A History of China. Morris Rossabi

A History of China - Morris  Rossabi

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trades such as woodcarving, bronze casting, and jade carving, and craft production was often a monopoly transmitted from one generation to another.

      The available information, however, permits us to conclude that the population was divided into defined groups and classes. The king and the royal family were at the apex, with the monarch performing ritual functions (including divination), commanding military forces, and amassing considerable quantities of grain, craft articles, and other valuables. The lords to whom the king entrusted land for the construction of new settlements held sway over these territories, as well as over the inhabitants. They too received substantial amounts of the goods produced within their domains. Less privileged were the peasants, slaves, craftsmen, and merchants. Peasants did not own the land they farmed and turned over much of the produce to the king and the lords. Known as zhongren (multitude), they could be conscripted into the military or for labor service. Often captives of war, slaves could count themselves fortunate if they were employed to farm the land or to act as servants and unfortunate if they were selected to be sacrificial victims. Although craftsmen had a higher status and lived better than the zhongren and the slaves, the articles they fashioned were most often designed for the king and the nobility.

      This generally stable social structure contributed to a popularly accepted conception of the uniqueness of Shang culture. Some archeologists asserted that its culture and artifacts were primarily indigenous. Even more significant was that the inhabitants of the Shang perceived themselves as a different people. They had, after all, developed a sophisticated culture, with a worked-out political system, a highly organized bronze industry, a unique burial system, and a written language. Their pictorially based written language, found mostly on the oracle bones and perhaps in some signs and symbols on ceramics, contributed, in large measure, to the Shang people’s feelings of identity. The language, with its initial associations with divination and religion, proved a powerful vehicle for the fostering of their sense of affinity.


      1 1 K. C. Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China (New Haven: Yale University Press, 4th ed., 1986), p. 310.

      1 E. J. W. Barber, The Mummies of Ürümchi (New York: W. W. Norton, 1999).

      2 Roderick Campbell, Violence, Kinship and the Early Chinese State: The Shang and Their World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018).

      3 Kwang-chih Chang, Shang Civilization (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980).

      4 Kwang-chih Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China (New Haven: Yale University Press, 4th ed., 1986).

      5 Li Feng, Early China: A Social and Cultural History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

      6 David Keightley, Sources of Shang China: The Oracle Bone Inscriptions of Bronze Age China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985).

      7 Harry Shapiro, Peking Man (London: Allen & Unwin, 1974).

      8 Gideon Shelach-Lavi, The Archaeology of Early China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015).

      [2] CLASSICAL CHINA, 1027–256 BCE


      Changes in Social Structure

      Political Instability in the Eastern Zhou

      Transformations in the Economy

      Hundred Schools of Thought


      Popular Religions




      Book of Odes and Book of Documents

      Secularization of Arts


      The Zhou had from its inception set up a decentralized government, which some scholars identify as similar to the European system of feudalism. However, the concept of European feudalism is also murky. In its simplest form, it consisted of a legal and military system based on a relationship between a lord and a vassal. A lord who owned land turned over possession of a portion of that land (known as a fief) to a vassal in return, principally, for military services. Their mutual obligations and rights entailed a pledge of loyalty to the lord by the vassal and a pledge of protection of the vassal by the lord. Peasants who worked the land on manors for the lords and vassals or in Church estates were also part of this feudal society. Yet there were so many variations of “feudalism” in Europe that some scholars have stopped using the term in relation to China. Thus, the Western Zhou may be best described as a society in which the local nobility often supplanted the kings as true wielders of power. The rudimentary levels of transport, communications, and technology clearly reduced the opportunities for centralization. Even so, the Zhou political system, particularly the Eastern Zhou, tilted further toward localism than such limitations would have mandated.

      Decentralization stemmed from the initial Zhou conquests, though it should be noted that disentangling myth from reality concerning its early years is difficult. Part of the problem is that texts allegedly written in the Zhou actually derive from

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