Lessons in Truth Series: the Everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Spirit) Within. Timothy F. Gardner
href="#u7dac8ace-e9c3-5553-9a73-2457b886dcc4">Visions on the Path
Meditation on the Holy Personality
This book is dedicated to my Satguru Father G.W. Hurley, the prophet and founder of the Universal Hagar’s Spiritual Church, and to the two G’s in my life, my wife Georgianna and my spiritual brother Geroy Davis, and the Rev., Dr. Josephine Franklin, PhD who were instrumental to the completion of this book.
“Arise! Shine! For thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee! For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee and His glory shall be seen upon thee!”
Isaiah 60:1-2 (King James Version)
Father G.W. Hurley
Avatar of the Aquarian Age
Father G.W. Hurley (Circa 1935)
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away . . . Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men . . . and God himself shall be with them . . . And God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, neither crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away” (Revelations 21:1-4).
Doesn’t this sound like the ideal life? A life where there is no sorrow, pain, or suffering. A life where there is no death. A life where God (Spirit) shall be with us. A life where God (Spirit) shall wipe away all the tears from our eyes. Can you even dare to imagine such a life? The purpose of this message is to teach us of just such a life; to teach us of the kingdom of God (Spirit) within. Having said this, I can think of no better way to begin this spiritual treatise than with a few questions to the aspirant. Did you know that the kingdom of God (Spirit) is within you? Did you know that within you is this kingdom of everlasting peace, joy, happiness, bliss, and plenty? Furthermore, did you know that within you is the throne of God (Spirit), and the fountain of eternal life? Did you know that within each and every one is the dwelling place of God (Spirit), and that God (Spirit) is within you? Do you want to know more?
If so, in the words of Father George Willie Hurley, “Come and go with us, spiritually, through the conclaves of Egypt, India, China, and Japan, and learn the secret of secrets, and bring peace upon the earth. The spiritual John said when the seventh angel shall sound there will be a great voice in heaven crying, the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and his hosts” (Hurley, 1977).
The prayers and rituals presented in this book were revealed to the author during spontaneous spiritual episodes of uplifted consciousness, and are not to be taken as the author’s personal attempt or intent to set up a body of knowledge or school of wisdom separate or derived from the Universal Hagar’s Spiritual Churches Association of which this author is affiliated with. The information contained herein is offered to its readers by virtue of divine inspiration, and is not presented in whole or in part of the foundation of the Universal Hagar’s Spiritual Churches Association. Further, the writings contained in this book are in no manner an attempt to establish a personal following for the author, but to impart insight to those who seek the spiritual path. As stated throughout the text this manuscript was spiritually revealed to the author by the spirit of Father George Willie Hurley, whom the author explicitly accepts as his master instructor and recognize him as the spiritual leader of the Aquarian Age. To him be the praise, glory and honor.
Of note, in this book there is extensive citation of Joel Goldsmith and a select few eastern spiritual writers, writings that have been left intact as they wrote them. Joel Goldsmith and these other writers preferred that no one commented on or explained their works, their rational being that truth didn’t need to be explained or discussed. So I have honored their request in this book. These passages are presented to support and clarify the spiritual principles of Father G.W. Hurley’s philosophy.
Dear Readers:
These are a series of writings on finding our True-Self: God (Spirit) within. Each chapter is a build-up supplying theosophical and philosophical instruction throughout. Allow me to state here very plainly that these are not Mediumship Lessons. However, this book was written and compiled under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Remember, there is one reality, and that is God (Spirit). All else is temporal and must pass on. The goal is to obtain the key whereby we may unlock the door to the kingdom of God (Spirit) within and come into the conscious awareness of the Father within. Jesus the Christ came to present the Gospel of the kingdom of God (Spirit) within man—which Gospel laid forth plainly the qualities and attributes that one must possess to attain enlightenment. This book contains this Gospel.