The Mysteries of All Nations. James Grant

The Mysteries of All Nations - James  Grant

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Serpent—Cain's Departure from the true Worship—Worship of the Sun, Moon, and Stars—Strange Story of Abraham—The Gods of Antiquity—Ether, Air, Land, and Water filled with living Souls—Guardian Angel—Cause of the Flood—Magic—How the Jews deceived the Devil—A Witch not permitted to live—Diviners, Enchanters, Consulters with familiar Spirits, and Necromancers proved a Snare to Nations—Charms worn by the Jews—Singular Customs and Belief—Prognostication—Allegorical Emblems—Marriage Customs—Ceremonies at Death and Burials—Divination among all Nations—Observers of Times—Opinion concerning the Celestial Bodies—Power of Witches—Wizards—Necromancers' Power to call up the Dead1

       CHAPTER II.

       Men endowed with Prophetic Spirits—The Jews forbidden to consult the Oracles of the Heathen—Schools of Prophets—Influence of Music—The Prophetic Mantle—Way Revelations were made—Bath Kol—Urim and Thummim—False Prophets Strangled or Stoned—Diabolical Art—Moloch—Seething a Kid in its Mother's Milk—The Smooth Stones mentioned by Isaiah—Sheep-head and Sheep-head Broth—Casting Sins into the Sea—Fasting among the Pharisees—Dust of Heathen Countries—The number 10—Angels that had the Care of Men—Predictions by Hebrew Women—Punishment in the Grave10


       Egypt steeped in Superstition—Power of Magicians—Obtaining Visions—Demons—Departed Heroes—Gods and Demi-gods—Altars or Living Stones—Sacred Animals—Isis searching for Osiris—Leeks and Onions—Priests, Physicians, and Interpreters of Oracles—Sacrificing Human Victims—Wax Figures—Magic—Teaching of the Egyptian Priests—Transmigration14

       CHAPTER IV.

       Babylon—The Chaldeans—Downfall of Babylon predicted—Worship of the Medes and Persians—Sacred Fire—The Gaures—Births and Deaths in Early Times—A Narrow Bridge—An Immense Tree—Creation of Prophets—A Stone to which Abraham tied his Camel—Adam and Eve's Trysting Place—Black Art—Ways of discovering whether a supposed Criminal was Guilty or Innocent—Looking into Futurity—Canaanites, Syrians, and Arabians—Strange Fables—Abraham breaking Heathen Idols—Altars—Religion of the Carthagenians and Tyrians—Supremacy of the Gods20

       CHAPTER V.

       Greek Religion and Superstition—Jupiter regarded as the President of the Law and Protector of Cities—Dreams and Charms—Sacred Stones—Omens of Evil—Sacrificing the Hair—Flight of Birds—Compassing the Altar to the Right—Love secured by Magic—Marriage Ceremonies—Way of protecting a Child from Evil Spirits—Divers Magical Ceremonies—Laws as to Dead Bodies—Fingers and Toes of Dead Men worn as Charms—Preparing a Body for Burial—Swine and Swine's Flesh—Drinking Toasts—Prophets consulted before Armies marched to Battle—Certain Words avoided—Sneezing—Evil Omens—Throwing a Person overboard to save a Ship26

       CHAPTER VI.

       Roman Delusions and Customs—Tokens of Futurity—Drawing of Lots—Events foretold by reading the first passage that turned up on opening a Book—Lucky and Unlucky Stars—Fortune-tellers—Dreams—Omens drawn from the Appearance of parts of Animals offered in Sacrifice—Sibylline Books, Charms, and Incantations—Spirits observers of Men's Actions—Unlucky Days—Dress of a Bride—Anointing Door-posts and crossing the Threshold—Fire and Water—Bridal Feast and Nuptial Songs—Funeral Rites—Souls of Unburied Persons—Customs at a Deathbed, and Funeral Observances—Hobgoblins—Purifying with Water and Fire—Appeasing the Manes—Dead Bodies used for Magical purposes34


       Ethiopian Superstition—Heathen Indian Gods—Superstitious Observances at Marriages—Disposal of Dead Bodies—Different Degrees of Glory after Death—Reverence for the Cow—Detecting Criminals—Addressing Oracles—Astronomy—Eclipse of the Moon—Magic—John Gondalez39


       Wizard and Man-tiger—Man-lion—Sacrificing Children—Offerings to the Ganges—A Rajah offering himself as a Sacrifice—Various Superstitious Ceremonies—King's Wives and Retainers going with the Dead Monarch into another World—An eternal Succession of Worlds—Apes supposed to have Human Souls—Worshipping Demons—Drinking Blood—Prognosticating from the Cries of Beasts—Witchcraft and Magic—Singular Opinions and Customs—Foretelling Future Events at the New Moon—Discovering a False Swearer—Offerings to the Sea and Winds—Superstition in China—Superstition in Japan48


       Classification of Gods and Goddesses—Primeval Parent Chaos—Creation—Influence of Ether—Celestial Fire—Birth and Banishment of Cupid—Fate—Eternal Decrees—Throne of Jove—Fortune and Happiness—Misfortune and Misery—Rewards and Punishments—First Man and Woman—Pan the Emblem of all Things—Power of Heathen Gods—Descriptions of Juno—Venus the Goddess of Love and Beauty—Rustics turned into Frogs—Vulcan—Æolus—Momus the Jester—The Carping God59

       CHAPTER X.

       Satyrs described—Diana's Retirement—Pallas, the Goddess of Shepherds—The vile Flora—Pomona deceived—Nymphs—River Gods and Goddesses—Sirens—Witch Circe—Infernal Deities—Passage to Tartarus—Palace of Pluto—Judges of Hell—Goddesses of Destiny—Furies—Night, Death, and Sleep—Tartarian Regions—Delights of the Elysian Fields—Festivals of Heathens—Sacrifices to Deities—Things sacred to Gods65

       CHAPTER XI.

       Achilles—Taking of Troy—Acrisius's Daughter—Danae and her son Perseus—Ardea changed into a Bird—Pluto's Invisible Helmet—Minerva's Buckler—Mercury's Wings—Medusa deprived of Life—Sea Monster—A Gorgon's Head—Stheno and Euryale—Minerva's Revenge—Serpents and Pegasus produced by Medusa's Blood—Tales by the Daughters of Minyas—Punishment by Bacchus—The Search of Cadmus for his sister Europa—Halcyon's Sorrow—Transmigration—Exploits of Hercules—Love Potion—Hymen—Jason's Adventures—Power and Cruelty of Medea—How a Favourable Wind was procured—Manner in which Orion came into Existence—False Swearer punished—Palladium—Deeds of Paris—Golden Apple—Marriage of Peleus and Thetis—Impiety of Pentheus—Rhea and her Sons—Scylla turned into a Sea Monster71


       Mythology of Germany, Great Britain, and Scandinavia—The world Niflheim—The world Muspelheim—How Ymir was created—The cow Aedhumla—Ymir's Offspring—Odin, the chief God—Valhalla—Queen Frigga—How the Seas, Waters, Mountains, and Heavens were made—Chariots and Horses in Heaven—Night and Day—Evil-disposed Maidens—Creation of New Beings—Bridge between Midgard and Asgard—Sacred Fountain—Roots of the ash Yggdrasil—Baldur's Dreams and sad End—Loki, the Evil Spirit—Hel and her Brothers—Worship

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