Collins English Thesaurus Essential. Collins Dictionaries
line and sinker, lock, stock and barrelcompletion NOUN = finishing, end, close, conclusion, accomplishment, realization, fulfilment, culmination, attainment, fruition, consummation, finalizationcomplex ADJECTIVE 1 His complex compositions are built up of many overlapping layers. = compound, compounded, multiple, composite, manifold (formal), heterogeneous, multifarious 2 in-depth coverage of today's complex issues = complicated, difficult, involved, mixed, elaborate, tangled, mingled, intricate, tortuous, convoluted, knotty, labyrinthine, circuitous ◼ OPPOSITE: simple ▸ NOUN 1 Our philosophy is a complex of many tightly interrelated ideas. = structure, system, scheme, network, organization, aggregate, composite, synthesis 2 I have never had a complex about my height. = obsession, preoccupation, phobia, fixation, fixed idea, idée fixe (French)
USAGE Although complex and complicated are close in meaning, care should be taken when using one as a synonym of the other. Complex should be used to say that something consists of several parts rather than that it is difficult to understand, analyse, or deal with, which is what complicated inherently means. In the following real example a clear distinction is made between the two words: the British benefits system is phenomenally complex and is administered by a complicated range of agencies. |
complexion NOUN 1 She had short brown hair and a pale complexion. = skin, colour, colouring, hue, skin tone, pigmentation 2 The political complexion of the government has changed. = nature, character, make-up, cast, stamp, dispositioncomplexity NOUN = complication, involvement, intricacy, entanglement, convolutioncompliance NOUN 1 The company says it is in full compliance with US labor laws. = conformity, agreement, obedience, assent, observance, concurrence ◼ OPPOSITE: disobedience 2 We seem to have reached unprecedented depths of compliance and timidity. = submissiveness, yielding, submission, obedience, deference, passivity, acquiescence, complaisance, consent ◼ OPPOSITE: defiancecompliant ADJECTIVE = obedient, willing, accepting, yielding, obliging, accommodating, passive, cooperative, agreeable, submissive, conformist, deferential, acquiescent, complaisant, conformablecomplicate VERB = make difficult, confuse, muddle, embroil, entangle, make intricate, involve ◼ OPPOSITE: simplifycomplicated ADJECTIVE 1 The political situation in this region is very complicated. = involved, difficult, puzzling, troublesome, problematic, perplexing ◼ OPPOSITE: simple 2 a complicated voting system = complex, involved, elaborate, intricate, Byzantine ◼ OPPOSITE: understandablecomplication NOUN 1 The age difference was a complication to the relationship. = problem, difficulty, obstacle, drawback, snag, uphill (S. African), stumbling block, aggravation 2 Her poetry was characterised by a complication of imagery and ideas. = complexity, combination, mixture, web, confusion, intricacy, entanglementcomplicity NOUN = collusion, conspiracy, collaboration, connivance, abetmentcompliment NOUN She accepted the compliment with good grace. = praise, honour, tribute, courtesy, admiration, bouquet, flattery, eulogy ◼ OPPOSITE: criticism ▸ PLURAL NOUN 1 Give my compliments to all your colleagues. = greetings, regards, respects, good wishes, salutation ◼ OPPOSITE: insult 2 That was an excellent meal – my compliments to the chef. = congratulations, praise, commendation ▸ VERB They complimented me on my performance. = praise, flatter, salute, congratulate, pay tribute to, commend, laud, extol, crack up (informal), pat on the back, sing the praises of, wax lyrical about, big up (slang), speak highly of ◼ OPPOSITE: criticize
USAGE Compliment is sometimes confused with complement. |
complimentary ADJECTIVE 1 We often get complimentary remarks regarding the quality of our service. = flattering, approving, appreciative, congratulatory, eulogistic, commendatory ◼ OPPOSITE: critical 2 He had complimentary tickets for the show. = free, donated, courtesy, honorary, free of charge, on the house, gratuitous, gratiscomply VERB = obey, follow, respect, agree to, satisfy, observe, fulfil, submit to, conform to, adhere to, abide by, consent to, yield to, defer to, accede to, act in accordance with, perform, acquiesce with ◼ OPPOSITE: defycomponent NOUN Enriched uranium is a key component of nuclear weapons. = part, piece, unit, item, element, ingredient, constituent ▸ ADJECTIVE Polish factories will be making component parts for the aircraft. = constituent, composing, inherent, intrinsiccompose VERB 1 They agreed to form a council composed of leaders of the rival factions. = put together, make up, constitute, comprise, make, build, form, fashion, construct, compound ◼ OPPOSITE: destroy 2 He started at once to compose a reply to her letter. = create, write, produce, imagine, frame, invent, devise, contrive 3 The drawing is beautifully composed. = arrange, make up, construct, put together, order, organize ● compose yourself She quickly composed herself before she entered the room. = calm yourself, be still, control yourself, settle yourself, collect yourself, pull yourself togethercomposed ADJECTIVE = calm, together (slang), cool, collected, relaxed, confident, poised, at ease, laid-back (informal), serene, tranquil, sedate, self-controlled, level-headed, unfazed (informal), unflappable, unruffled, self-possessed, imperturbable, unworried, keeping your cool, as cool as a cucumber, chilled (informal), grounded ◼ OPPOSITE: agitatedcomposite ADJECTIVE The chassis is made of a complex composite structure incorporating carbon fibre. = compound, mixed, combined, complex, blended, conglomerate, synthesized ▸ NOUN Spain is a composite of diverse traditions and people. = compound, blend, conglomerate, fusion, synthesis, amalgam, meldcomposition NOUN 1 Materials of different composition absorb and reflect light differently. = design, form, structure, make-up, organization, arrangement, constitution, formation, layout, configuration 2 Bach's compositions are undoubtedly among the greatest ever written. = creation, work, piece, production, opus, masterpiece, chef-d'oeuvre (French) 3 Write a composition on the subject 'What I Did on My Holidays'. = essay, writing, study, exercise, treatise, literary work 4 Let us study the composition of this painting. = arrangement, balance, proportion, harmony, symmetry, concord, consonance (formal), placing 5 These plays are arranged in order of their composition. = production, creation, making, fashioning, formation, putting together, invention, compilation, formulationcompost NOUN = fertilizer, mulch, humuscomposure NOUN = calmness, calm, poise, self-possession, cool (slang), ease, dignity, serenity, tranquillity, coolness, aplomb, equanimity, self-assurance, sang-froid, placidity, sedateness ◼ OPPOSITE: agitationcompound NOUN Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules. = combination, mixture, blend, composite, conglomerate, fusion, synthesis, alloy, medley, amalgam, meld, composition ◼ OPPOSITE: element ▸ ADJECTIVE a tall shrub with shiny compound leaves = complex, multiple, composite, conglomerate, intricate, not simple ◼ OPPOSITE: simple ▸ VERB 1 Additional bloodshed will only compound the misery. = intensify, add to, complicate, worsen, heighten, exacerbate, aggravate, magnify, augment, add insult to injury ◼ OPPOSITE: lessen 2 An emotion oddly compounded of pleasure and bitterness flooded over me. = combine, unite, mix, blend, fuse, mingle, synthesize, concoct, amalgamate, coalesce, intermingle, meld ◼ OPPOSITE: dividecomprehend VERB = understand, see, take in, perceive, grasp, conceive, make out, discern, assimilate, see the light, fathom, apprehend, get the hang of (informal), get the picture, know ◼ OPPOSITE: misunderstandcomprehensible ADJECTIVE = understandable, clear, plain, explicit, coherent, user-friendly, intelligiblecomprehension NOUN = understanding, grasp, conception, realization, sense, knowledge, intelligence, judgment, perception, discernment ◼ OPPOSITE: incomprehensioncomprehensive ADJECTIVE = broad, full, complete, wide, catholic, sweeping, extensive, blanket, umbrella, thorough, inclusive, exhaustive, all-inclusive, all-embracing, overarching, encyclopedic ◼ OPPOSITE: limitedcompress