Equine Reproductive Procedures. Группа авторов
20.6 Hysteroscopic view of a normal mare’s utero‐tubal papilla (arrow...Figure 20.7 Marble within the uterine lumen viewed by an endoscope.Figure 20.8 Tip of a uterine culture instrument in the uterine lumen viewed ...
19 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Two ultrasound images of endometrial cysts of 2.5 and 2.6 cm dia...Figure 21.2 Lymphatic cysts removed using a snare. The snare is to the right...Figure 21.3 Uterine cyst viewed through a videoendoscope.
20 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 A semiconfluent horse fibroblast cell culture showing many divid...Figure 22.2 A G‐banded metaphase spread of a normal male horse; magnificatio...Figure 22.3 G‐banded chromosomes of a normal male horse arranged into a kary...Figure 22.4 A C‐banded metaphase spread of a male horse; distinct C‐bands of...Figure 22.5 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) (a) with horse X chrom...
21 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Sites for insertion of trocars (arrows) in the paralumbar fossa ...Figure 24.2 Collection of an ovarian biopsy.Figure 24.3 Removal of an ovarian biopsy sample.
22 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Mammary gland of a mare. Note the two teat orifices visible on t...Figure 25.2 Enlargement of the right rear quarter of a mare secondary to mas...Figure 25.3 Edema cranial to the udder in a mare with mastitis.Figure 25.4 Enlargement of the entire udder in a mare with galactorrhea seco...Figure 25.5 Thick inflammatory fluid expressed from the udder of a mare with...Figure 25.6 Cytologic evaluation of mammary fluid from a mare with mastitis....
23 Chapter 29Figure 29.1 Landmarks for instrument portals: 1 is the laparoscopic portal; ...
24 Chapter 30Figure 30.1 Application of PGE2 gel (small arrow) onto surface of the oviduc...
25 Chapter 32Figure 32.1 Hysteroscopic view of hydrotubation of the uterine tubes. The gu...Figure 32.2 Hysteroscopic view of the hydrotubation procedure with the cathe...
26 Chapter 33Figure 33.1 Self‐contained transvaginal ultrasound probe (a), custom modifie...Figure 33.2 Biopsy device tip with sample notch exposed (arrows) revealing a...
27 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 Lavage solution hung next to a mare with the uterine lavage tubi...Figure 34.2 Double‐ended “Christmas tree” adapter attached to the uterine la...Figure 34.3 Inflated air cuff on the end of the uterine lavage tubing.Figure 34.4 Uterine lavage of a mare post‐breeding with “Y” tubing. The lava...Figure 34.5 Cloudy uterine lavage return solution.
28 Chapter 35Figure 35.1 Intrauterine ends of various types of pipettes. From left to rig...Figure 35.2 Ends of pipettes to which a syringe is attached. From left to ri...
29 Chapter 38Figure 38.1 Diagnostic and treatment protocol for the use of bActivate.
30 Chapter 40Figure 40.1 Rope wrapped around the pastern and forearm. The free ends of th...Figure 40.2 Rope wrapped around the pastern and forearm. One end is tied to ...Figure 40.3 Mare with hobbles and tail wrap in preparation for breeding.
31 Chapter 41Figure 41.1 Stallion (left) gathering his harem of mares.Figure 41.2 Stallion mating a mare with a foal at her side. The mare was par...
32 Chapter 42Figure 42.1 Evaluation of a mare for live‐cover breeding using a teaser stal...Figure 42.2 Mare wearing a neck apron and kick boots while restrained with a...Figure 42.3 Live cover of a mare by a stallion.
33 Chapter 43Figure 43.1 Schematic of a breeding stitch (arrow) encircling a region just ...Figure 43.2 Breeding stitch (arrow) just placed in a Thoroughbred mare after...
34 Chapter 45Figure 45.1 Placement of an insemination pipette into the hand for placement...Figure 45.2 External cervical os. The cervical canal is located in the cente...Figure 45.3 Introduction of an artificial insemination pipette along the ind...Figure 45.4 Vertical orientation of the syringe during insemination to allow...
35 Chapter 46Figure 46.1 Viewing the cervix through a disposable speculum during insemina...Figure 46.2 Position of the speculum prior to passage of the insemination pi...
36 Chapter 47Figure 47.1 End of the stylet that will be inserted into the straw inside th...Figure 47.2 The cone on the stylet shaft that will catch the semen straw. Up...Figure 47.3 Semen remaining in the syringe if semen is drawn into the syring...
37 Chapter 48Figure 48.1 Bending of an artificial insemination pipette after removing fro...Figure 48.2 Bend that remains in the pipette after curling. This bend aids i...
38 Chapter 49Figure 49.1 Catheter used to deposit semen on the utero‐tubular junction. Th...Figure 49.2 Uterine bifurcation as viewed through a videoendoscope.Figure 49.3 A dilated uterine horn as viewed through a videoendoscope.Figure 49.4 Utero‐tubal junction (arrow) viewed through a videoendoscope.
39 Chapter 50Figure 50.1 A sterile controlled flushing set is spiked into a pre‐warmed ba...Figure 50.2 Positioning the TVA handle encasing the ultrasound probe per vag...Figure 50.3 (a) Lab equipment (dissecting microscope with heated stage, 150 ...Figure 50.4 Pre‐warmed 75 μm embryo filtration cup with contents of immature...Figure 50.5 (a) Image of maturing oocyte recovered from a hormone‐stimulated...
40 Chapter 51Figure 51.1 Two examples of isothermic containers utilized for shipment of o...
41 Chapter 52Figure 52.1 Equine oocyte held in place with suction from a holding pipette ...
42 Chapter 53Figure 53.1 Grasping the dorsal commissure of the vulva in preparation for s...Figure 53.2 Placement of skin staples in the vulvar labia for staple vulvopl...Figure 53.3 Finished temporary vulvoplasty.Figure 53.4 Trimming mucosa from the inner labia.Figure 53.5 Suturing the labia together.Figure 53.6 Placement of fingers for the removal of the vulvoplasty.Figure 53.7 Cutting the co‐joined mucosa to remove the vulvoplasty.
43 Chapter 54Figure 54.1 Culture of the central clitoral sinus using an ultrafine culture...Figure 54.2 Culture of the clitoral fossa.Figure 54.3 Flushing the central clitoral fossa using a curved tip syringe....Figure 54.4 Packing the clitoris with 0.2% nitrofurazone antibiotic ointment...Figure 54.5 Culture locations on the distal penis: urethral sinus (thin arro...
44 Chapter 55Figure 55.1 Mare in box stall with a fluorescent light overhead.Figure 55.2 Mare wearing a mask emitting a blue light into one eye.
45 Chapter 57Figure 57.1 Insertion of an Ovuplant™ implant (arrow) in the vulvar mucosa....
46 Chapter 59Figure 59.1 Unsterilized 35 mm glass ball.Figure 59.2 Ultrasound