runs into and out of

      this house

      of mine.


      The verb is a word

      but the verb

      is a noun

      I’m deverbing you

      I just gerunded

      Excuse me.

      Words are free

      I am not.

      The news is good

      not so good and terrible,

      it runs at least

      a hundred

      pages old.


      I run from myself

      I am faster this way

      I do run myself, oblongata

      this sentence

      runs on

      plant & animal


      it ruins the mouthfeel

      the best feel

      for it feeds as well

      I have a secret

      I don’t know what it isn’t.



      flexibleemeralds spermicidalketchup

      petrochemicalbags consistofwhattheycontain

      deadscents sentexpress madeMEDIA

      omahasteaksubscription Foremangrill

      testosterone&zeranol droolsthroughthespout

      clabberinginthetunacan fromamazon

      arisesthecorrugation fiberboard ingoosestep

      entombing agooselivermaskofaman

      Iwillwear thisrest therestofmylife

      Iwilltaketherest ofmylife uponasettee

      brandedafter aspokesmodelcloud


      letusnowpray totheexplicitsentence

      theunequivocal inorder tojiveorjibe precise

      theprivilegeofpunctuation spitstaintheorder

      thecolonoscope decrieswherewego

      isitbadtobeevil ifsoyouareborn

      isiteviltoapostrophize sacrosanctcenotaphs

      it’sjust Ihavesomany leftover excretions

      it’sthe justwomanman rejectstheaveragemanwoman

      brandishingan e-bouquet HDgeraniums


      handmethetorch let’sseewhatthissolventsays


      nothingforlunch butfunnylookingdiskettes

      nothingfornoon butfurinasock

      themeterisrunning themeterisrunning

      theincorporation bouncingabucket onahotday

      screwedup blacktop plasticsound

      nothingbutsun inplaceofthesupper

      businessinfront carmageddonintheback

      themeterisruining themouthfeel

      thepoematablet protectsyourtongue

      it’snicetolookatthemirrorsometimes thewallbehind


       [ EY ]

      I abase my base.

      I abash my bash.

      I abate my bait.

      I abduct my duct.

      I abet my bet.

      I abhor my whore.

      I abstain my stain.

      I abstract my tract.

      I abut my butt.

      I accede my seed.

      I accent my scent.

      I acclaim my claim.

      I acclimate my climate.

      I accompany my company.

      I accost my cost.

      I account my count.

      I accredit my credit.

      I accrue my crew.

      I acknowledge my knowledge.

      I acquire my choir.

      I address my dress.

      I adhere my here.

      I administer my minister.

      I admire my mire.

      I admit my mitt.

      I adore my door.

      I advise my vice.

      I affirm my firm

      I affix my fix.

      I afford my Ford.

      I affront my front.

      I allow my low.

      I amass my mass.

      I ambush my bush.

      I analyze my lies.

      I anchor my core.

      I appeal my peel.

      I append my end.

      I apply my ply.

      I appoint my point.


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