Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea. Marion Harland

Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea - Marion Harland

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(No. 2) .


       Soft Crabs.

       Turtle Fricassee.

       Panned Oysters.

       Fricasseed Oysters.

       Oysters Boiled in the Shell.

       Scalloped Oysters (No. 1) .

       Scalloped Oysters (No. 2) .

       Broiled Oysters.

       Devilled Oysters.

       Oysters in Batter.

       Stewed Oysters.

       Oyster Patés.

       Cream Oyster Pie.

       BREAKFAST. ————————

       PATÉS. ————————

       Paté of Sweetbreads.

       Chicken Patés.

       Patés of Fish.

       Swiss Patés.

       Stella Paté.

       Paté of beef and potato.

       Imitation paté de foie gras.

       CROQUETTES. ————————

       Chicken Croquettes.

       Beef Croquettes.

       Venison or Mutton Croquettes.

       Fish Croquettes.

       Croquettes of Lobster or Crab.

       Croquettes of Game.

       Veal and Ham Croquettes.

       Hominy Croquettes.

       Potato Croquettes.

       Rice Croquettes.

       Cannelon of Veal.

       Cannelon of Beef

       A Pretty Breakfast Dish

       SWEETBREADS. ————————

       Brown Fricassee of Sweetbreads. (No. 1.)

       Brown Fricassee. (No. 2.)

       White Fricassee of Sweetbreads.

       Larded Sweetbreads Stewed.

       Larded Sweetbread—Fried.

       Broiled Sweetbreads.

       Roasted Sweetbreads.

       Sweetbreads Sautés au Vin.


       Fried Kidneys.

       Toasted Kidneys.

       Kidneys Stewed with Wine.

       Broiled Kidneys.

       Stewed Kidneys.

       Kidneys à la Brochette.

       HASTE OR WASTE? ————————


       Calf’s Liver à l’Anglaise .

       Calf’s Liver au Domino .


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