Asia Past and Present. Peter P. Wan
href="#ulink_0f5fc042-f862-5ac1-87dd-c1a501df6750">The British Conquest under the East India Company Hindu Renaissance The Sepoy Mutiny and the Emergence of Indian Nationalism Nationalism and the Formation of the Congress Party (1885) and the Muslim League (1906) Britain’s Response to Indian Nationalism Suggested Readings and Viewings 23 The Impact of World Wars, Revolution, and Nationalism in India and South Asia, 1914–1945 World War I and Its Impact Nationalist Movements in South Asia, 1914–1945 Gandhi and the Struggle for Indian Independence, 1920–1945 Sri Lanka Himalayan Nations Conclusions Suggested Readings and Viewings 24 India since 1945 India: Securing Indian Independence and Developing Political and Economic Institutions Indian Independence, Partition, and Setting Paths to the Future, 1945–1950 Socialist Republic of India, 1950–1991 Political and Economic Course Corrections, 1991– Foreign Policy and Terrorism Issues since 1991 Conclusion Suggested Readings and Viewings 25 In India’s Orbit Introduction to South Asia since 1945 Islamic Republic of Pakistan People’s Republic of Bangladesh The Himalayan Nations Sri Lanka Suggested Readings and Viewings 26 Mainland Southeast Asia since 1945 Southeast Asia since 1945 Colonial Burma to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar British Malaya to the Federation of Malaysia Colonial Singapore to Republic of Singapore Colonial Vietnam to Socialist Republic of Vietnam Protectorate of Cambodia to Kingdom of Cambodia Protectorate of Laos to Lao People’s Democratic Republic Independent Thailand: Civilian and Military Governments, the Cold War, and the First Vietnam War, 1945–1973 Conclusions Suggested Readings and Viewings 27 Insular Southeast Asia since 1945 Netherlands East Indies to the Republic of Indonesia Portuguese Timor to East Timor to Timor Leste Territory of Papua and New Guinea to Papua New Guinea Sultanate of Brunei to Brunei Darussalam Commonwealth of the Philippines to Republic of the Philippines Suggested Readings and Viewings 28 Colonialism, Independence, and Nation Building on the Northern Frontiers of India and China, 1850–2019 Introduction Afghanistan Central Asia Mongolia Siberia and the Russian Far East Conclusions Suggested Readings and Viewings 29 Asia in the Twenty‐First Century Political Conditions Economic Developments Social Issues Trafficking, Gangs, and Corruption Asia’s Tinder Boxes Assessing Asia Suggested Readings and Viewings
12 Index
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