Population Genetics. Matthew B. Hamilton
8Table 8.1 Nucleotide diversity (π) estimates reported from comparative studie...Table 8.2 DNA divergence estimates for three loci in maize and wheat, both mo...Table 8.3 Mean and variance in the number of substitutions at a neutral locus...Table 8.4 Number of substitutions per nucleotide site observed over 49 nuclea...Table 8.5 Estimates of polymorphism and divergence for two loci sampled from ...Table 8.6 Estimates of polymorphism and divergence (fixed sites) for nonsynon...
8 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Symbols commonly used to refer to categories or causes of variation...Table 9.2 The eight uncorrelated (or orthogonal) types of genetic effects tha...Table 9.3 Examples of parental and progeny mean phenotypes that illustrate th...Table 9.4 Examples of response to selection for two phenotypes with the possi...Table 9.5 Derivation of the expected phenotypic value for the three marker‐lo...Table 9.6 Derivation of the expected phenotypic value for two genetic marker ...Table 9.7 Examples of QTL identified by mapping with genetic marker loci.Table 9.8 Derivation of the expected phenotypic values for marker genotypes u...
9 Chapter 10Table 10.1 The population mean phenotype (M) obtained from genotype frequenci...Table 10.2 The mean value of all genotypes that contain either an A1 (
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The model of blending inheritance predicts that progeny have phen...Figure 2.2 Mendel's crosses to examine the segregation ratio in the seed coa...Figure 2.3 Mendel self‐pollinated (indicated by curved arrows) the F2 progen...Figure 2.4 Mendel's crosses to examine the segregation ratios of two phenoty...Figure 2.5 Hardy–Weinberg expected genotype frequencies for AA, Aa, and aa g...Figure 2.6 A de Finetti diagram for one locus with two alleles. The triangul...Figure 2.7 A schematic representation of random mating as a cloud of gas whe...Figure 2.8 The original data for the DNA profile given in Table 2.2 and Prob...Figure 2.9 A χ2 distribution with one degree of freedom. The χ2 value for th...Figure 2.10 Corn cobs demonstrating yellow and purple seeds that are either ...Figure 2.11 An allozyme gel stained to show alleles at the phosphoglucomutas...Figure 2.12 The impact of complete positive genotypic assortative mating (li...Figure 2.13 The impact of various systems of mating on heterozygosity (H) an...Figure 2.14 Average relatedness and autozygosity as the probability that two...Figure 2.15 The possible patterns of transmission from one parent to two pro...Figure 2.16 A pedigree showing first (A and C are parent and offspring, C an...Figure 2.17 A graphical depiction of the predictions of the dominance and ov...Figure 2.18 A schematic diagram of the process of recombination between two ...Figure 2.19 The decay of gametic disequilibrium (D) over time for four recom...Figure 2.20 A hypothetical partitioning of the contributions to the total po...Figure 2.21 The decay of gametic disequilibrium (D) over time when both stro...Figure 2.22 The decay of gametic disequilibrium (D) over time with random ma...Figure 2.23 Expected levels of the squared gametic disequilibrium correlatio...
2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Beakers filled with microfuge tubes can be used to simulate the p...Figure 3.2 The Wright–Fisher model of genetic drift uses a simplified view o...Figure 3.3 The results of genetic drift continued every generation in popula...Figure 3.4 The results of genetic drift with different initial allele freque...Figure 3.5 Probability distributions for binomial random variables based on ...Figure 3.6 The standard error of the allele frequency (