The Nineteenth and Their Times. J. Biddulph
this country had perhaps beheld for many ages.”[2] The condition of affairs in England, in 1779, was truly alarming. Since the spring of 1775, Great Britain had been striving to subdue her rebellious colonies in America. The war was mismanaged, the Ministry was incapable: the successes gained were barren of results, while serious disasters had been experienced. In March 1778, France, which had long been secretly aiding the rebellious colonies, threw off the mask, and openly espoused their cause. The warlike spirit of the country was roused, and those who would have conceded peace on almost any terms to American demands, refused to consider it at the intervention of France. The French forces however effected nothing of importance during the year; towards the end of it, the probability of Spain joining the coalition against England became known, though the actual declaration of war was delayed till June 1779. The national spirit was now thoroughly roused, but there was great apprehension of invasion. Supplies were freely voted, great additions were made to the naval and military establishments, camps were formed in many places in the south of England, the militia were embodied, and militia camps formed at Cox Heath, Warley, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Chatham, and Aldborough. The most strenuous efforts were made to place the defences of the country on an efficient footing.
In April, the following Letter of Service was addressed to Major General Russell Manners, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2nd Dragoon Guards.
George R. Whereas we have thought fit to order a Regiment of Light Dragoons to be forthwith formed under your Command which is to consist of six troops with four Sergeants four Corporals one Trumpeter one Hautboy and fifty-four private men and horses in each Troop beside the usual number of Commissioned Officers: These are to authorize you by beat of drum or otherwise to raise so many men in any County or part of our Kingdom of Great Britain as shall be wanted to complete the said Regiment to the numbers above mentioned. And all Magistrates Justices of the Peace Constables and other our Civil Officers whom it may concern are hereby required to be assisting unto you in providing Quarters impressing carriages and otherwise as there shall be occasion.
Given this 25th day of April 1779 in the 19th year of our Reign.
By His Majesty’s Command
C. Jenkinson.
To Our Trusty and Wellbeloved Russell Manners Esq.
&c. &c. &c.
On the same day, similar Warrants were issued for raising the 20th and 21st Light Dragoons.
In July, a small Corps of Light Dragoons, known as Lister’s Corps, was raised, and in August, the 22nd Light Dragoons was formed. At the same time, all out pensioners of Chelsea were inspected to see which of them “were fit for garrison or other duty.”
The 19th Light Dragoons were formed by drafts from the 1st and 2nd Dragoon Guards, and the 4th and 10th Dragoons, and encamped at Salisbury; where also were the 11th Light Dragoons. The 15th, 20th, and 21st Light Dragoons were encamped on Lexden Heath near Colchester. On the 9th October 1779, the 19th were inspected by Lieutenant-General James Johnston, when the effective strength was 355 Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates, and 347 horses. The Inspecting Officer reported that the Officers wore scarlet, with silver button holes and green lappels, and “were mostly young genteel men with a good air, and great attention, and tolerable horsemen.” The Non-Commissioned Officers were said to be too tall for Light Dragoons, few of them being under 5 ft. 10 in.
Further orders for recruiting were issued in February 1780, and again in February 1781. Regimental clothing accounts were formidable things in those days, and two years after the Regiment was raised it was found that the clothing money of the men drafted to the 19th Light Dragoons from other Regiments had been paid, for two years, to the wrong person; so the following warrant, directing Major-General Manners to refund, was issued.
“Warrant to make good a deficiency in the Offreckonings of the several Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons within specified from 25th April 1779 to 5th July 1781 out of ye Offreckonings of ye 19th 20th and 21st Regiments of Light Dragoons which were formed by sundry Non Commissioned Officers and Private Men turned over from the said Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons.”
George R.
Whereas we were pleased to direct that our several Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons should be augmented from the 25th March 1778 and also further augmented from 25th August following and Whereas on the 25th April 1779 We were pleased to order three Regts. of Light Dragoons to be formed (out of a proper number of Non Commissioned Officers and Private Men turned over to them from the several Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons as specified in the State hereunto annexed), and whereas in Consequence of this We were pleased to direct that each Troop of our said Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons should from the 25th April 1779, be reduced so as to consist of Two Sergeants, Two Corporals, One Trumpeter, One Hautbois and thirty seven Private Men, and no more besides the usual Commissioned and other Officers, whereby a Deficiency hath arisen in the Assignment of the Offreckoning of each of our said Corps between 25th April 1779 and 5th July 1781 and We having been most humbly besought to grant Our Warrants to make good the said deficiency It appearing that the several Colonels above mentioned did turn over the Non Commissioned Officers and Private Men (Specified against each of their names in the State annexed) fully clothed and appointed according to our Regulations, Our Will and Pleasure therefore is that out of the Offreckonings arising on the Establishment of each of the new Corps specified in the annexed State and directed by our Warrant of the 29th March 1781, to be retained in your hands, you do pay from time to time to the said several Colonels or their Assigns the Amount (as the same hath or shall become payable according to the custom of the Service) of the Offreckonings of the Non Commissioned Officers and Private Men turned over to the New Corps that have accrued from 25th April 1779 to 5th July following as also that shall accrue from 6th July 1779 to 5th July 1781, in full satisfaction of the Claims of the said several Colonels of Our said Regiments of Dragoon Guards and Dragoons for the deficiency on their respective Assignments already passed by them up to 5th July 1779 and 5th July 1781, And for so doing &c. Given &c. this 20th day of June 1781 in the 21st Year of our Reign.
By His Majesty’s Command
C. Jenkinson.
“State of the numbers of Non Commissioned Officers and Privates the amount of whose Offreckonings, from 25th April 1779 to 5th July following, as also from 6th July 1779 to 5th July 1781 are to be paid over from the three new Regiments of Light Dragoons.”
From Major General Russell Manners’ 19th Regiment of Light Dragoons as follows Viz:
Serjts. | Corpls. | Ptes. | |
To the 1st Regt: of Dragoon Guards Assignees of late Gen. John Mostyn | 6 | 6 | 78 |
2nd Dragoon Guards Lord Viscount Townshend’s | 6 | 6 | 84 |
4th Dragoons Lieut: Gen: Carpenter’s | 6 | 6 | 84 |
10th Dragoons Assignees of late Sir John Mordaunt | 6 | 6 | 60 |
———————— | |||
Total to be paid out of Major Gen: Manners’ Offreckonings | 24 | 24 | 306 |