A System of Pyrotechny. James Cutbush

A System of Pyrotechny - James Cutbush

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with art and an air of mystery, has been very successfully employed.

      The phantasmascope of Walker is similar to the phantasmagoria. It is an optical machine, which presents a door that opens itself. The apparatus is so contrived, that, on opening the door, a phantom makes its appearance, having all the colours of a picture, which approaches the spectator. Various figures may be accurately represented.

      We will not enlarge on this subject, although many other instances of tricks, performed by means of fire, &c. might be noticed. We will merely remark:

      1. For the performance of these exhibitions, the ancient, as well as the modern jugglers, of all descriptions, employed, and were acquainted with sundry mixtures, and compositions, by the use of which, they deceived the people; and some pretended to possess supernatural agencies. Of these compositions, with many of which we are unacquainted, we have enumerated some, and their effects. That of producing a callosity of the skin, &c. by means of acids, is an example.

      2. That they possessed, as a trade or profession, the arts of deception. Not only by the use of chemical preparations, but by other means, they pretended to work miracles in the dark ages of science. However degraded these persons may seem, they yield in vice to another class, who practised the art of poisoning, and who kept it so profound a secret, that few then understood the effect of the now common, vegetable, and mineral poisons. Who could have been more infamous than the celebrated female poisoner, Tophania?

       Table of Contents


       Sect. I. Of Nitrate of Potassa, or Saltpetre.

      Nitrate of potassa, nitre, or saltpetre, is composed, as its name expresses, of nitric acid, and potassa. When pure, it contains, according to Kirwan, potassa 51.8, nitric acid 44, and water 4.2 in the hundred. This salt, when pure, or even mixed with other saline substances, is recognised by placing it on hot coals. Slight detonations, and a hissing noise, with a vivid combustion take place. It is also decomposed by sulphuric acid, and the nitrous vapour is apparent from its smell and colour.

      Nitrate of potassa crystallises in six-sided prisms, terminated by six-sided pyramids. Its specific gravity is 1.933. Its taste is sharp and cooling. One part is soluble in seven parts of water, at the temperature of 60 degrees, and in rather less than its own weight of boiling water.

      It melts in a strong heat, and by cooling congeals into an opaque mass, called crystal mineral, or sal prunelle.

      Exposed to a red heat, it disengages oxygen gas, and passes to the state of a nitrate; at a higher temperature, this is decomposed, and oxygen, azote, and a portion of nitrous acid, which has not been decomposed, are evolved. What remains is potassa. When projected on ignited coals, it burns brilliantly. Detonation also ensues by mixing nitre and charcoal, and throwing the mixture into a red-hot crucible. The residuum is carbonate of potassa. Fourcroy (Système des Connoissances Chimiques, Tome iii, p. 124.) observes, that metals, with nitrate of potassa, will decompose this salt, and produce different coloured flame, extremely brilliant, on which account such substances are used in fire-works.

      The alchymists believed, they could obtain, from nitre, a liquor, which would constitute, with other substances, the philosopher's stone. The clyssus of nitre, they imagined, possessed wonderful properties. The decomposition of nitre by charcoal, they effected in two ways, viz. by submitting the mixture to the action of heat in a crucible, or, otherwise in an earthen or iron retort. In the latter case, they collected a fluid, principally water, containing some carbonic acid, and the aeriform product they suffered to escape. The residue they named nitre fixed by charcoal, or, the extemporaneous alkali of nitre. When, in the place of charcoal, a mixture of sulphur and nitre was projected into a red-hot crucible, they obtained a saline substance, to which they gave the name of sal polychrest. This is the same as vitriolated tartar, or sulphate of potassa, and is that salt which is formed in the distillation of nitric acid from nitre, and sulphuric acid. The crystal mineral, of some of the old pharmacopœias, was nothing more than nitrate of potassa fused with a portion of sulphur, and, therefore, a mixed salt, consisting of nitrate and sulphate of potassa.

      Nitrate of potassa, distilled with half its weight of sulphuric acid, furnishes nitric acid, or concentrated spirit of nitre. This, diluted with about an equal weight of water, forms the aqua fortis of the shops.

      A mixture of nitre and phosphorus, if struck with a hammer, produces a violent detonation. Nitre oxidizes all the metals at a red heat, even gold and platinum.

      Nitre and sulphur, thrown into a red-hot crucible, produces an instantaneous combustion, accompanied with a great disengagement of light and heat. Sulphurous acid gas, with sulphuric acid, is produced.

      Equal parts of cream of tartar, (supertartrate of potassa,) and nitre, deflagrated in a crucible, form white flux. Two parts of tartar, and one of nitre, treated in the same manner, produce black flux.

      Three parts of nitre, one part of sulphur, and one part of sawdust, mixed together, form the powder of fusion.

      Nitre likewise enters into the composition of another fulminating powder, invented by Dr. Higgins. Higgins's fulminating powder is composed of three and a half parts of nitre, two parts of crude antimony, and one part of sulphur. This is used in the same manner as the former.

      Nitre enters into the composition of gunpowder, which we shall notice under a separate head. The proportions of nitre, sulphur, and charcoal, for the formation of gunpowder, which are considered the best, are, 75 parts of nitre, 121/2 of charcoal, and 121/2 of sulphur.

      The new powder of MM. Gengembrie and Bottée, which inflames by percussion, but without explosion, is composed of 21 parts of nitre, 54 parts of chlorate of potassa, 18 parts of sulphur, and 7 parts of lycopodium.

      A mixture of nitre and crude antimony projected into a red-hot crucible, produces a deflagration more or less rapid, forming a composition which is used in pharmacy, and medicine.

      The quality of saltpetre may be determined by a variety of experiments. Fire-workers judge of its quality by the colour of its flame.

      The flame should be white. If it be green or yellow, it is said to be impure.

       Nitric acid, obtained by distilling saltpetre and sulphuric acid, has a powerful effect on inflammable substances. If nitric acid, or in preference, the fuming nitrous acid, be poured on spirit of turpentine, especially if it be old, it will inflame. To succeed, however, in this experiment, a small portion of sulphuric acid is usually added to the nitric acid. As this effect is owing to the facility, with which the acid parts with its oxygen to inflammable bodies, other essential oils, besides turpentine, will have the same effect. If the same acid is poured on finely pulverized charcoal, or on lampblack,

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