Recognition and Perception of Images. Группа авторов

Recognition and Perception of Images - Группа авторов

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to determine the location of the body in space. During physical activity, the eyes perform precise movements, compensating for both body movements and head movements.

      Vergent eye movements. Sometimes there is a need for coordinated movements of both eyes; these movements are called vergent. Vergent movements move the eyes horizontally in opposite directions in such a way that the mixing and dilution of the visual axes (convergence and divergence) occurs. This allows both eyes to focus on the same object. Such eye movements are characteristic of primates, in which the frontal position of the eyes and the field of view has a binocular overlap. Vergent movements can be observed when the reduction of a glance at the tip of one’s own nose is required.

      Eye micromovements. When you fix the look at the stimulus, you can observe a number of reflex movements, which are called micromovements of the eyes (tremor). As a result of micromovements, the axis of the eye describes a closed figure in the form of an ellipse. This is the natural motor background of the activity of oculomotor muscles, which is not consciously controlled. With the help of special devices you can register these micromovements of the eyes. In the process of fixing the eyes are in constant motion, if you completely exclude involuntary, small movements of the eyes, the image of the stimulus on the retina begins to blur and disappear.

      Mixed movements. The visual perception of the environment usually occurs through a combination of different types of eye movements; they are mixed movements. For example, observation of a moving object requires both smooth tracking movements and saccadic and vergent movements.

      Effective eye movements are achieved at a certain level of development of oculomotor muscles. In children of 4–5 years of age, eye movements are different from those of adults, so their vision is less effective; it is difficult for them to fix their gaze on a particular object. When they were asked to fix their gaze on a small, bright, stationary object in a dark room, their line of sight scanned the area 100 times larger than in adults. Children do not predict changes in the direction of movement of the object; these movements are formed gradually on the basis of practice.

Snapshot of the F-Pattern navigation. Snapshot of the comparison of certainty value of web page and saccadic estimation, (a) web pages, (b) thermal map of eye fixation.

      1.2.4 Effects of Masking and Aftereffects

      If visual stimuli occur in close sequence from each other (in time or in space), they can overlap each other and mask the perception of each other. The cause of the masking effect is the inertia of vision due to the slowness of the neural response to the stimulation, as a result of which the response to the stimulus can be maintained even after its disappearance.

      During saccades, the flow of visual information stops for a short time, but we do not notice this saccadic overshoot. If we look at ourselves in the mirror to detect these movements, we will not see any movements, overshoots, misting. But looking at other people performing the same actions, we will see how their eyes move. The cause of the saccadic “breakthrough” (empty field) are masking effects.

Schematic illustration of tilt action. Schematic illustration of Curvature after-effect.

      1.2.5 Perception of Contour and Contrast

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