Browning's Shorter Poems. Robert Browning

Browning's Shorter Poems - Robert Browning

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Confessional. The Flight of the Duchess. Earth's Immortalities. Song: "Nay, but you—who do not love her." The Boy and the Angel. Night and Morning. Claret and Tokay. Saul. Time's Revenges. The Glove. 1846. Bells and Pomegranates, No. VIII., Luria, and A Soul's Tragedy. 1850. Christmas Eve and Easterday. 1852. Introductory Essay to Shelley's Letters. 1855. Men and Women. VOLUME I. Love among the Ruins. A Lover's Quarrel. Evelyn Hope. Up at a Villa—Down in the City. A Woman's Last Word. Fra Lippo Lippi. A Toccata of Galuppi's. By the Fireside. Any Wife to Any Husband. An Epistle (Karshish). Mesmerism. A Serenade at the Villa. My Star. Instans Tyrannus. A Pretty Woman. "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came." Respectability. A Light Woman. The Statue and the Bust. Love in a Life. Life in a Love. How it Strikes a Contemporary. The Last Ride Together. The Patriot. Master Hugues of Saxe-Gotha. Bishop Blougram's Apology. Memorabilia. VOLUME II. Andrea del Sarto. Before and After. In Three Days. In a Year. Old Pictures in Florence. In a Balcony. Saul. "De Gustibus—." Women and Roses. Protus.[page xxvi] Holy-Cross Day. The Guardian Angel. Cleon. The Twins. Popularity. The Heretic's Tragedy. Two in the Campagna. A Grammarian's Funeral. One Way of Love. Another Way of Love. "Transcendentalism." Misconceptions. One Word More. 1864. Dramatis Personæ. James Lee. Gold Hair. The Worst of It. Dîs Aliter Visum. Too Late. Abt Vogler. Rabbi Ben Ezra. A Death in the Desert.
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