Sämtliche Werke von Shakespeare in einem Band: Zweisprachige Ausgabe (Deutsch-Englisch). William Shakespeare

Sämtliche Werke von Shakespeare in einem Band: Zweisprachige Ausgabe (Deutsch-Englisch) - William Shakespeare

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Brother, she is not worth what she doth, cost

       The keeping.


       What’s aught but as ‘tis valued?


       But value dwells not in particular will:

       It holds his estimate and dignity

       As well wherein ‘tis precious of itself

       As in the prizer. ‘Tis mad idolatry

       To make the service greater than the god—I

       And the will dotes that is attributive

       To what infectiously itself affects,

       Without some image of th’ affected merit.


       I take to-day a wife, and my election

       Is led on in the conduct of my will;

       My will enkindled by mine eyes and ears,

       Two traded pilots ‘twixt the dangerous shores

       Of will and judgment: how may I avoid,

       Although my will distaste what it elected,

       The wife I chose? There can be no evasion

       To blench from this and to stand firm by honour.

       We turn not back the silks upon the merchant

       When we have soil’d them; nor the remainder viands

       We do not throw in unrespective sieve,

       Because we now are full. It was thought meet

       Paris should do some vengeance on the Greeks;

       Your breath with full consent benied his sails;

       The seas and winds, old wranglers, took a truce,

       And did him service. He touch’d the ports desir’d;

       And for an old aunt whom the Greeks held captive

       He brought a Grecian queen, whose youth and freshness

       Wrinkles Apollo’s, and makes stale the morning.

       Why keep we her? The Grecians keep our aunt.

       Is she worth keeping? Why, she is a

       Whose price hath launch’d above a thousand ships,

       And turn’d crown’d kings to merchants.

       If you’ll avouch ‘twas wisdom Paris went—

       As you must needs, for you all cried ‘Go, go’—

       If you’ll confess he brought home worthy prize—

       As you must needs, for you all clapp’d your hands,

       And cried ‘Inestimable!’—why do you now

       The issue of your proper wisdoms rate,

       And do a deed that never fortune did—

       Beggar the estimation which you priz’d

       Richer than sea and land? O theft most base,

       That we have stol’n what we do fear to keep!

       But thieves unworthy of a thing so stol’n

       That in their country did them that disgrace

       We fear to warrant in our native place!



       Cry, Troyans, cry.


       What noise, what shriek is this?


       ‘Tis our mad sister; I do know her voice.



       Cry, Troyans.


       It is Cassandra.

       [Enter CASSANDRA, raving.]


       Cry, Troyans, cry. Lend me ten thousand eyes,

       And I will fill them with prophetic tears.


       Peace, sister, peace.


       Virgins and boys, mid-age and wrinkled eld,

       Soft infancy, that nothing canst but cry,

       Add to my clamours. Let us pay betimes

       A moiety of that mass of moan to come.

       Cry, Troyans, cry. Practise your eyes with tears.

       Troy must not be, nor goodly Ilion stand;

       Our firebrand brother, Paris, burns us all.

       Cry, Troyans, cry, A Helen and a woe!

       Cry, cry. Troy burns, or else let Helen go.



       Now, youthful Troilus, do not these high strains

       Of divination in our sister work

       Some touches of remorse, or is your blood

       So madly hot that no discourse of reason,

       Nor fear of bad success in a bad cause,

       Can qualify the same?


       Why, brother Hector,

       We may not think the justness of each act

       Such and no other than event doth form it;

       Nor once deject the courage of our minds

       Because Cassandra’s mad. Her brainsick raptures

       Cannot distaste the goodness of a quarrel

       Which hath our several honours all engag’d

       To make it gracious. For my private part,

       I am no more touch’d than all Priam’s sons;

       And Jove forbid there should be done amongst us

       Such things as might offend the weakest spleen

       To fight for and maintain.


       Else might the world convince of levity

       As well my undertakings as your counsels;

       But I attest the gods, your full consent

       Gave wings to my propension, and cut of

       All fears attending on so dire a project.

       For what, alas, can these my single arms?

       What propugnation is in one man’s valour

       To stand the push and enmity of those

       This quarrel would excite? Yet, I protest,

       Were I alone to pass the difficulties,

       And had as ample power as I have will,

       Paris should ne’er retract what he hath done

       Nor faint in the pursuit.


       Paris, you speak

       Like one besotted on your sweet delights.

       You have the honey still, but these the gall;

       So to be valiant is no praise at all.


       Sir, I propose not merely to myself

       The pleasures such a beauty brings with it;

       But I would have the soil of her fair rape

       Wip’d off in honourable keeping her.

       What treason were it to the ransack’d queen,


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