Putnam's Phrase Book. Edwin Hamlin Carr

Putnam's Phrase Book - Edwin Hamlin Carr

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      His name was never mentioned by us without the most tender regard

      He has a character of sterling excellence

      He is of consequence in the world

      She is a model of propriety

      There is an indefinable charm about her

      He has an air of businesslike decisiveness

      He is a facile talker

      He is a plain frugal man

      He is untinged by prejudice

      He has a taste for polite conversation

      He discharged his difficult task admirably

      He was actuated by the most laudable motives

      He never fumbles

      He is always in such perfect good humor

      He behaved very handsomely

      He has calm good sense

      He did it with good grace

      He fitted his environment perfectly

      You could not apply to any one better able than he

      He made a most delightful impression

      He is chock-full of fine sentiment

      My heart warms towards him

      He is a person whom I always recall with pleasure


      His letters are full of heartiness

      He has such a kindly and sympathetic spirit

      No one ever displayed a sweeter spirit than he

      He is every whit a man’s man

      He has fine manners

      He acted as one to the manor born

      May his tribe increase

      He impressed me prodigiously

      He has the highest ideals of fine, clean, strong manhood

      She is possessed with the most delicate intuitions

      He possesses a certain suavity of manner

      She is of exceptional personal beauty

      He is above the average in point of conversation

      He took the hugest pains to accommodate us

      There is no more noble and beautiful character than she

      There was something captivating in his manner

      He was eloquent without being declamatory

      You will go a long way before you find a better man

       Table of Contents

      Praise Encomiums

      (Of Things)

      It is rather a fascinating theme

      A message worthy of the widest attention

      There is a certain quaint charm about the——

      Free from fulsome adulation

      A work replete with charm

      It was a palpable hit

      A favorable impression

      Whole-hearted praise

      Giving due meed of praise to——

      Good to look upon

      Beyond praise

      Worthy of all praise

      Isn’t it fine

      I have nothing but praise for it

      It was magnificent

      Of great charm

      Of superlative excellence

      Exceptionally good

      It is highly desirable

      Truly admirable

      Remarkably fine

      A very handsome appearance

      A masterly effort

      Deserving high approval

      In a very commendable manner

      It is superb

      I think it is charming

      Without parallel

      A neat stroke

      It was a grand sight

      A very rare trait

      Most charming manners

      Well worthy of a place in our remembrance

      A most desirable outcome

      Fitting words of felicitation

      The loveliest and most endearing memories of life

      Not the least interesting part of the——

      Exquisitely dainty

      In a truly elegant manner

      The occasion went off beautifully

      In a very handsome manner

      With singular appropriateness

      We shall take new pride in it

      One of the most beautiful things that ever happened to us

      A counsel of perfection

      The never ending charm of——

      A matter of surpassing interest

      It has been well said that——

      It is a high tribute to the——

      A tribute of praise

      Little short of perfect

      A full meed of praise

      In the most handsome terms

      Handsome is that handsome does

      Singularly attractive

      It has the notable merit of——

      It is uncommonly good

      It is quite in keeping with the best traditions

      It is the fashion to talk with pride of——

      I think there is nothing more fascinating than——

      We feel a special pride in——

      It would be all the more delightful if——

      It has novelty and is refreshing

      It is perfectly justifiable

      It is a magnificent achievement

      I know no pleasanter fact than——

      A rare combination of——

      Beyond cavil and criticism

      A fine example of——

      A very signal example of——

      On a fine scale

      Beyond all imagination

      Of exquisite taste

      A most entertaining presentation of——

      Surpassingly fine


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