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To be your prisoner should import offending;

       Which is for me less easy to commit

       Than you to punish.


       Not your gaoler then,

       But your kind hostess. Come, I’ll question you

       Of my lord’s tricks and yours when you were boys.

       You were pretty lordings then.


       We were, fair queen,

       Two lads that thought there was no more behind

       But such a day tomorrow as to-day,

       And to be boy eternal.


       Was not my lord the verier wag o’ the two?


       We were as twinn’d lambs that did frisk i’ the sun

       And bleat the one at th’ other. What we chang’d

       Was innocence for innocence; we knew not

       The doctrine of ill-doing, nor dream’d

       That any did. Had we pursu’d that life,

       And our weak spirits ne’er been higher rear’d

       With stronger blood, we should have answer’d heaven

       Boldly ‘Not guilty,’ the imposition clear’d

       Hereditary ours.


       By this we gather

       You have tripp’d since.


       O my most sacred lady,

       Temptations have since then been born to ‘s! for

       In those unfledg’d days was my wife a girl;

       Your precious self had then not cross’d the eyes

       Of my young playfellow.


       Grace to boot!

       Of this make no conclusion, lest you say

       Your queen and I are devils: yet, go on;

       The offences we have made you do we’ll answer;

       If you first sinn’d with us, and that with us

       You did continue fault, and that you slipp’d not

       With any but with us.


       Is he won yet?


       He’ll stay, my lord.


       At my request he would not.

       Hermione, my dearest, thou never spok’st

       To better purpose.




       Never but once.


       What! have I twice said well? when was’t before?

       I pr’ythee tell me; cram ‘s with praise, and make ‘s

       As fat as tame things: one good deed dying tongueless

       Slaughters a thousand waiting upon that.

       Our praises are our wages; you may ride ‘s

       With one soft kiss a thousand furlongs ere

       With spur we heat an acre. But to the goal:—

       My last good deed was to entreat his stay;

       What was my first? it has an elder sister,

       Or I mistake you: O, would her name were Grace!

       But once before I spoke to the purpose—when?

       Nay, let me have’t; I long.


       Why, that was when

       Three crabbèd months had sour’d themselves to death,

       Ere I could make thee open thy white hand

       And clap thyself my love; then didst thou utter

       ‘I am yours for ever.’


       It is Grace indeed.

       Why, lo you now, I have spoke to the purpose twice;

       The one for ever earn’d a royal husband;

       Th’ other for some while a friend.

       [Giving her hand to POLIXENES.]


       [Aside.] Too hot, too hot!

       To mingle friendship far is mingling bloods.

       I have tremor cordis on me;—my heart dances;

       But not for joy,—not joy.—This entertainment

       May a free face put on; derive a liberty

       From heartiness, from bounty, fertile bosom,

       And well become the agent: ‘t may, I grant:

       But to be paddling palms and pinching fingers,

       As now they are; and making practis’d smiles

       As in a looking-glass; and then to sigh, as ‘twere

       The mort o’ the deer: O, that is entertainment

       My bosom likes not, nor my brows,—Mamillius,

       Art thou my boy?


       Ay, my good lord.


       I’ fecks!

       Why, that’s my bawcock. What! hast smutch’d thy nose?—

       They say it is a copy out of mine. Come, captain,

       We must be neat;—not neat, but cleanly, captain:

       And yet the steer, the heifer, and the calf,

       Are all call’d neat.—

       [Observing POLIXENES and HERMIONE]

       Still virginalling

       Upon his palm?—How now, you wanton calf!

       Art thou my calf?


       Yes, if you will, my lord.


       Thou want’st a rough pash, and the shoots that I have,

       To be full like me:—yet they say we are

       Almost as like as eggs; women say so,

       That will say anything: but were they false

       As o’er-dy’d blacks, as wind, as waters,—false

       As dice are to be wish’d by one that fixes

       No bourn ‘twixt his and mine; yet were it true

       To say this boy were like me.—Come, sir page,

       Look on me with your welkin eye: sweet villain!

       Most dear’st! my collop!—Can thy dam?—may’t be?

       Affection! thy intention stabs the centre:

       Thou dost make possible things not so held,

       Communicat’st with dreams;—how can this be?—

       With what’s unreal thou co-active art,

       And fellow’st nothing: then ‘tis very credent


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