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coup, exploit, deed 2 = accomplishing, finishing, carrying out, conclusion, bringing about, execution, completion, fulfilmentaccord NOUN 1 = treaty, contract, agreement, arrangement, settlement, pact, deal (informal) 2 = sympathy, agreement, harmony, unison, rapport, conformity ◼ OPPOSITE: conflict ● accord with something = agree with, match, coincide with, fit with, correspond with, conform with, tally with, harmonize withaccordingly ADVERB 1 = consequently, so, thus, therefore, hence, subsequently, in consequence, ergo 2 = appropriately, correspondingly, properly, suitably, fitlyaccount NOUN 1 = description, report, story, statement, version, tale, explanation, narrative 2 = importance, standing, concern, value, note, worth, weight, honour 3 = ledger, charge, bill, statement, balance, tally, invoice ▸ VERB = consider, rate, value, judge, estimate, think, count, reckonaccountability NOUN = responsibility, liability, culpability, answerability, chargeabilityaccountable ADJECTIVE = answerable, subject, responsible, obliged, liable, amenable, obligated, chargeableaccountant NOUN = auditor, book-keeper, bean counter (informal)accumulate VERB = build up, increase, be stored, collect, gather, pile up, amass, hoard ◼ OPPOSITE: disperseaccumulation NOUN 1 = collection, increase, stock, store, mass, build-up, pile, stack 2 = growth, collection, gathering, build-upaccuracy NOUN = exactness, precision, fidelity, authenticity, correctness, closeness, veracity, truthfulness ◼ OPPOSITE: inaccuracyaccurate ADJECTIVE 1 = precise, close, correct, careful, strict, exact, faithful, explicit ◼ OPPOSITE: inaccurate 2 = correct, true, exact, spot-on (Brit. informal)accurately ADVERB 1 = precisely, correctly, closely, truly, strictly, exactly, faithfully, to the letter 2 = exactly, closely, correctly, precisely, strictly, faithfully, explicitly, scrupulouslyaccusation NOUN = charge, complaint, allegation, indictment, recrimination, denunciation, incriminationaccuse VERB 1 = point a or the finger at, blame for, denounce, hold responsible for, impute blame to ◼ OPPOSITE: exonerate 2 = charge with, indict for, impeach for, censure with, incriminate for ◼ OPPOSITE: absolveaccustom VERB = familiarize, train, discipline, adapt, instruct, school, acquaint, acclimatizeaccustomed ADJECTIVE 1 = used, trained, familiar, given to, adapted, acquainted, in the habit of, familiarized ◼ OPPOSITE: unaccustomed 2 = usual, established, expected, common, standard, traditional, normal, regular ◼ OPPOSITE: unusualace NOUN 1 = one, single point 2 = expert, star, champion, authority, professional, master, specialist, guru ▸ ADJECTIVE = great (informal), brilliant, fine, wonderful, excellent, outstanding, superb, fantastic (informal), booshit (Austral. slang), exo (Austral. slang), sik (Austral. slang), ka pai (N.Z.), rad (informal), phat (slang), schmick (Austral. informal)ache VERB = hurt, suffer, burn, pain, smart, sting, pound, throb ▸ NOUN = pain, discomfort, suffering, hurt, throbbing, irritation, tenderness, poundingachieve VERB = accomplish, fulfil, complete, gain, perform, do, get, carry outachievement NOUN = accomplishment, effort, feat, deed, stroke, triumph, coup, exploitacid ADJECTIVE 1 = sour, tart, pungent, acerbic, acrid, vinegary ◼ OPPOSITE: sweet 2 = sharp, cutting, biting, bitter, harsh, barbed, caustic, vitriolic ◼ OPPOSITE: kindlyacknowledge VERB 1 = admit, own up to, allow, accept, reveal, grant, declare, recognize ◼ OPPOSITE: deny 2 = greet, address, notice, recognize, salute, accost ◼ OPPOSITE: snub 3 = reply to, answer, notice, recognize, respond to, react to, retort to ◼ OPPOSITE: ignoreacquaintance NOUN 1 = associate, contact, ally, colleague, comrade ◼ OPPOSITE: intimate 2 = relationship, connection, fellowship, familiarity ◼ OPPOSITE: unfamiliarityacquire VERB = get, win, buy, receive, gain, earn, secure, collect ◼ OPPOSITE: loseacquisition NOUN 1 = acquiring, gaining, procurement, attainment 2 = purchase, buy, investment, property, gain, prize, asset, possessionacquit VERB = clear, free, release, excuse, discharge, liberate, vindicate ◼ OPPOSITE: find guilty ● acquit yourself = behave, bear yourself, conduct yourself, comport yourselfact VERB 1 = do something, perform, function 2 = perform, mimic ▸ NOUN 1 = deed, action, performance, achievement, undertaking, exploit, feat, accomplishment 2 = pretence, show, front, performance, display, attitude, pose, posture 3 = law, bill, measure, resolution, decree, statute, ordinance, enactment 4 = performance, show, turn, production, routine (informal), presentation, gig (informal), sketchacting NOUN = performance, playing, performing, theatre, portrayal, impersonation, characterization, stagecraft ▸ ADJECTIVE = temporary, substitute, interim, provisional, surrogate, stopgap, pro temaction NOUN 1 = deed, act, performance, achievement, exploit, feat, accomplishment 2 = measure, act, manoeuvre 3 = lawsuit, case, trial, suit, proceeding, dispute, prosecution, litigation 4 = energy, activity, spirit, force, vitality, vigour, liveliness, vim 5 = effect, working, process, operation, activity, movement, functioning, motion 6 = battle, fight, conflict, clash, contest, encounter, combat, engagementactivate VERB = start, move, initiate, rouse, mobilize, set in motion, galvanize ◼ OPPOSITE: stopactive ADJECTIVE 1 = busy, involved, occupied, lively, energetic, bustling, on the move, strenuous ◼ OPPOSITE: sluggish 2 = energetic, quick, alert, dynamic, lively, vigorous, animated, forceful ◼ OPPOSITE: inactive 3 = in operation, working, acting, at work, in action, operative, in force, effectualactivist NOUN = militant, partisanactivity NOUN 1 = action, labour, movement, energy, exercise, spirit, motion, bustle ◼ OPPOSITE: inaction 2 = pursuit, project, scheme, pleasure, interest, hobby, pastimeactor or actress NOUN = performer, player, Thespian, luvvie (informal)
USAGE The use of actress is now very much on the decline, and women who work in the profession invariably prefer to be referred to as actors. |
actual ADJECTIVE = real, substantial (formal), concrete, definite, tangible
USAGE The words actual and actually are often used when speaking, but should only be used in writing where they add something to the meaning of a sentence. For example, in the sentence he actually rather enjoyed the film, the word actually is only needed if there was originally some doubt as to whether he would enjoy it. |
actually ADVERB = really, in fact, indeed, truly, literally, genuinely, in reality, in truthacute ADJECTIVE 1 = serious, important, dangerous, critical, crucial (informal), severe, grave, urgent 2 = sharp, shooting, powerful, violent, severe, intense, fierce, piercing 3 = perceptive, sharp, keen, smart, sensitive, clever, astute, insightfuladamant ADJECTIVE = determined, firm, fixed, stubborn, uncompromising, resolute, unbending, obdurate ◼ OPPOSITE: flexibleadapt VERB 1 = adjust, change, alter, modify, accommodate, conform, acclimatize 2 = convert, change, transform, alter, modify, tailor, remodeladaptation NOUN 1 = acclimatization, naturalization, familiarization 2 = conversion, change, variation, adjustment, transformation, modification, alterationadd VERB 1 = count up, total, reckon, compute, add up, tot up ◼ OPPOSITE: