An Advanced English Grammar with Exercises. George Lyman Kittredge

An Advanced English Grammar with Exercises - George Lyman Kittredge

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feet (parts of the body) foot (infantry) sail sails (on vessels) sail (vessels in a fleet) head heads (in usual sense) head (of cattle) fish fishes (individually) fish (collectively) penny pennies (single coins) pence (collectively) cloth cloths (pieces of cloth) clothes (garments) die dies (for stamping) dice (for gaming)

       The pennies were arranged in neat piles.

       English money is reckoned in pounds, shillings, and pence.

      78. When compound nouns are made plural, the last part usually takes the plural form; less often the first part; rarely both parts.


       spoonful, spoonfuls;

       bathhouse, bathhouses;

       forget-me-not, forget-me-nots;

       editor-in-chief, editors-in-chief;

       maid-of-honor, maids-of-honor;

       gentleman usher, gentlemen ushers;

       Knight Templar, Knights Templars;

       Lord Justice, Lords Justices;

       manservant, menservants.

      79. Letters of the alphabet, figures, signs used in writing, and words regarded merely as words take ’s in the plural.

       “Embarrassed” is spelled with two r’s and two s’s.

       Your 3’s look like 8’s.

       Tell the printer to change the §’s to ¶’s.

       Don’t interrupt me with your but’s!

       80. Foreign nouns in English sometimes retain their foreign plurals; but many have an English plural also.

      Some of the commonest are included in the following list:12

Singular Plural
alumna (feminine) alumnæ
alumnus (masculine) alumni
amanuensis amanuenses
analysis analyses
animalculum animalcula13
antithesis antitheses
appendix appendices
axis axes
bacillus bacilli
bacterium bacteria
bandit banditti
basis bases
beau beaux
candelabrum candelabra
cumulus cumuli
cherub cherubim
crisis crises
curriculum curricula
datum data
ellipsis ellipses
erratum errata
formula formulæ
genius genii
genus genera
gymnasium gymnasia
hippopotamus hippopotami
hypothesis hypotheses
larva larvæ
memorandum memoranda
nebula nebulæ
oasis oases
parenthesis parentheses
phenomenon phenomena
radius radii
seraph seraphim
species species
stratum strata
synopsis synopses
tableau tableaux
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